SQABasic "GenericMasterFunctions" Library


      Routines and utilities to work on most objects in Data-Driven Automation.

      Since POPUP menus for ALL component types are handled generically by the
      operating system they are also handled here.

      These routines are not normally called by a user or developer but instead
      are called by the various Component Scripts performing tests based on a
      data table being processed by the StepDriver.  When that script needs
      no special processing of a particular ACTION COMMAND it can call these
      generic routines to perform the job.


      VerifyProperty          'Verify a single property value
      VerifyPropertyContains  'Verify property value contains a string
      VerifyValueContains     'Verify variable value contains a string
      VerifyValues            'Verify two values are identical
      VerifyValuesIgnoreCase  'Verify two values are equivalent, ignoring case
      VerifyPropertyToFile    'Verify a large string property value with a file benchmark
      VerifyClipboardToFile   'Verify clipboard contents with a file benchmark
      VerifyClipboardVP       'Perform a Robot ClipboardVP on clipboard contents
      GUIDoesExist            'Test for the visual existence of a Window or Component
      GUIDoesNotExist         'Test for the visual non-existence of a Window or Component
      AssignPropertyVariable  'Assign a property value to a specific DDVariable
      InputKeys               'Send text to the specified component
      InputCharacters         'Send character(s) to the specified component
      VerifyTabOrder          'Verifies the Tab Order of child components
      VerifyFileToFile        'Performs an ASCII comparison of two files (identical to VerifyTextFileToFile)
      VerifyTextFileToFile    'Performs an ASCII comparison of two files (identical to VerifyFileToFile)
      VerifyBinaryFileToFile  'Performs a binary comparison of two files
      GetGUIImage             'Save the screen shot of a component to a bmp or jpg file
      VerifyGUIImageToFile    'Verify the screen shot of a component with a benchmark bmp or jpg file
      VerifyObjectDataToFile  'Verify object data with a file benchmark
      CaptureObjectDataToFile 'Capture object data into a specified file
      SetPropertyValue        'Set an object's property value

Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

Function GMFIsRecordSupported    BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyProperty   BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyPropertyContains  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyArrayProperty  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyArrayPropertyToFile  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyMenuStructure  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyMenuItem   BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyMenuID     BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericUnimplementedCommand  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyPropertyToFile  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyClipboardToFile  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericAssignPropertyVariable  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericGUIDoesExist     BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericGUIDoesNotExist  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericGetGUIImage      BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyGUIImageToFile  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyFileToFile  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericVerifyValueContains  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
   Sub   GenericSetPropertyValue  BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 
Function FindTabFile             BasicLib GenericMasterFunctions 


Const GENERIC_VERIFY_PROPERTY_COMMAND                 = "VerifyProperty"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_PROPERTY_CONTAINS_COMMAND        = "VerifyPropertyContains"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_PROPERTY_TO_FILE_COMMAND         = "VerifyPropertyToFile"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_CLIPBOARD_VP_COMMAND             = "VerifyClipboardVP"
Const GENERIC_GUI_DOES_EXIST                          = "GUIDoesExist"
Const GENERIC_GUI_DOES_NOT_EXIST                      = "GUIDoesNotExist"
Const GENERIC_ASSIGN_PROPERTY_VARIABLE                = "AssignPropertyVariable"
Const GENERIC_INPUTKEYS_COMMAND                       = "InputKeys"
Const GENERIC_INPUTCHARACTERS_COMMAND                 = "InputCharacters"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_TAB_ORDER_COMMAND                = "VerifyTabOrder"
Const GENERIC_GET_GUI_IMAGE                           = "GetGUIImage"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_GUI_IMAGE_TO_FILE                = "VerifyGUIImageToFile"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_FILE_TO_FILE_COMMAND             = "VerifyFileToFile"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_VALUE_CONTAINS_COMMAND           = "VerifyValueContains"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_VALUES_COMMAND                   = "VerifyValues"
Const GENERIC_VERIFY_VALUES_NOCASE_COMMAND            = "VerifyValuesIgnoreCase"
Const GENERIC_SET_PROPERTY_VALUE_COMMAND              = "SetPropertyValue"





User-Defined Types


Routine Details

   Function GMFIsRecordSupported (library as String,
                                  action as String,
                                  recordType As String) as Integer


  This routine is normally only called by the component function libraries
  themselves.  The user does not normally ever need to call this function.

