SQABasic "StringUtilities" Library


      Utility routines for working with Strings.
      Many of these routines now use an external ActiveX object to provide
      their functionality.  In this way, the functionality is common to
      ANY string processing application on Windows.

      The Class is DDVariableStore.StringUtilities in DDVariableStore.DLL
      This DLL is required and must be properly installed and/or registered
      with the operating system.

Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

Function LTrimWhiteSpace         BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function RTrimWhiteSpace         BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function TrimWhiteSpace          BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function LastInStr               BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetTrimmedField         BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetFixedWidthField      BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetTrimmedFixedWidthField  BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function FindAndReplace          BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetNextNonBlankFieldIndex  BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetNextFieldIndex       BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetNextDelimiterIndex   BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetFieldIndex           BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetFieldCount           BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetFieldArray           BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetLiteralQuotedField   BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetLiteralQuotedRecordField  BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetNonBlankField        BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetQuotedString         BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetTrimmedQuotedString  BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetQuotedField          BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetTrimmedQuotedField   BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetMultiDelimitedFieldCount  BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function GetMultiDelimitedField  BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function ProcessExpression       BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function ProcessFieldExpressions  BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function ConvertHTMLEntities     BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function InitializeRegExp        BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function ConvertHex2Long         BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function RegExpExecute           BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function RegExpTest              BasicLib StringUtilities 
Function RegExpReplace           BasicLib StringUtilities 


Const gEGRP$ = ")"
Const gBGRP$ = "("
Const gQUOT$ = """"
Const gEQ$ = "="
Const gJN$ = "&"
Const gADD$ = "+"
Const gSUB$ = "-"
Const gMUL$ = "*"
Const gDIV$ = "/"
Const gREM$ = "%"
Const gSupportedOperators$   = "=&+-*/%()"
Const gUnsupportedOperators$ = "[]<>!|"
Const gOperatorPrecedence$   = "*/%+-&"
Const lengOperatorPrecedence%= 6



User-Defined Types

Type RegExp
    MatchAll    As Integer
    IgnoreCase  As Integer
    Pattern     As String
End Type

Type RegExpMatch
    FirstIndex  As Long
    Length      As Long
    Value       As String
End Type

Routine Details

  Function LTrimWhiteSpace (source As String) As String


      This routine mimics the SQABasic LTrim$ function but also trims TAB


      source = the string to trim of leading tabs and spaces.


      A new string trimmed of leading tabs and spaces.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 27, 2000

      APR 27, 2000    Original Release
      JUL 22, 2000    Speed Optimization
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function RTrimWhiteSpace (source As String) As String


      This routine mimics the SQABasic RTrim$ function but also trims TAB


      source = the string to trim of trailing tabs and spaces.


      A new string trimmed of trailing tabs and spaces.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 27, 2000

      APR 27, 2000    Original Release
      JUL 22, 2000    Speed Optimization
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function TrimWhiteSpace (source As String) As String


      This routine mimics the SQABasic Trim$ function but also trims TAB
      characters (leading and trailing).


      source = the string to trim of leading and trailing tabs and spaces.


      A new string trimmed of leading and trailing tabs and spaces.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 27, 2000

      APR 27, 2000    Original Release
      JUL 22, 2000    Speed Optimization
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function LastInStr (source As String, match As String,
                      noCase As Integer) As Integer


      This mimics the SQA InStr function only indexes backwards through
      the String.


      source      the string to examine for the last occurrence of match.
      match       the substring to find the last occurrence within source.
      noCase      0 means compare is case-sensitive. 1 means it is not.


      0   on failure or no match found.
          Otherwise returns the index of the last occurrence of the substring
          in the test string.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 29, 1999

      JUN 29, 1999    Original Release
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetTrimmedField(inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                           delimiter As String) As String


      Given an InputRecord of delimited fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field
      in the record.  The index is 1 based.  The field is trimmed of leading
      and trailing spaces and tabs via TrimWhiteSpace.


      inputRecord     string of delimited fields
      fieldID         the one based index of the desired field
      delimiter       the string (>0 characters) that delimits each field.
                      As indicated this can be more than one character in


      A string of the indexed field trimmed of leading and trailing tabs and spaces.
      An empty string ("") is returned if the fieldID is out of range for
      the provided inputRecord or the provided delimiter is invalid.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 29, 1999

      JUN 29, 1999    Original Release
      APR 27, 2000    (CANAGL) Added use of TrimWhiteSpace.
      JUL 22, 2000    (CANAGL) Speed Optimizations and error trapping.
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetFixedWidthField(inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                              fixedwidth As Integer) As String


      Given an InputRecord of fixed-width fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field
      in the record.  The index is 1 based.


      inputRecord     string of fixed-width fields
      fieldID         the one based index of the desired field
      fixedwidth      the fixed width for all fields in the record.


