SQABasic "StepDriver" Library


      Application-independent driver for data driven automation with SQA.
      Used in conjunction with CycleDriver and SuiteDriver.
      The three driver routines form the primary data-driven engine for test

      StepDriver is the primary GUI driver, exercising the AUT and verifying
      AUT status and data via lists or tables of user-defined instructions.
      The format of these instructions is easy to understand, is AUT
      independent, is automation tool independent, and can be used as scripts
      for manual testing.  They are generally very short, performing only
      a few simple steps to drive, test, or verify a small piece of a particular
      application state or function.  For example, one table may verify the text
      of a set of controls or window.  Another may check that particular
      menuitems are present and in the proper state.  Another may activate a
      particular control and ensure the AUT responded accordingly.

      SuiteDriver is the mid-level driver whose
      data tables are generally user-defined lists of StepDriver tables.
      Here the simple StepDriver tables are linked together to form more
      complex sets of tests.  Each Suite might test an entire area of functionality
      for a given AUT.  For example, there may be a Suite to test the entire Reports
      section of an app, another to fully test Data entry.

      CycleDriver is the highest level driver whose
      data-tables are generally lists of Suites to provide the SuiteDriver.  Thus
      this defines the total test for the AUT through the data-driven engine.
      Since CycleDriver is the highest level of data-driven automation, it is generally
      invoked by a Robot Script which has been setup to perform a particular Test
      Cycle.  For example, there may be an Integration Test Cycle, a Systems Test Cycle,
      a Build Verification Cycle, a Regression Test Cycle, as well as versions of these
      for different versions of the AUT.


          Each command line or record in the provided filename represents the
          start of a new record/command/entry.

          It is possible for a single command to use multiple lines if its syntax
          or implementation provides that capability.  This routine, at this time,
          expects the information it needs to reside on the current command line.

          Blank Lines are ignored.

          For each valid record:

          Field #1:   Represents one of the StepDriverRECORD TYPES.
          Remaining Fields (2-N) are interpreted based on the StepDriver RECORD TYPE.
          Consult the various routines of this driver to determine the format
          and number of fields needed for each StepDriver RECORD TYPE.

          If Field #1 is empty, the entire record is skipped.

          If Field #1 contains an entry other than a known record type, we
          will assume it is the name of a runnable Robot script and will attempt
          to execute it.  This is called IMPLIED SCRIPT EXECUTION.
          See DDECallScript for more information
          on running scripts from within the DDE.

          Comment Lines begin with a comment delimiter(s) RECORD TYPE.
          (Generally, ['] and [;] will be treated as comment lines as well as
           and record whose first field is empty.)

          All fields not containing variables (see below) within a record can
          be enclosed in quotation marks to help visually delimit field.

          Valid record fields can be used to set and receive variable values
          that can be used for the current table and any subsequent tables.
          Where a field is used to set a value it is also immediately replaced
          by that value for immediate use.  Variables are references by immediately
          preceding their names with a caret (^).  The symbol must be the first
          non-whitespace character in the field. Variable references cannot reside
          inside of quotation marks or they will be left as literal strings.

          It is important to note that a field that is replaced by a variable's
          value will be enclosed in quotes.

          See DDVariableStore for more information on the use of variables in
          these data tables.  Specifically, DDVSubstituteVariables and


      ' Data Table Sample
      ' Some StepDriver Record Types:
      ' B = Define a Named Block within the file
      ' C = StepDriver Command
      ' S = SKIP this Record
      ' T = Perform a ComponentFunction action or test

      c, Version , "1.0"
      c, SetApplicationMap , "AppMap.map"
      c, LaunchApplication , MyApp , "C:\SomeDir\MyApp.exe", , , "AppMap.map"
      c,    WaitForGUI     , LoginWindow , LoginWindow , 30

      ' Do some LoginWindow tests here....
      t, LoginWindow , UserIDField , VerifyProperty , "Text" , "userid"
      t, LoginWindow , UserIDField , SetTextValue   , ^USER = "MyUserID"
      t, LoginWindow ,   OKButton  ,   Click

      t, MainWindow  , MainWindow  , VerifyProperty , "Caption", ^USER

      A user or developer would normally only call the SDStepDriver
      routine.  This is the entry point used by SuiteDriver to
      perform data-driven automation.
      All other routines are called by the Stepdriver routine as required.
      (Some multi-line test commands may eventually call SDGetLineInput.)