  This routine will check the XSLComponentActions.MAP file located in the
  DDE_RUNTIME location to check if the given library supports the specified
  action.  If the action is supported, it will also check to see if the
  action supports the specified record type.


  library     The name of the library to check for support.
              For example: "CheckBoxFunctions" or "WindowFunctions".

  action      The action command to check for support.  We are checking to
              see if the provided library supports this action. Example
              actions might be: "Click", "VerifyProperty", or "SetTextValue".

  recordType  The recordType to check for support.  We are checking to see
              if the action in the library supports the record type.
              Example record types might be: "T", "TW", or "TF".

 RETURNS an Integer:

      GENERIC_COMPONENT_ACTION_UNSUPPORTED   The action is not supported by
                                             the provided library.  This generally
                                             means we will use the fall thru
                                             mechanism to see if some other library
                                             implements the action.

      GENERIC_COMPONENT_ACTION_RECORD_UNSUPPORTED   The action is supported, but the
                                                    record type is not.
                                                    (This generally is an error condition.)

                                                  is fully supported by the library.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: DEC 12, 2002

      DEC 12, 2002    Original Release
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.

   Sub GenericVerifyProperty ()


      Routine to verify the value of a property as a String.  The expected
      value is processed via GetTrimmedQuotedString.
      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.
      This command does not support the "TW" record type.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive name of the object property to verify
       6      the expected string value to get from the property
      [7]     (optional) "CASE-INSENSITIVE", "CASEINSENSITIVE", and "FALSE" will
                         cause the routine to ignore case on the comparison.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 27, 1999

      JUL 27, 1999    Original Release
      APR 24, 2000    (CANAGL) Enhanced using GetQuotedField in StringUtilities
      DEC 11, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      NOV 08, 2004    (CANAGL) Support case-insensitive compares.

   Sub GenericVerifyPropertyContains ()


      Routine to verify that the value of a property contains a specified string.
      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.
      This command does not support the "TW" record type.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive name of the object property to verify
       6      the string value to verify the property contains
      [7]     (optional) "CASE-INSENSITIVE", "CASEINSENSITIVE", and "FALSE" will
                         cause the routine to ignore case on the value comparison.



 Orig Author: Jack Imbriani
 Orig   NOV 21, 2002

      NOV 21, 2002    jaimbr Original Release
      DEC 11, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      NOV 08, 2004    (CANAGL) Support case-insensitive compares.

   Sub GenericVerifyValueContains ()


      Routine to verify that a string value contains a specified substring.
      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.
      This command does not support the "TW" record type.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.

      This same routine also supports VerifyValues and VerifyValuesIgnoreCase.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      a string value to check for a substring (or complete match).
              If this value is blank, only a blank substring will match.

       6      the substring (or complete string) to verify preceeding string contains
              A blank substring will ONLY produce a match if field 5
              is also blank.

              VerifyValues requires a complete case-sensitive string in field 6
              since it tests for an exact match.

              VerifyValuesIgnoreCase requires a complete string in field 6 to
              perform the same exact match, but ignores case.



 Orig Author: Jack Imbriani
 Orig   NOV 25, 2002

      NOV 25, 2002    jaimbr Original Release
      DEC 11, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      FEB 07, 2003    (CANAGL) Allow ValueContains to match empty strings.
      AUG 21, 2003    (CANAGL) Added VerifyValues commands.

   Sub GenericAssignPropertyVariable ()


      Routine to assign the string value of a property to a DDVariable.
      Any property value successfully retrieved will be stored as a String

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive name of the object property to extract the String value from.
       6      The name of the Variable to receive the value.  GetTrimmedQuotedField
              will be used to extract the name of the variable.

              Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
              caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
              Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
              substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
              of the variable you wish to use.