      A string of the fixed-width field.
      An empty string ("") is returned if the fieldID is out of range for
      the provided inputRecord.



 Orig Author: Mark Butler
 Orig   Date: JUN 05, 2002

      JUN 05, 2002    Original Release

  Function GetTrimmedFixedWidthField(inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                              fixedwidth As Integer) As String


      Given an inputRecord of fixed-width fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field
      in the record.  The index is 1 based.  The field will be trimmed of
      any leading and/or trailing whitespace.


      inputRecord     string of fixed-width fields
      fieldID         the one based index of the desired field
      fixedwidth      the fixed width for all fields in the record.


      A string of the fixed-width field trimmed of leading and/or trailing whitespace.
      An empty string ("") is returned if the fieldID is out of range for
      the provided inputRecord.



 Orig Author: Mark Butler
 Orig   Date: JUN 05, 2002

      JUN 05, 2002    Original Release

  Function FindAndReplace(source As String, find As String,
                          replace As String, Optional noCase) As String


      Search the source string for all instances of the find string and
      replace all instances with the replace string.  This is done on a
      copy of the source string.  The routine returns this new string on
      exit.  All strings are treated as case-sensitive unless the optional
      noCase argument specifies otherwise.

      NOTE: the routine can be used to only delete unwanted find strings
      by providing a zero-length ("") replacement string.


      source      the String to copy and do find and replace on.
                  It is not modified.

      find        string to locate for replacement within source.

      replace     string to substitute in place of find string.

      noCase      (optional) if <> 0 then search/compare is case-insensitive.


      New String after FindAndReplace performed.  The input source string
      is not modified.

      If either the source or the find strings are invalid ("") then the
      return value is "".



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 04, 1999

      AUG 04, 1999    Original Release
      AUG 09, 1999    (CANAGL) Changed loop < lensource to <= lensource
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use
      APR 29, 2002    (CANAGL) Added optional noCase argument.

  Function GetNextNonBlankFieldIndex (inputRecord As String, startindex As Integer,
                                      delimiters As String) As Integer


      This function replaces GetNextFieldIndex.
      This routine skips over blank fields looking for the index of the
      first non-blank field.

      The search begins at startindex within the inputRecord.
      The index is 1-based.


      inputRecord     String to search for first non-delimiter character

      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for search in inputRecord

      delimiters      String list of delimiters to find the end of.


      0   on error, invalid parameters, or end of inputRecord reached.
      N   index of first non-delimiter character found.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 14, 2000

      JUL 14, 2000    Original Release
      SEP 28, 2000    (CANAGL) Optimized
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetNextFieldIndex (inputRecord As String, startindex As Integer,
                         delimiters As String) As Integer


      This function has been deprecated.  Use GetNextNonBlankFieldIndex instead.
      The name of this function did not intuitively indicate its purpose.


      inputRecord     String to search for first non-delimiter character.
                      (blank fields are skipped)
      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for search in inputRecord.
      delimiters      String list of delimiters to find the end of.


      See GetNextNonBlankFieldIndex



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 17, 1999

      AUG 17, 1999    Original Release
      JUL 14, 2000    (CANAGL) deprecated in favor of GetNextNonBlankFieldIndex
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetNextDelimiterIndex (inputRecord As String, startindex As Integer,
                                  delimiters As String) As Integer


      Finds the index of the first character matching one of the provided delimiter
      characters.  The search begins at startindex within the inputRecord.
      The index is 1-based.


      inputRecord     String to search for first delimiter character

      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for search in inputRecord

      delimiters      String list of delimiters to find.