               ****       ****        ****        ****        ****
      SQARobot must be configured to "Continue Execution" upon Script Command
      Failures in order for this to work properly.  Where appropriate we set
      flags and status to recognize, report, and work with these failures.
               ****       ****        ****        ****        ****

Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

   Sub   OptimizeStepDriver      BasicLib StepDriver                    
   Sub   SDStepDriver            BasicLib StepDriver                    
Function SDGetLineInput          BasicLib StepDriver                    
   Sub   SDTryRobotJ             BasicLib StepDriver                    
   Sub   SDTrySelenium           BasicLib StepDriver                    


'  Step Driver MODES
Const SDStandAloneMode      = DDU_STAND_ALONE_MODE    'script called
Const SDSuiteDrivenMode     = DDU_DRIVEN_MODE         'driver called

'  StepDriver RETURN CODES
Const SDNoScriptFailure       = DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE
Const SDScriptWarning         = DDU_SCRIPT_WARNING
Const SDGeneralScriptFailure  = DDU_GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE
Const SDInvalidFileIO         = DDU_INVALID_FILE_IO
Const SDScriptNotExecuted     = DDU_SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED

'  StepDriver RECORD TYPES
Const SDCOMMENT_BLOCK_DELIMITER = DDU_COMMENT_BLOCK_DELIMITER   'Used to mark the start/end of comment block
Const SDCOMMENT_DELIMITER       = DDU_COMMENT_DELIMITER    'Used to mark a comment line within a block
                                          '(A single quote by itself will also work)
Const SDBLOCKID               = DDU_BLOCKID
Const SDTEST_STEP             = DDU_TEST_STEP

'newer driver commands may not appear here because they are implemented
'more globally in DDUtilities for ALL the drivers.


Const SDCALL_STEP             = DDU_CALL_STEP


Const SDWAIT_FOR_GUI                 = DDU_WAIT_FOR_GUI

Const SDPAUSE                   = DDU_PAUSE



'POPUP MENU CONSTANTS for PopupMenuFunctions.


'                    (to AUStatusInfo)
Global StepDriverInfo As AUStatusInfo    'status of overall test 
'                        (to AUGUIInfo)
Global StepDriverTestInfo As AUGUIInfo   'info for component tests

Global SDFieldSeparator As String   'current StepDriver field separator (for files)

User-Defined Types


Routine Details

    Sub OptimizeStepDriver( optimize as Integer )



      optimize    'false' will disable new performance enhancements.  At this
                  time we have disabled the populating of the following
                  properties in the StepDriverTestInfo (AUGUIInfo):


                  These are not currently used in our internal code and only
                  need to be populated for custom scripts and commands.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 28, 2005

      APR 28, 2005    Original Release

    Sub SDTryRobotJ()


     Routine checks the availability of RobotJ and will attempt one initial
     time to launch it if it is not running.

     Once RobotJ is running; or if it was already running; then the current
     Step level record is sent to RobotJ for execution.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: NOV 14, 2003

      NOV 14, 2003    Original Release
      DEC 15, 2003    (CANAGL) Added AutoLaunch of RobotJ if able

    Sub SDTrySelenium()


     Routine checks the availability of Selenium and will attempt one initial
     time to launch it if it is not running.

     Once Selenium is running; or if it was already running; then the current
     Step level record is sent to Selenium for execution.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 13, 2007

      APR 13, 2007    Original Release

  Function SDProcessTestRecord () As Integer


      At this point the Driver has determined we are dealing with a Test Record.
      A Test Record is one acting on a window or a component within a window.

      Field #1:   The TEST record type (T).

      Subsequent fields would be as follows (with a separator between each field):

      Field:  #2            #3          #4          #5 - N
      ==============  ==============  ========  ===============

      WINDOWNAME is the name given the window in the appmap that you intend to
      have focus for this test step.

      COMPONENTNAME is the name of the component within that window you intend
      to perform some function or test on.  If it is the window itself then
      the COMPONENTNAME should be the same as the WINDOWNAME.

      ACTION is the command or test you wish to perform.  Different types of
      components support different types of actions.  Almost all support some
      versions of VERIFY actions.  Pushbuttons can be CLICKed etc... Consult
      each Component's TYPE or CLASS documentation for the actions available for
      the component.

      PARAMETER(s) are the additional fields needed based upon the action to
      be completed.  Each action can have its own unique set of parameters.
      Some actions may take no parameters at all.  Consult the component's
      TYPE or CLASS documentation for the parameters needed for a given action.

      Although the separator used in the example above is a comma, any separator
      can be used as long as it is specified at the time the file is provided or
      in subsequent command lines which might change the separator in use.
      (Currently, changes are limited to a per file bases, but per line changes
      will be easy to implement when the need arises.)

      The test record is processed out to functions according to the "Type" of the
      component in the record.  Thus, components of Type=Window are sent to
      WindowFunctions and components of Type=Pushbutton are sent to PushbuttonFunctions.
      Currently, some Types of Generic, Other, and other oddities are processed out
      to Window or GenericObjectFunctions.  This will allow some property verifications
      and maybe some image testcases but probably not too much else.