          Assigns value of "Text" property to DDVariable ^TextProperty:
              T, window, component, AssignPropertyVariable, Text, TextProperty

          Assigns value of "Text" property to DDVariable ^TextProperty:
              T, window, component, AssignPropertyVariable, Text, "TextProperty"

          Assigns value of "Text" property to DDVariable ^TextProperty:
              T, window, component, AssignPropertyVariable, Text, "^TextProperty"

          Assigns value of "Text" property to DDVariable ^NewTextProperty:

              C, SetVariableValues, ^TextProperty="NewTextProperty"
              T, window, component, AssignPropertyVariable, Text, ^TextProperty



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 20, 2001

      JUN 20, 2001    Original Release

   Sub GenericGUIDoesExist ()


      Routine to verify the existence of a particular window and/or component.
      If the window(Field 2) and component(Field 3) are the same then we only
      check for the existence of the window.  However, if the component is
      actually a child of the window then we first check for the window and
      then check for the component.

      If a Window or Component is HIDDEN, it will be treated as if it Does NOT Exist.
      The item must be VISIBLE to pass.

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.
      This command does not support the "TW" record type.


          T, AWindow, AWindow, GUIDoesExist

          TF, AWindow, AChild, GUIDoesExist





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 20, 2001

      JUN 20, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 11, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.

   Sub GenericGUIDoesNotExist ()


      Routine to verify the non-existence of a particular window or component.
      If the window(Field 2) and component(Field 3) are the same then we only
      check for the non-existence of the window.  However, if the component is
      actually a child of the window then we first check for the existence
      of the window and then check for the non-existence of the component.

      An error will be reported if we are looking for the non-existence of
      a child component, and the window is not found to exist.

      If a Window or Component has simply become HIDDEN, it will be treated
      as if it Does NOT Exist.

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.
      This command does not support the "TW" record type.


          T, AWindow, AWindow, GUIDoesNotExist

          TF, AWindow, AChild, GUIDoesNotExist





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 20, 2001

      JUN 20, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 11, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.

   Sub GenericVerifyArrayPropertyToFile ()


      Routine to verify the values of an array property with values in a
      benchmark file.

      This command supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.

      This command supports the "TW" record type for user configured file
      comparators for which we have no means to automatically verify the

      Note, strings have an inherent length limit of 32K.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Case-sensitive name of the object array property to verify

       6      Benchmark text filename.  Relative paths suitable for FindSQAFile
              can be used.  Normally, the Benchmark file would reside in the
              Project's Datapool\Bench directory.

       7      (Optional) Filter MODE to be used on the retrieved property value.
              This is for future implementations that will allow us to
              filter out dynamic text that we don't want to include in
              comparisons.  This is NOT currently implemented.

       8      (Optional) Filter OPTIONS to be used in conjunction with any
              supplied Filter MODE.  This is not currently implemented.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: DEC 12, 2002

      DEC 12, 2002    Original Release
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.
      AUG 18, 2003    (CANAGL) Mods to allow alternate file comparator tools.
      DEC 12, 2005    (JRUXLOW) Added the ability to handle an array with only one item

   Sub GenericVerifyMenuStructure(hMenu As Long)


      Given a menu handle the routine outputs the full structure
      with status to a file.  It then compares that file with the specified
      benchmark file and sets pass/fail conditions for the test.
      This routine was primarily developed for testing Popup menus, but
      standard menus can also be processed here.

      This command supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.

      This command supports the "TW" record type when the user has configured
      a diff tool for which we have no means to automatically verify the results.
      The command will produce a TEST WARNING when such a tool is used.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the additional
      information it needs to perform its function .

 INPUT PARAMETERS (from the calling module):

      hMenu   The handle to the menu to validate.  This will be provided
              by other routines that retrieve this handle prior to this call.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      name.ext of benchmark file findable by FindSQAFile.
      [6]     Optional expected descriptive text at start of file (first line of bench).
              (If bench has this descriptive text this field is REQUIRED to pass.)
      [7]     optional name.ext to give current structure in repository's
              Datapool\Test directory for compare with benchmark.
              If no name is given then the bench name is used.
      [8]     optional name.ext to store difference information in repository's Datapool\Dif.
              If no name is given then the bench name is used.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 07, 2000

      AUG 07, 2000    Original Release
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.
      AUG 18, 2003    (CANAGL) Mods to allow alternate file comparator tools.

   Sub GenericVerifyMenuItem(hMenu As Long, Optional match)


      Attempts to verify the state information of a particular text string
      menuitem in the given menu.  The menuitem should be specified in the form
      "Menu->Menu->MenuItem   CTRL+V" with the full text (ampersands optional),
      spaces(if any), and keyboard shortcut text (if any).
      (The ampersands precede any character in the menuitem that is underlined.)