      0   on error, invalid parameters, or end of inputRecord reached.
      N   index of first delimiter character found.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 17, 1999

      AUG 17, 1999    Original Release
      SEP 28, 2000    (CANAGL) Optimized
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetFieldIndex (inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                          startindex As Integer, delimiters As String) As Integer


      Finds the index of the nth field within the inputRecord.
      The search and field count begins at startindex within the inputRecord.
      The field and index are 1-based.

      Blank fields count, so finding any one delimiter in our delimiters string
      will indicate the end of a field. The next field starts at the next
      character index even if that char is also a delimiter.

      Field #1 is always the same as startindex--even if the character at
      the startindex position is a delimiter.


      inputRecord     String to search for first delimiter character

      fieldID         Integer (1-based) of field # to find the start of.
                      field #1 begins at startindex regardless of the true
                      start of the inputRecord.

      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for search in inputRecord

      delimiters      String list of delimiters that separate fields.


      0   on error, invalid parameters, or end of inputRecord reached.
      N   index of first character in the specified field.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 14, 2000

      JUL 14, 2000    Original Release
      JUL 22, 2000    (CANAGL) Speed Optimizations
      SEP 28, 2000    (CANAGL) Optimized
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetFieldCount (inputRecord As String, startindex As Integer,
                          delimiters As String) As Integer


      Finds the count of all fields within the inputRecord found from
      startindex to the end of the inputRecord.
      The field and index are 1-based.

      Blank fields count, so finding any one delimiter in our delimiters string
      will indicate the end of a field. The next field starts at the next
      character index even if that char is also a delimiter.
      If the last character in the inputRecord is a delimiter, then the
      field it terminates is the last field in the inputRecord.

      Field #1 index is always the same as startindex--even if the character at
      the startindex position is a delimiter.


      inputRecord     String to count fields beginning at startindex.

      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for field count in

      delimiters      String list of possible delimiters that separate fields.
                      If there are no delimiters, then there is only 1 field.


      0   Indicates bad input (like 0-length inputRecord or a startindex
          greater than the record length).

      N   The number of fields found beginning at startindex.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 19, 2000

      JUL 19, 2000    Original Release
      SEP 28, 2000    (CANAGL) Optimized
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetFieldArray (inputRecord As String, startindex As Integer,
                          delimiters As String, array() As String) As Integer


      Process the inputRecord and fill the provided array with all the
      fields in the record subsequent to startindex.  To process the
      entire inputRecord into an array of fields use startIndex = 1.

      Blank fields count, so finding any one delimiter in our delimiters string
      will indicate the end of a field. The next field starts at the next
      character index even if that char is also a delimiter.  Back-to-back
      delimiters indicate an empty field.

      Fields are extracted unmodified.

      If the last character in the inputRecord is a delimiter, then the
      field it terminates is the last field in the inputRecord.


      inputRecord     String to parse for fields beginning at startindex.

      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for field count in

      delimiters      String list of possible delimiters that separate fields.
                      If there are no delimiters, then there is only 1 field.

      array           String array to populate with the field data.
                      Should be allocated or dimensioned as:

                         Dim array() As String

                      This routine will ReDim the array appropriately.
                      The returned array will be 1-based.  That is, the
                      first element of the array will be at index = 1.


      0   Indicates bad input (like 0-length inputRecord or a startindex
          greater than the record length).

      N   The number of fields returned in the array.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: SEP 28, 2001

      SEP 28, 2001    Original Release

  Function GetLiteralQuotedField (inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                          startindex As Integer, delimiters As String,
                          value as String) As Integer


      Return the nth field from the inputRecord into the "value" parameter.
      Parse the field as a literal quoted string regardless of embedded
      delimiters.  The search and field count begins at startindex within
      the inputRecord.  The field and index are 1-based using GetFieldIndex
      to locate the beginning of the nth field.

      Blank fields count, so finding any one delimiter in our delimiters string
      will indicate the end of a field. The next field starts at the next
      character index even if that char is also a delimiter.

      Field #1 is always the same as startindex--even if the character at
      the startindex position is a delimiter.

      A literal quoted string is defined by a leading double-quote and a
      trailing double-quote irregardless of any field separator currently in
      force.  To include a double-quote within this string two double-quote
      characters must exist with no intervening characters and neither of these
      can be the outermost leading or trailing double-quote.