      Some special handling occurs for certain Java components.
      In the event the compType, compModule, and compClass are ALL "Unknown"; we
      perform a check to see if "Java" appears anywhere in the recognition method
      provided by the user for the component.  If it does, then we attempt to
      extract the component type out of the recognition method using the last
      "Type=" part of the string.  If this is successful, we will then set
      the compType to that component type and set the compModule to "Java".
      This enables us to try and process Java components to the correct
      ComponentFunction even though Robot does not seem to properly recognize
      the type of component it is dealing with.

      Popup menus are not of a real Component Type.  The action commands
      for Popup menus are intercepted here and routed to the PopupMenuFunctions
      without doing the normal processing and verification of window and child
      objects.  This is required due to the special nature of Popup menus and
      how they are handled by the operating system.

      The same holds true for DatabaseFunctions.  They are intercepted here and
      routed accordingly. (BETA)

      A user or developer would not normally call this routine.  This
      routine is intended to be called from the StepDriver routine as
      deemed necessary by the input records of the data table provided to
      the StepDriver routine.  The internals of this routine and the declaration
      and parameters are all subject to change as necessary.


      (none) Uses all the info within Global structures.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 19, 1999

      JUL 19, 1999    Original Release (no functionality)
      JUL 21, 1999    (CANAGL) Added true functionality
      JUL 27, 1999    (CANAGL) Added Calls to Component Functions
      SEP 03, 1999    (CANAGL) Global DDRecordFieldSeparator no longer used.
      MAR 22, 2000    (CANAGL) Increased window search time and made the
                               search for the component more accurate.
      APR 10, 2000    (CANAGL) Move reset of StepDriverTestInfo to SDStepDriver
                               to accomodate other commands which may also
                               need that structure reset.
      JUL 17, 2000    (CANAGL) Added HTMLImage and HTMLLink support.
      AUG 08, 2000    (CANAGL) Added POPUP menu processing.
      JAN 28, 2001    (MPH-PHASYS) Added GraphicControl support
      FEB 26, 2001    (CANAGL) Added HTMLTable support and special Java processing
      MAR 19, 2001    (CANAGL) Added DatabaseFunction processing (BETA).
      MAY 01, 2001    (CANAGL) Added HTMLDocument support.
      MAY 17, 2001    (CANAGL) Added test for Taskbar to bypass Windows Exist VP.
      OCT 01, 2001    (CANAGL) Enabling DEBUG MODE.
      APR 30, 2002    (JCRUNK/CANAGL) Enabled ComboEditBoxFunctions.
      OCT 01, 2002    (DCOEN)  Enabled HTML Functions.
      NOV 06, 2002    (YWANG)  Bypass Window/GUI verification for test commands
                               VerifyFileToFile, VerifyTextFileToFile, & VerifyBinaryFileToFile
      NOV 26, 2002    (jaimbr) Bypass Window/GUI verification for test command VerifyValueContains
      JAN 15, 2003    (CANAGL) Added JavaTreeFunctions and JavaTableFunctions
      JAN 22, 2003    (CANAGL) Added JavaMenuFunctions
      JAN 28, 2003    (CANAGL) Added DDU_DELETE_DB_TABLE_RECORDS to GUI BYPASS commands
      FEB 18, 2003    (bnat)   Added Toolbar Functions.
      JUN 12, 2003    (bnat)   Added GUI BYPASS commands DDU_EXEC_SQL_QUERY,
                                                 DDU_GET_DB_TABLE_COLUMN_COUNT, DDU_GET_DB_TABLE_ROW_COUNT
                                                 and DDU_GET_DB_VALUE.
      SEP 12, 2003    (bnat)   Added DDU_COPY_DB_TABLE_TO_FILE to GUI BYPASS commands
      SEP 16, 2003    (bnat)   Added DDU_COPY_DB_TABLE_COLUMN_TO_FILE to GUI BYPASS commands
      NOV 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Enabled IMPLICIT use of RobotJ Driver Command processing
      JUL 08, 2004    (CANAGL) Added JavaPopupMenu support
      AUG 05, 2004    (Jim Bartos/CANAGL) Added .NET support for Hex Window handles.
      AUG 30, 2004    (REDDY/CANAGL) Send .NET FORM processing to WindowFunctions.
      OCT 29, 2004    (CANAGL) Support empty .compGUIID for "current" object.
      APR 28, 2005    (CANAGL) Additional performance enhancements
      DEC 20,2005     (RDANTONI) Added SelectUnverifiedPopupMenuItem to PopUp Menu Bypass Commands.

  Sub SDStepDriver (filename As String, separator As String,
                    fac As LogFacility, Optional mode)


      Main application-independent driver for data driven automation with SQA.
      This is the routine that the SuiteDriver or other user script or utility
      should call within this library.  All the other routines are called from
      this routine based upon the input records of the provided data table.