      If the optional "match" parameter is provided then partial text matches
      are enabled at each level of the menu hierarchy.  This is only available from
      external function calls (WindowFunctions).  You cannot specify the use
      of partial text matches from within the text table record other than by
      using the appropriate ACTION COMMAND.

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.
      This command does not support the "TW" record type.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the additional
      information it needs to perform its function .

 INPUT PARAMETERS (from the calling module):

      hMenu   The handle to the menu to use.  This will be provided
              by other routines that retrieve this handle prior to this call.

      match   Optional: set to 1 to enable partial text matches of menuItem text.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Menu->MenuItem hierarchy string to identify which menuitem to test.
              This menu hierarchy IS case-sensitive

       6      Expected status string (or part thereof) to verify.
              Ex: "Enabled Checked"         OR  "Disabled Grayed"    etc.
              Each item separated by a space will be evaluated separately so
              the order of the status items does not matter.
              These status items ARE case-sensitive.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 07, 2000

      AUG 07, 2000    Original Release
      APR 30, 2002    (CANAGL) Enabled partial text matches.
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.

   Sub GenericVerifyMenuID(hMenu As Long)


      Attempts to verify the state information of a particular menuitem
      identified by MenuID in the provided menu.  This is generally used when
      the menuitem is a bitmap or other item that does not have text.
      This value can be retrieved from the the menu by index or by manual
      lookup from a menu structure output from MenuUtilities.

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.
      This command does not support the "TW" record type.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the additional
      information it needs to perform its function .

 INPUT PARAMETERS (from the calling module):

      hMenu   The handle to the menu to use.  This will be provided
              by other routines that retrieve this handle prior to this call.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      MenuID to identify which menuitem to test.  This is generally used
              when the menuitem is a bitmap or other item that does not have text.
              This value can be retrieved from the the menu by index or by manual
              lookup from a menu structure output from MenuUtilities.

       6      Expected status string (or part thereof) to verify.
              Ex: "Enabled Checked"         OR  "Disabled Grayed"    etc.
              Each item separated by a space will be evaluated separately so
              the order of the status items does not matter.
              These status items ARE case-sensitive.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 07, 2000

      AUG 07, 2000    Original Release
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.

   Sub GenericVerifyPropertyToFile ()


      Routine to verify the string value of a property to a file benchmark.
      Much like GenericVerifyProperty only the expected value is in a file,
      not in a provided text string.

      Note, strings have an inherent length limit of 32K.

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.

      This command supports the "TW" record type when the user has configured
      a diff tool for which we have no means to automatically verify the results.
      The command will produce a TEST WARNING when such a tool is used.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Case-sensitive name of the object property to verify

       6      Benchmark text filename.  Relative paths suitable for FindSQAFile
              can be used.  Normally, the Benchmark file would reside in the
              Project's Datapool\Bench directory.

       7      (Optional) Filter MODE to be used on the retrieved property value.
              This is for future implementations that will allow us to
              filter out dynamic text that we don't want to include in
              comparisons.  This is NOT currently implemented.

       8      (Optional) Filter OPTIONS to be used in conjunction with any
              supplied Filter MODE.  This is not currently implemented.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: FEB 26, 2001

      FEB 26, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.
      AUG 18, 2003    (CANAGL) Mods to allow alternate file comparator tools.

   Sub GenericVerifyClipboardToFile ()


      Routine to verify the string value of the clipboard to a file benchmark.
      Much like GenericVerifyProperty only the expected value is in a file,
      not in a provided text string.

      The clipboard contents are stored to a file in Datapool\Test with the
      same filename as the benchmark file (usually in Datapool\Bench) and then
      a file compare is performed.

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.

      This command supports the "TW" record type when the user has configured
      a diff tool for which we have no means to automatically verify the results.
      The command will produce a TEST WARNING when such a tool is used.

      The routine expects that the clipboard already contains the contents to
      compare with the benchmark file.  It also expects that Global
      StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information it needs to perform its
      function (like logging).

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Benchmark text filename.  Relative paths suitable for FindSQAFile
              can be used.  Normally, the Benchmark file would reside in the
              Project's Datapool\Bench directory.