      The outermost quotes will not be returned as part of the string.
      A leading quote with no field ending quote will return everything
      after the leading quote all the way to the end of the inputRecord.

      Quoted String Examples (assume comma separated record fields):

           Input:"Every day I say, ""Hello."""
          Output:Every day I say, "Hello."
          (note the 3 quotes at the end)

           Input: Enter this: "Every day I say, ""Hello."""
          Output:Every day I say, "Hello."
          (note initial "Enter this: " is discarded)

           Input: Enter this: "Every day I say, ""Hello.""" then exit
          Output:Every day I say, "Hello."
          (note initial "Enter this: " AND trailing " then exit" is discarded)

      Note: Even though the record (not shown) is supposedly a group of comma
      separated fields, this Get routine ignores the comma in the text and
      continues on until the closing quote mark.


      inputRecord     record to extract field from.

      fieldID         Integer (1-based) of field # to find.
                      field #1 begins at startindex regardless of the true
                      start of the inputRecord.  If the field # is not found
                      to exist (due to record length) then it is treated as
                      an empty (optional?) field ("").

      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for inputRecord field

      delimiters      String list of delimiters that separate fields.  This is
                      used to find the start of our field and then ignored.
                      If fieldID = 1 then delimiters can be any string or empty
                      since it will be ignored.

      value           The string that will contain the resulting literal quoted
                      field on exit.  It will be "" if an error is reported in
                      the Integer result or if the field is valid but zero


      0               The function is still considered successful if the field #
                      requested does not exist in the inputrecord (due to record
                      length).  In this case, the index returned will be 0 and
                      "value" will be "".  If the returned index is 0 but "value"
                      is NOT zero length then we processed all the way to the
                      end of the inputRecord.

     +N               The index of the character following the ending quote mark.
                      If we processed the last char in the inputRecord then this
                      index will be set to 0.
                      This can facilitate finding ALL literal quoted fields
                      within a record by using the returned index as the startindex
                      for the next call to this routine and always providing a
                      fieldID of 1.  "value" will contain the literal quoted
                      string on exit.

      -1              Invalid or missing input parameters.
      -2              Field found not a quoted field.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 14, 2000

      JUL 14, 2000    Original Release
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetLiteralQuotedRecordField (inputRecord As String,
                                      fieldID As Integer,
                                      value as String) As Integer


      Return the nth field from the inputRecord into the "value" parameter.
      Parse ALL fields as Literal Quoted Strings using GetLiteralQuotedField.
      This means that anything can separate the fields as long as their is
      at least one non-quote character between the end of one field and the
      beginning of the next.  No characters inside the Literal Quoted Strings
      are treated as delimiters (except the leading and trailing quote that
      identifies the beginning and ending of the field).

      A Literal Quoted String is defined by a leading double-quote and a
      trailing double-quote irregardless of any field separator currently in
      force.  To include a double-quote within this string two double-quote
      characters must exist with no intervening characters and neither of these
      can be the outermost leading or trailing double-quote.

      The outermost quotes will not be returned as part of the string.
      A leading quote with no field ending quote will return everything
      after the leading quote all the way to the end of the inputRecord.

      LiteralQuotedString Examples:

          FIELD #1        FIELD #2            FIELD #3
      ----------------    ----------------    -------------------
      "This, is Field1" : "Then, Field #2" ,, "Lastly, comes Field #3"

      Note the colons and commas between the fields?  They are ignored since
      they are not within a quoted string.


      inputRecord     Literal Quoted String record to extract field from.

      fieldID         Integer (1-based) of field # to find.
                      field #1 begins at index 1 of the inputRecord.
                      If the field # is not found to exist (due to record length)
                      then it is treated as an empty (optional?) field ("").

      value           The string that will contain the resulting Literal Quoted
                      Field on exit.  It will be "" if an error is reported in
                      the Integer result or if the field is valid but zero


      -1              Invalid or missing input parameters.

      See Return Codes from GetLiteralQuotedField for
      other return code values.  Generally, a negative number on failure.
      0 or positive numbers represent success.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 14, 2000

      JUL 14, 2000    Original Release
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetNonBlankField(inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                        delimiter As String) As String


      Given an InputRecord of delimited fields, return the nth(FieldID)
      non-blank field in the record.  The index is 1 based.
      Thus if you have back-to-back delimiters they are ignored and instead of
      returning "" we continue our field search until the nth non-blank field
      is found.
      One example would be fields that are space delimited and multiple (and
      variable numbers of) spaces separate the fields.