      This routine loops through the provided file processing each line or record.


          Each command line or record in the provided filename represents the
          start of a new record/command/entry.
          It is possible for a single command to use multiple lines if its syntax
          or implementation provides that capability.  This routine, at this time,
          expects the information it needs (only the record type) to reside on the
          current command line.

          Blank Lines are ignored.

          For each valid record:
          Field #1:   Represents one of the driver RECORD TYPES.
          Remaining Fields (2-N) are interpreted based on the RECORD TYPE.
          Consult the various routines of this driver and DDDriverCommands to
          determine the format and number of fields needed for each RECORD TYPE.

          If Field #1 is empty, then the entire record is skipped.

          If Field #1 is an unrecognized record type, the Driver will attempt to
          execute it as a Script.  In that case, subsequent fields in the input
          record can contain any parameters or DDVariables the script might want or need.
          See Using DDVariables for more information on this nifty capability!

          Comment Lines begin with a comment delimiter RECORD TYPE--a single quote (').
          Lines whose first non-blank character is a semicolon (;) are also ignored.

      For each line or record, the StepDriverTestInfo structure is reset with
      default values (mostly empty "") and the information pertinent to the current loop.

      The routine does not have a return value since it is a subroutine.
      However, upon exit, the GLOBAL StepDriverInfo will contain all the status
      information available on the results of the call.


      filename    String filename to the data table to use as input.
                  The routine tries to locate the file as if it were a full path.
                  If it doesn't find it then it attempts to locate the file
                  relative to the repository, the project, the project\datapool.

      separator   field separator string to isolate fields within each
                  data table record.
                  If not provided(""), uses last defined separator.
                  If none ever provided then uses a comma (,).

      fac         LogFacility to use for test logging.

      mode        Optional parameter specifying in what mode StepDriver should
                  be running.  By default, StepDriver runs in StandAlone mode
                  and outputs additional test information for each
                  data table it processes.  In a Suite Driven mode this additional
                  information may not be desirable.
                  See Step Driver Modes in the CONSTANTS section
                  for valid StepDriver modes.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 19, 1999

      JUL 19, 1999    Original Release
      AUG 03, 1999    (CANAGL) Added ability to use short filenames with Datapool
      AUG 24, 1999    (CANAGL) Enhanced data file search and Step Driver modes.
      SEP 03, 1999    (CANAGL) Global DDRecordFieldSeparator no longer used.
      APR 10, 2000    (CANAGL) Reset of StepDriverTestInfo here to accomodate
                               the CallScript driver command which CAN perform
      JUN 05, 2000    (CANAGL) Skip lines with a blank Field#1.  Also, allow
                               for IMPLIED CallScript functionality.
      JUL 11, 2000    (CANAGL) Implement StepDriverSTACK
      JUL 20, 2000    (CANAGL) Added support for setting and using variables.
      JAN 21, 2001    (CANAGL) Redesigned reentrancy and the STACK.
      APR 23, 2001    (CANAGL) Removed SDCallScriptMode Global and related constants.
                               Consolidated functionality into DDDriverCommands lib.
      JUN 20, 2001    (CANAGL) Added FlowControl and Error Recovery Handling.
      OCT 01, 2001    (CANAGL) Enabling DEBUG MODES and enhanced expressions.
      OCT 18, 2002    (CANAGL) Added Expected Failure support.
      NOV 22, 2002    (YWANG)  Enabled END DATATABLE log message
      APR 01, 2005    (RDUCHARME) Added logic to support table caching
      Apr 22, 2005    (CANAGL) Update to allow initialization of caching.
      MAY 14, 2005    (CANAGL) Fixed EOF detection for non-cached branching.
      JUN 06, 2005    (CANAGL) Fixed blank field 1 handling to treat as comment.
      DEC 13, 2005    (CANAGL) Added support for safsActiveStep DDVariable.
      FEB 07, 2006    (CANAGL) Added support .statusinfo and BRANCH_TO_BLOCKID return code
      MAR 20, 2007    (CANAGL) Added support to ignore UTF-8 leader characters.

  Function SDGetLineInput(fileref As Integer) As String


      Routine returns the next line from the fileref provided
      and increments the StepDriverInfo.linecount counter.
      The routine returns the line--which is a result of a Line Input #fileref

      All routines which input records from the StepDriver data table should
      call this routine for their line input in order to maintain an accurate


      fileref     Integer from file's OPEN statement.


      String  returned from Line Input statement unmodified.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 23, 1999

      JUL 23, 1999    Original Release
      AUG 24, 1999    (CANAGL) Added (and removed) TestInfo.linenumber inc.
      APR 01, 2005    (RDUCHARME) Added logic to support table caching
      MAY 14, 2005    (CANAGL) Fixed EOF detection for non-cached branching.

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 