      [6]     (Optional) Filter MODE to be used on the retrieved property value.
              This is for future implementations that will allow us to
              filter out dynamic text that we don't want to include in
              comparisons.  This is NOT currently implemented.

      [7]     (Optional) Filter OPTIONS to be used in conjunction with any
              supplied Filter MODE.  This is not currently implemented.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: MAR 16, 2001

      MAR 16, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.
      AUG 18, 2003    (CANAGL) Mods to allow alternate file comparator tools.

   Sub GenericVerifyClipboardVP()


      Performs a ClipboardVP.
      The benchmark VP must already exist and be an asset of the currently
      running script.


      #1    T MainWindow    MainWindow    VerifyClipboardVP  StoredVP
      #2    T MainWindow SomeWindowObject VerifyClipboardVP  StoredVP

      If StoredVP is NOT in the AppMap then a standard VP compare will occur
      with the typical VP parameter value like VP=StoredVP.

      However, if you wish to modify the ClipboardVP parameter values, such as
      specifying that the expected result = FAIL, then you must make an entry
      in the AppMap under the Window or Component name to provide these modified

      AppMap Example for Example #1 above:


      AppMap Example for Example #2 above:



      It is important to note that the WindowID and the ComponentID used to execute
      this command do not have to be valid GUI objects--but they cannot be blank.
      No test for existence or the setting of Context to these IDs is actually
      performed.  But, the Component (field 3) must exist as a section in the AppMap
      if we wish to store modified VP parameter settings.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      name of the pre-existing VP asset stored in the currently running script.
              If the name also exists in the app map under the component then it is expected
              to contain modified parameters for the ClipboardVP.

      The benchmark VP must already exist and be an asset of the currently
      running script.


      #1    T MainWindow    MainWindow    VerifyClipboardVP  StoredVP
      #2    T MainWindow SomeWindowObject VerifyClipboardVP  StoredVP

      If StoredVP is NOT in the AppMap then a standard VP compare will occur
      with the typical VP parameter value like VP=StoredVP.

      However, if you wish to modify the ClipboardVP parameter values, such as
      specifying that the expected result = FAIL, then you must make an entry
      in the AppMap under the Window or Component name to provide these modified



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 27, 2001

      JUN 27, 2001    Original Release

   Sub GenericInputKeys()


      Sends keystrokes to the specified component via SQA's InputKeys command.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      String of keystrokes to send.
              Consult the documentation on the SQA InputKeys command for
              syntax information for special characters and keys.  This
              routine sends the provided string unmodified to the InputKeys
              Note: Only valid for components that accept windows keyboard input



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: Dec 12, 2001

      Dec 12, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 07, 2005    (CANAGL) added standard Window style support.
                      InputChars now shares this same function

   Sub GenericInputCharacters()


      Sends literal text to the active component via SQA's InputChars command.
      The InputChars command does not convert or interpret any special
      characters like InputKeys (InputKeystrokes) does.

      The routine expects that the Window already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      String of keystrokes to send.
              Consult the documentation on the SQA InputChars command.  This
              routine sends the provided string unmodified to the InputChars

              Note: Only valid for components that accept windows keyboard input



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: DEC 12, 2001

      DEC 12, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 07, 2005    (CANGL) Use inputKeys codebase

   Sub GenericVerifyTabOrder ()


      Attempts to verify the tab order of the current object--usually a Window.
      A file is used to store the correct tab order of the interface.

      The file is simply a list of component names in the order we expect to find
      them as we tab through the interface.  Each line in the file will contain a
      single component name.  That can be either the real valid Name given to the
      component by development, or the name for the component from the AppMap.  The
      AppMap name is highly recommended to reduce maintenance of the tab order file.
      Blank lines or commented lines are ignored.  Comment lines begin with
      apostrophe(') or semi-colon(;) characters.

      Example file:

              ;Tab Order Benchmark File
              ;For ClassicC Login Window



      This file would normally be placed in the Datapool\Bench directory.

      The function will verify that the object order in the interface is the same
      object order that is in the file. This is done by checking the FOCUS
      Property of the current object and using the TAB key for navigation.
      Thus, navigation by the TAB key must be supported by the application.