      Use SQABasic's GetField when back-to-back delimiters are allowed indicating
      a desirable zero-length (missing) string field.


      inputRecord     string of delimited fields
      fieldID         the one based index of the desired field
      delimiters      the string (>0 characters) that delimits each field.
                      As indicated this can be more than one character in


      A string of the indexed field trimmed of leading and trailing spaces.
      An empty string ("") is returned if the fieldID is out of range for
      the provided inputRecord or the provided delimiter is invalid.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 17, 1999

      AUG 17, 1999    Original Release
      SEP 28, 2000    (CANAGL) Optimized
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetQuotedString (sInput as String) As String


      This routine is used to extract possibly quoted text from within the provided
      text string.  It first trims the input text of any leading or trailing
      whitespace looking for leading or trailing double-quotes.  If the trimmed text
      contains leading or trailing quotes then the routine removes a single leading
      and/or trailing double-quote mark from the text (whichever exist).

      If there are no leading or trailing quote marks then this routine merely
      returns the untrimmed text with all whitespace intact.

      The purpose for this is to allow leading and trailing whitespace to exist
      in a string and extract only the text from within the quote marks (which
      might also include required leading and trailing whitespace).  It also allows
      us to retain leading and trailing spaces on input text not containing leading
      or trailing quote marks (for backward compatibility).

      (Note: that in the examples below the outermost quotes shown on the
      return value are shown only to convey the string start and stop points.
      They are not actually returned as part of the return value.)

               ----------------  returns:-----------------
      Examples:   text field             "   text field"
                 "text field"            "text field"
                     "  text  "          "  text  "

      Quote marks other than the leading and/or trailing quote mark are


      sInput    The input string to trim and extract text from.


      Text trimmed of leading and trailing whitespacespaces but retaining
      whatever exists between a leading and/or trailing double-quote mark.

      Text not containing leading or trailing quote marks (after trimming)
      will be returned unmodified (untrimmed).



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: APR 24, 2000

      APR 24, 2000    Original Release
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetTrimmedQuotedString (sInput as String) As String


      Same as GetQoutedString except that this routine WILL trim leading
      and trailing whitespace in the absence of quotation marks.


      sInput    The input string to trim and extract text from.


      Text trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace but retaining
      whatever exists between a leading and/or trailing double-quote mark.
      Text not containing leading or trailing quote marks (after trimming)
      will be returned merely trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace.

      Note the difference here with GetQuotedString
      which will NOT trim leading and trailing whitespace in the absence of
      quotation marks.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: APR 27, 2000

      APR 27, 2000    Original Release
      JUL 22, 2000    (CANAGL) Speed Optimizations
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetQuotedField(inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                          delimiter As String) As String


      Given an InputRecord of delimited fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field
      in the record.  The index is 1 based.  The field is processed with
      GetQuotedString before it is returned.


      inputRecord     string of delimited fields
      fieldID         the one based index of the desired field
      delimiter       the string (>0 characters) that delimits each field.


      A string of the indexed field processed with GetQuotedString.
      An empty string ("") is returned if the fieldID is out of range for
      the provided inputRecord or the provided delimiter is invalid.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 24, 2000

      APR 24, 2000    Original Release
      JUL 22, 2000    (CANAGL) Added error trapping.
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetTrimmedQuotedField(inputRecord As String, fieldID As Integer,
                          delimiter As String) As String


      Given an InputRecord of delimited fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field
      in the record.  The index is 1 based.  The field is processed with
      GetTrimmedQuotedString before it is returned.


      inputRecord     string of delimited fields
      fieldID         the one based index of the desired field
      delimiter       the string (>0 characters) that delimits each field.


      The processed string of the indexed field.
      An empty string ("") is returned if the fieldID is out of range for
      the provided inputRecord or the provided delimiter is invalid.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 27, 2000

      APR 27, 2000    Original Release
      JUL 22, 2000    (CANAGL) Speed Optimizations
      AUG 16, 2001    Converted to DLL use

  Function GetMultiDelimitedFieldCount (inputRecord As String, startindex As Integer,
                                        delimiter As String) As Integer


      Finds the count of all fields within the inputRecord found from
      startindex to the end of the inputRecord.  The field and index are 1-based.