      The routine will only check the tab order for the number of items found
      in the tab order benchmark file.  Thus, the user can perform partial tests
      on different portions of the interface at different times.  Just make sure
      that the item that currently has the focus is the first item in the tab order
      benchmark file when invoking this command.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Filename of the tab order benchmark file. (Ex: LoginWin.TAB)
              This file must be in the normal search path for FindSQAFile
              or the full path must be provided.



 Orig Author: John Crunk & Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: Jan 28, 2002

      Jan 28, 2002    Original Release
      DEC 09, 2005    (CANAGL for RUXLOW) Alt 'Focused' property for .NET

   Sub GenericVerifyFileToFile ( Optional mode )


      Routine to perform a comparison between an actual file and a file benchmark.

      The file to test is stored in Datapool\Test or in a specified location.  The
      benchmark file is stored in Datapool\Bench or a specified location.  Then
      a file compare is performed.

      If a file location is not specified, the routine expects that the Datapool\Test folder
      contains the contents to compare with the benchmark file.  It also expects that Global
      StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information it needs to perform its
      function (like logging).

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.

      This command supports the "TW" record type when the user has configured
      a diff tool for which we have no means to automatically verify the results.
      The command may produce a WARNING if such a tool is configured and used.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      mode    Optional. Comparison mode. 0 for ASCII comparison. 1 for binary
              comparison. If omitted, ASCII comparison is performed.


      This sub routine is used by three test commands: VerifyFileToFile,
      VerifyTextFileToFile and VerifyBinaryFileToFile (VerifyFileToFile and
      VerifyTextFileToFile are identical). Their data table parameters are the

      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Benchmark file. This can be a full path, a relative path, or a
              file name. If it is a filename, it is expected to be in the
              project's Datapool\Bench directory. If it is a relative path,
              FindSQAFile is used to located the file.

       6      Test file. This can be a full path, a relative path, or a file
              name. If it is a relative path or a file name, the command will
              try to find the file in the project's Datapool\Test directory.

      [7]     (Optional) Filter MODE to be used on the retrieved property value.
              This is for future implementations that will allow us to
              filter out dynamic text that we don't want to include in
              comparisons.  This is NOT currently implemented.

      [8]     (Optional) Filter OPTIONS to be used in conjunction with any
              supplied Filter MODE.  This is not currently implemented.



 Orig Author: Dawn Coen
 Orig   Date: SEP 23, 2002

      SEP 23, 2002    Original Release (DCOEN)
      NOV 05, 2002    (YWANG) Added optional parameter mode
                              Changed how actual file is located
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.
      AUG 18, 2003    (CANAGL) Mods to allow alternate file comparator tools.

  Sub GenericGetGUIImage()


      Routine to capture the screen shot of a GUI component and save it to a file.
      The available formats for the output file are BITMAP (*.bmp) and JPEG
      (*.jpg). The routine passes the screen coordinates of the GUI component
      (or part of it) to function CaptureScreenShotToVPImg in the
      ImageUtilities library to capture the screen shot to a .img file. Then
      it uses function ExportVPImgToImageFile to export the .img file to the
      specified BMP or JPG file. Optionally it can capture a specified part
      of the component.

      The specified GUI component/part must be in the viewing range of its
      containing window. If portion of the component is displayed in the
      window, only that portion will be captured; if the component falls
      completely out of the viewing range of the window, the command will
      fail. The routine makes no attemp to bring the component into view.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      NOTE: the command may fail to execute if the user has turned off logging
      to TestManager via the Robot tools setting.  You may have to enable TestManager
      logging for the command to successfully execute.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Path (with filename) to the output image file.
              This can be a full path or a relative path. If relative, the
              function will try to build the full path by appending it to the
              project path. The extension of the file must be either .bmp or
              .jpg. If not, .bmp is appended to this parameter to force a
              BITMAP export.

      [6]     Optional app map subkey indicating partial image of the component to capture.
              Value of this app map reference must be in the format of a
              top-left and bottom-right pair, and can be either absolute
              coordinates or percentages ("x1,y1,x2,y2" or "x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%").
              Coordinates are relative to the component, i.e. (0,0) and
              (0%,0%) are the minimum, and (COMPONENT_WIDTH, COMPONENT_HEIGHT)
              and (100%,100%) are the maximum. Values exceeding the minimun/
              maximum are forced to the nearest limiting value. Absolute and
              percent values can be mixed, so "0,0,50%,50%" is valid. If this
              parameter is omitted, full image of the component is captured
              (equivalent to "0,0,100%,100%").


          Save the full component image to BITMAP file "C:\comp.bmp"
              T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, GetGUIImage, "C:\comp.bmp"

          Save the full component image to JPEG file "\Datapool\comp.jpg"
              T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, GetGUIImage, "Datapool\comp.jpg"

          Save specified part of the component image
              T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, GetGUIImage, "Datapool\Logs\comp.bmp", SUBAREA

              Depending on the definition of SUBAREA in the app map, the command captures:

              ----------------------------    ---------------------
              SUBAREA="0,0,10,10"             top-left 10x10 square
              SUBAREA="0,80%,100%,100%"       bottom fifth



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JUL 17, 2002

      JUL 17, 2002                -Original Release
      OCT 21, 2005    (bolawl)    -Updated displayed Rectangle.right and Rectangle.bottom coordinates in
                                   our output due to a consistent Robot problem of miscalculating those
                                   coordinates based on the proper width & height read from object (RJL).

  Sub GenericVerifyGUIImageToFile()


      Routine to verify the screen shot of a GUI component with a benchmark image file.
      Much like GenericGetGUIImage (same window boundary check applies) only
      the captured and exported image is compared to a benchmark BMP or JPG
      file via DOS command FC. Note that if you have a full screen shot of the
      component as the benchmark, and the actual screen shot is a partial
      image of the component, the command would fail.

      Also note that the type (extension) of the benchmark file determines what
      format (BMP or JPG) the screen shot is exported to. If the extension of
      the benchmark file is not BMP or JPG, it is considered a BMP file. The
      dif file will have a .txt extension, because FC command outputs text.
      For example, if bench file is "ImageVerification.bmp", dif file will be

      This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.

      This command supports the "TW" record type when the user has configured
      a diff tool for which we have no means to automatically verify the results.
      The command will issue a WARNING if such a tool is configured and used.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      NOTE: the command may fail to execute if the user has turned off logging
      to TestManager via the Robot tools setting.  This logging must be enabled
      for the command to successfully execute.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Name of the benchmark image file.
              Relative paths suitable for FindSQAFile can be used. Normally,
              the Benchmark file would reside in the Project's Datapool\Bench
              directory. A test file with the same name would be created in
              the Datapool\Test folder. The resulting dif file with .txt
              extension would be saved under the Datapool\Dif folder. The
              extension of the benchmark file should be .bmp or .jpg. If not,
              it is considered a BMP file, i.e. the test file would have a
              .bmp extension.
      [6]     Optional app map subkey indicating partial image of the component to verify.
              Value of this app map reference must be in the format of a
              top-left and bottom-right pair, and can be either absolute
              coordinates or percentages ("x1,y1,x2,y2" or "x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%").
              Coordinates are relative to the component, i.e. (0,0) and
              (0%,0%) are the minimum, and (COMPONENT_WIDTH, COMPONENT_HEIGHT)
              and (100%,100%) are the maximum. Values exceeding the minimun/
              maximum are forced to the nearest limiting value. Absolute and
              percent values can be mixed, so "0,0,50%,50%" is valid. If this
              parameter is omitted, full image of the component is captured
              (equivalent to "0,0,100%,100%").


          Verify the full component image with BITMAP file "\Datapool\Bench\comp.bmp"
              T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, VerifyGUIImageToFile, "comp.bmp"

          Verify the full component image with JPEG file "\Datapool\Bench\comp.jpg"
              T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, VerifyGUIImageToFile, "comp.jpg"

          Verify specified part of the component image with a bench file
              T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, VerifyGUIImageToFile, "comp.bmp", SUBAREA

              Depending on the definition of SUBAREA in the app map, the command verifies:

              ----------------------------    ---------------------
              SUBAREA="0,0,10,10"             top-left 10x10 square
              SUBAREA="0,80%,100%,100%"       bottom fifth



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JUL 18, 2002

      JUL 18, 2002    Original Release
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.
      AUG 18, 2003    (CANAGL) Mods to allow alternate file comparator tools.

   Sub GenericVerifyObjectDataToFile ()


      Routine to capture and verify object data (CompareData) to a file benchmark.
      Much like GenericVerifyProperty only the expected value is in a file,
      not in a provided text string.