      Blank fields count The next field starts at the next
      character index even if that char is also a delimiter.
      If the last character in the inputRecord is a delimiter, then the
      field it terminates is the last field in the inputRecord.

      Field #1 index is always the same as startindex--even if the character at
      the startindex position is a delimiter.

      The delimiter string can contain multiple characters and this string is treated
      as a single delimiter.

      For example, if delimiter = "->" then the fields of the inputRecord
      are expected to be delimited by the full delimiter string as in:



      inputRecord     String to count fields beginning at startindex.

      startindex      Integer (1-based) start position for field count in

      delimiter       the string (>0 characters) that delimits each field.
                      As indicated this can be more than one character in
                      length.  The entire string counts as one delimiter.


      0   Indicates bad input (like 0-length inputRecord or a startindex
          greater than the record length).

      N   The number of fields found beginning at startindex.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 16, 2003

      JAN 16, 2003    Original Release

  Function GetMultiDelimitedField (inputRecord As String, fieldID as Integer,
                                   startIndex as Integer, delimiter As String) As String


      Given an inputRecord of delimited fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field
      in the record from startIndex.  The startIndex and fieldID are 1 based.

      The delimiter string can contain multiple characters and this string is treated
      as a single delimiter.

      For example, if delimiter = "->" then the fields of the inputRecord
      are expected to be delimited by the full delimiter string as in:



      inputRecord     string of delimited fields

      fieldID         the one based index of the field to find and return. If < 1
                      then we will use fieldID = 1.

      startIndex      the one-based index within inputRecord to start from. If < 1
                      then we will use startIndex = 1.

      delimiter       the string (>0 characters) that delimits each field.
                      As indicated this can be more than one character in
                      length.  The entire string counts as one delimiter.


      A string of the indexed field.
      An empty string ("") is returned if the fieldID is out of range for
      the provided text or the provided delimiter is invalid.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 16, 2003

      JAN 16, 2003    Original Release

  Function ConvertVariableExpression (expression As String, value as String) As Integer


      Given an expression attempt to locate variable assignment references
      and other operators and process the expressions into a result string.

      Valid operators (default values):

              ^                    '(Caret) Variable Prefix
              =                    'Assignment operator
              "                    'A single Double-Quote mark
              &                    'String concatenate operator
              +                    'Addition operator
              -                    'Subtraction operator
              *                    'Multiplication operator
              /                    'Division operator
              %                    'Modulus/Remainder operator
              (                    'Open Group operator
              )                    'Close Group operator

      Double-quote marks are used to enclose literal text strings or values.


          INPUT:                      OUTPUT:
          ======================      =======================
          "some literal text"         some literal text
          "82"                        82

      To include a double-quote inside a literal text string use two
      double-quote marks with no intervening characters.  These must appear
      inside the outermost quote marks that delimit a literal text string.


          INPUT:                      OUTPUT:
          """some literal text"""     "some literal text"
          "some ""literal"" text"     some "literal" text

      Oddly quoted strings that do not have operators can produce unexpected or
      undefined results.  The results of some of these odd circumstances should
      not be considered reliable and may change as the handling becomes better
      defined in later releases.  To ensure proper results, always properly
      quote input values and use appropriate expression operators.

      Recent Odd Examples (Don't do stuff like this):

          INPUT:  "nothing" "complicated"
          OUTPUT: nothing" "complicated

          INPUT:  "nothing" complicated"
          OUTPUT: nothing" complicated


      Groupings are processed first.  Within groupings, and after all groups
      have been processed, operators are processed in the following order:


      The expression will be trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace on
      entry.  Use double-quote marks (literal text) to retain significant
      leading and trailing whitespace.

      Variable assignment references are identified by a leading caret (^)
      immediately followed by the name of the variable, an equal sign (=),
      and the value to assign to that variable. Whitespace can exist on either
      side of the equal sign.

      Variable names must conform to the ValidateVariableID routine.