      The object data contents are stored to a file in Datapool\Test with the
      same filename as the benchmark file (usually in Datapool\Bench) and then
      a file compare is performed.  This command will only work on GUI components
      that Robot can successfully perform an ObjectData VP on.  The user does not
      have to create an ObjectData VP for the script for this command to work.
      This will be done automatically at runtime.

      This command supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type.

      This command supports the "TW" (expected warning) record type when deploying
      comparator tools for which we have no means to automatically verify the
      resulting diff file.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the
      information it needs to perform its function (like logging).

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Benchmark text filename.  Relative paths suitable for FindSQAFile
              can be used.  Normally, the Benchmark file would reside in the
              Project's Datapool\Bench directory.

      [6]     (Optional) Filter MODE to be used on the retrieved property value.
              This is for future implementations that will allow us to
              filter out dynamic text that we don't want to include in
              comparisons.  This is NOT currently implemented.

      [7]     (Optional) Filter OPTIONS to be used in conjunction with any
              supplied Filter MODE.  This is not currently implemented.



 Orig Author: Chris Schroter
 Orig   Date: DEC 03, 2002

      DEC 03, 2002    Original Release
      DEC 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
      AUG 18, 2003    (CANAGL) Mod to allow alternate diff tools.

   Sub GenericCaptureObjectDataToFile ()


      Routine to capture object data (CompareData) to a specified file.

      The object data contents are stored to a file in the active "Test" directory
      unless the user specifies a full or relative path to some other location.
      If a relative path is specified, it is relative to the project
      directory.  The directory for a full or relative path must already exist.
      This command will only work on GUI components
      that Robot can successfully perform an ObjectData VP on.  The user does not
      have to create an ObjectData VP for the script for this command to work.
      This will be done automatically at runtime.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the
      information it needs to perform its function (like logging).

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Output text filename.  Relative paths from the project directory
              can be used.

      [6]     (Optional) Filter MODE to be used on the retrieved property value.
              This is for future implementations that will allow us to
              filter out dynamic text that we don't want to include in
              comparisons.  This is NOT currently implemented.

      [7]     (Optional) Filter OPTIONS to be used in conjunction with any
              supplied Filter MODE.  This is not currently implemented.



 Orig Author: Chris Schroter
 Orig   Date: DEC 16, 2002

      DEC 16, 2002    Original Release
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities for directories.

   Sub GenericSetPropertyValue ()


      Routine to set a value to the property of an object.  The expected
      value is processed via GetTrimmedQuotedString.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive name of the object property to set
       6      the value to set to the property



 Orig Author: Dawn Coen
 Orig   Date: NOV 3, 2004

      NOV  3, 2004    Original Release

   Sub GenericUnimplementedCommand ()


      Routine to warn that the current command has not been implemented.

      The routine will first attempt to identify a supported Generic Command
      like VerifyProperty or VerifyPropertyToFile.  If it detects a Generic
      command then it will attempt to execute it.  This makes these commands
      available to ComponentFunctions that have not explicitly coded their
      availability as long as those ComponentFunctions defer to this
      function when an unrecognized command is found.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 28, 1999

      JUL 28, 1999    Original Release
      FEB 26, 2001    (CANAGL) Added attempt to parse generic command.
      DEC 12, 2001    (PACUTH) Added GenericInputKeys and GenericInputCharacters
      JAN 28, 2002    (JCRUNK) Added GenericVerifyTabOrder command
      FEB 04, 2002    (CANAGL) Added CustomDDETestCommand processing.
      APR 30, 2002    (CANAGL) Enabled partial text matches in VerifyMenuItem.
      JUL 17, 2002    (YWANG)  Added GenericGetGUIImage & GenericVerifyGUIImageToFile
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented TF and TW record types.
      DEC 03, 2002    (chschr) Added VerifyObjectDataToFile
      DEC 11, 2002    (CANAGL) Enable TW and TF record types.
      DEC 12, 2002    (CANAGL) Added support for XSLComponentActions.MAP and
                               enabled VerifyArrayPropertyToFile
      DEC 16, 2002    (chschr) Added CaptureObjectDataToFile
      AUG 21, 2003    (CANAGL) Added VerifyValues commands.
      DEC 07, 2005    (CANAGL) InputChars uses same function as InputKeys

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 