      Variable lookups(GET) and assignments(SET) will be done via the provided
      DDVariables or GlobalVariables store.

      If the proposed value is NOT another variable reference then the proposed
      value will be trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace (spaces and tabs).
      And, yes, a variable can be assigned the value of another variable.

      Additionally, if there is text or operators that are not to be considered as
      variables they should be enclosed in double-quote marks.

      Expressions containing groupings but no other legitimate operators may
      produce unexpected results that may not be the same on later versions of
      these routines.

      Recent Odd Examples (Don't do stuff like this):

          INPUT:  Now ( 2 ( groups ) with no quotes).
          OUTPUT: Now "2 "groups" with no quotes".

          INPUT:  "Now " ( "2" ( " groups" ) " with quotes" ) "."
          OUTPUT: Now " "2" " groups" " with quotes" ".

      To ensure proper results, always properly quote input values and use
      appropriate expression operators.


      expression      string expression containing references to variables.
                      This String will not be modified by this routine.  A copy
                      will be created and modified for return.

      value           String to receive the result of the expression processing.
                      This will NOT be modified if the routine exits with error.


       0   successful processing of the expression
      -1   general failure of the routine



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: DEC 07, 2006

      DEC 07, 2006    Original Release

  Function ProcessExpression (expression As String, variableStore as Object) As String


      Given an expression attempt to locate variable assignment references
      and other operators and process the expressions into a result string.

      Valid operators (default values):

              ^                    '(Caret) Variable Prefix
              =                    'Assignment operator
              "                    'A single Double-Quote mark
              &                    'String concatenate operator
              +                    'Addition operator
              -                    'Subtraction operator
              *                    'Multiplication operator
              /                    'Division operator
              %                    'Modulus/Remainder operator
              (                    'Open Group operator
              )                    'Close Group operator

      Double-quote marks are used to enclose literal text strings or values.
      To include a double-quote inside a literal text string use two
      double-quote marks with no intervening characters.


      Groupings are processed first.  Within groupings, and after all groups
      have been processed, operators are processed in the following order:


      The expression will be trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace on
      entry.  Use double-quote marks (literal text) to retain significant
      leading and trailing whitespace.

      Variable assignment references are identified by a leading caret (^)
      immediately followed by the name of the variable, an equal sign (=),
      and the value to assign to that variable. Whitespace can exist on either
      side of the equal sign.

      Variable names must conform to the ValidateVariableID routine.

      Variable lookups(GET) and assignments(SET) will be done via the provided
      DDVariables or GlobalVariables store.

      If the proposed value is NOT another variable reference then the proposed
      value will be trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace (spaces and tabs).
      And, yes, a variable can be assigned the value of another variable.

      Additionally, if there is text or operators that are not to be considered as
      variables they should be enclosed in double-quote marks.

      Expressions containing groupings but no other legitimate operators may
      produce unexpected results that may not be the same on later versions of
      these routines.


      expression      string expression containing references to variables and/or
                      This String will not be modified by this routine.  A copy
                      will be created and modified for return.

      variableStore   A DDVariables or GlobalVariables Object from DDVariableStore.DLL
                      for GETTING and SETTING variable values.  The routine will exit
                      with expression unmodified if the provided Object is valid but is not
                      of one of these types.  If the provided object is not valid,
                      that is: "variableStore is Nothing" then we will process with
                      the local ConvertVariableExpression routine using local
                      DDVariableStore library routines.


      String          A copy of the input string with all expressions processed.
                      Or, the expression unmodified if some error occurred.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: SEP 28, 2001

      SEP 28, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 07, 2006    (CANAGL) Bypass DDVariableStore if SAFS available

  Function ProcessFieldExpressions (inputrecord As String, fieldID as Integer,
                                    delimiters as String, variableStore as Object
                                   ) As String


      Given an InputRecord of delimited fields, send each field--beginning
      with the nth(FieldID) field--through the ProcessExpression function.
      The fieldID index is 1 based.

      To process all fields in the inputrecord the fieldID would be 1.


      inputRecord     string of delimited fields

      fieldID         the one based index of the desired field

      delimiters      the string (>0 characters) that delimits each field.

      variablestore   A DDVariables or GlobalVariables Object from DDVariableStore.DLL
                      for GETTING and SETTING variable values.  The routine will exit
                      with expression unmodified if the provided Object is not
                      of one of these types.


      String          A copy of the input string with all expressions processed.
                      All processed fields will be quoted and re-delimited by the
                      first character in the delimiters string as they are added
                      back into the resulting record.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: SEP 28, 2001

      SEP 28, 2001    Original Release
      JUN 04, 2002    (CANAGL) Quoted ProcessFieldExpressions output.
      DEC 07, 2006    (CANAGL) Bypass DDVariableStore if SAFS available

  Function ConvertHTMLEntities(source As String) As String


      If source string is of type HTML, this function will search for and
      eliminate instances of HTML markup.  This is done on a
      copy of the source string.  The routine returns this new string on
      exit.  All strings are treated as case-insensitive.

      Currently converts:

          "          >
          "          >


      source      the String to seek and convert HTML tags on.
                  It is not modified.


      New String after ConvertHTMLEntities is performed.  The input source string
      is not modified.

      If the source string is invalid ("") then the return value is "".



 Orig Author: Dawn Coen/Carl Nagle
 Orig Date: FEB 11, 2002

      FEB 12, 2002    Original Release

  Function InitializeRegExp( regexp As RegExp, pattern As String, Optional matchall, Optional ignorecase ) As Integer


      Initilaizes the field values of a RegExp.

      Use this function to initialize/reset a RegExp that can be used by other
      regular expression functions.


      regexp      Required. RegExp whose fields are to be populated.

      pattern     Required. Sets the Pattern field of regexp.
                  A String that specifies the regular expression pattern being
                  searched for. Must not be empty.

      matchall    Optional. Sets the MatchAll field of regexp.
                  True (-1) to match all occurrences of pattern in an entire
                  string. False (0) to match only the first one. Default is

      ignorecase  Optional. Sets the IgnoreCase field of regexp.
                  True (-1) to do a case-insensitive search. False (0) to do
                  a case-sensitive search. Default is False.


      0   if successful;
      1   if failed (e.g. pattern is empty). regexp should not be used by
          other regular expression functions in this case.



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: NOV 08, 2002

      NOV 08, 2002    Original Release

  Function ConvertHex2Long(hexString As String) As Long


      Convert a numeric HEX string to a Long value.
      Allowed input formats:

         &h00aaFF  (prefix &h or &H)
         0x00aFF   (prefix 0x or 0X)
         1af       (no prefix)

      Note: No input validation is performed on the input string.


      hexString   the hex string to convert.


      Long decimal equivalent of hex value.



 Orig Author: Jim Bartos ITI
 Orig Date: AUG 05, 2004

      AUG 05, 2004    Original Release

  Function RegExpExecute( regexp As RegExp, source As String, matches() As RegExpMatch ) As Long


      Executes a regular expression search against a specified string.


      regexp      RegExp user type that specifies the regular expression to use.

      source      The text string upon which the regular expression is executed.

      matches     1-based dynamic array of RegExpMatch user type containing a
                  RegExpMatch for each match found in source. This array will
                  ReDim'ed by the function, and previous content will be overwritten.


      Number of matches found in the source string (i.e. the upper bound of matches).
      0 if no match is found; -1 if other errors occured.



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: NOV 08, 2002

      NOV 08, 2002    Original Release

  Function RegExpTest( regexp As RegExp, source As String ) As Integer


      Tests if a regular expression pattern match can be found in a string.


      regexp      RegExp user type that specifies the regular expression to use.

      source      The text string upon which the regular expression is executed.


      True (-1)   if a match can be found;
      False (0)   if no match can be found.



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: NOV 08, 2002

      NOV 08, 2002    Original Release

  Function RegExpReplace( regexp As RegExp, source As String, replacewith As String, Optional modify ) As String


      Replaces text found in a regular expression.


      regexp      Required. RegExp user type that specifies the regular
                  expression to use.

      source      Required. The string in which the text replacement is to

      replacewith Required. The string used to replace the matching text in

      modify      Optional. True (-1) to modify source. False (0) if not.
                  Default is True.


      A copy of source with the matching text replaced with replacewith. If
      no match is found or error occured, a copy of source is returned



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: NOV 08, 2002

      NOV 08, 2002    Original Release

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 