MODULE DESCRIPTION: Generic Utilities for implementing different kinds of storage buffers. Things like First In First Out (FIFO) buffers, STACKS, etc... NOTE: SQABasic does not allow an array to be part of a user-defined data type. Because of this, a FIFO or STACK or other buffer type is actually comprised of two things referred to as a buffer pairing: BufferInfo tracks pointers for read and write and size information Buffer array of the desired type used as the buffer These buffer pairings actually get modified separately and care must be taken to insure that they remain in sync with each other. If they do not remain in sync then data corruption and unexpected program behavior (or maybe even access violations) could result. Normally, it is the implementing buffer library that will call these routines ini conjunction with its own routines in order to keep these pairings in sync. The routines in this library are intended to maintain the BufferInfo piece of the pair. Other libraries or modules will contain the routines that maintain the buffer array of the desired type used at that time. It is those modules or libraries that generally call these in order to maintain synch. Examples to study/copy would be the FileInfoFIFO buffer and associated routines found in the FileUtilities Library as well as the StepDriverSTACK buffer files.Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details
Function BUGetStatusString BasicLib BufferUtilities Function IsFIFOInit BasicLib BufferUtilities Function InitFIFO BasicLib BufferUtilities Function GetFIFOSize BasicLib BufferUtilities Function FIFOIsFull BasicLib BufferUtilities Function FIFOIsEmpty BasicLib BufferUtilities Function PopFIFOEntry BasicLib BufferUtilities Function PushFIFOEntry BasicLib BufferUtilities Function OptimizeFIFO BasicLib BufferUtilities Function IsSTACKInit BasicLib BufferUtilities Function InitSTACK BasicLib BufferUtilities Function GetSTACKSize BasicLib BufferUtilities Function STACKIsFull BasicLib BufferUtilities Function STACKIsEmpty BasicLib BufferUtilities Function PopSTACKEntry BasicLib BufferUtilities Function PushSTACKEntry BasicLib BufferUtilities
Type BufferInfo reader As Integer 'index for next read operation writer As Integer 'index for next write operation size As Integer 'current DIM size NOT the # of entries redimIncrement As Integer 'increment amount on each REDIM defaultSize As Integer 'initial default size of buffer End Type
Function BUGetStatusString (status As Integer) As String DESCRIPTION: Converts an integer status value to a representative string suitable for output and/or reporting. It expects the provided status value to be valid for these utilities. If it is not, then a "status unrecognized" string will be returned. Example: status = BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED (integer value) returns: "BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED" (string) PARAMETERS: status a BufferUtilities integer status value RETURNS: String representation of that status value or a "status unrecognized" value. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 2000 History: JUN 29, 2000 Original Release
Function InitFIFO(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Initialize a BufferInfo with values for a generic FIFO buffer. This routine is necessary to initialize a FIFO BufferInfo unless the user has some customized initialization code of their own. By default, buffers are dimensioned to allow for 10 entries with default expansion sizes of 10 entries each expansion. The user can override this by presetting the BufferInfo.defaultSize and BufferInfo.redimIncrement fields prior to this call. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo to initialize with FIFO settings RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED (Success) (currently there are no error conditions) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release
Function IsFIFOInit(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Verifies that the BufferInfo appears to have been initialized. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED The FIFO appears initialized. BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED One or more fields has unexpected values (usually 0) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release
Function GetFIFOSize (info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the number of items currently stored in a FIFO buffer. Currently, the FIFO buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. This routine calculates the number of items based on the current values of the reader and writer indices in the provided BufferInfo. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo for a FIFO buffer. RETURNS: N number of items calculated to be in the buffer. BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED if FIFO is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Check for non-initialized BufferInfo
Function FIFOIsFull(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Determine if a FIFO Buffer cannot have items added. Because of the nature of implementation the ReDIMed size of the buffer and the number of items in the buffer do not have to be equal for the FIFO to be "Full". If the buffer is "Full" it must either be "Optimized" to free up unused entries or it must be ReDIMMensioned to be bigger. Remember to PRESERVE when ReDIMming the buffer or all it's existing entries will be lost. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo setup as a FIFO buffer. RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED if FIFO is NOT FULL BUFFER_IS_FULL if FIFO IS FULL BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if FIFO is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Check for non-initialized BufferInfo
Function FIFOIsEmpty(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Determines if there are no entries in the FIFO. Currently, the FIFO buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. PARAMETERS: info a BufferInfo setup as a FIFO buffer. RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED if FIFO is NOT empty BUFFER_IS_EMPTY if FIFO IS EMPTY BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if FIFO is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Check for non-initialized BufferInfo
Function PopFIFOEntry(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: If the FIFO is not empty the routine adjusts all the pointers as if a POP had occurred on the buffer. Currently, the FIFO buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo setup as a FIFO RETURNS: N new calculated count of items in the FIFO. (0 if empty AFTER the POP.) BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if FIFO is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED BUFFER_IS_EMPTY error if FIFO is EMPTY on entry. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Check for non-initialized BufferInfo
Function PushFIFOEntry(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: If the FIFO is not maxed out the routine adjusts all the pointers as if a PUSH had occurred on the buffer. Currently, the FIFO buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo setup as a FIFO RETURNS: N The new count of items in the FIFO. BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED if FIFO is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED BUFFER_IS_FULL error if FIFO is FULL on entry ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Check for non-initialized BufferInfo
Function OptimizeFIFO (info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Shifts pointers down and thus releases unused entries in the buffer. This routine should be called when a buffer has been signaled as FULL even though the number if entries is less than the dimensioned size of the buffer. It should also be called before any ReDIM of a buffer. Currently, the FIFO buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. It is those routines that will call this routine. CAUTION: If this routine is run and the associated buffer has not been optimized then the data and indices are likely corrupted. PARAMETERS: info -the BufferInfo to reposition indices on. RETURNS: N The number of items in the buffer. (This number should not change between entry and exit.) BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED if the BufferInfo is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Check for non-initialized BufferInfo
Function InitSTACK(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Initialize a BufferInfo with values for a generic STACK buffer. This routine is necessary to initialize a STACK BufferInfo unless the user has some customized initialization code of their own. These STACKs are initialized such that the actual buffer array should 1-based. Array element 0 will never be used. As such, the initial info.writer position will be 1, while the info.reader will be 0 (empty). PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo to initialize with STACK settings RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED (Success) (currently there are no error conditions) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release
Function IsSTACKInit(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Verifies that the BufferInfo appears to have been initialized. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED The STACK appears initialized. BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED One or more fields has unexpected values (usually 0) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release
Function GetSTACKSize (info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the number of items currently stored in a STACK buffer. Currently, the STACK buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo for a STACK buffer. RETURNS: N the number of items in the STACK. BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if STACK is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Completed STACK routines
Function STACKIsFull(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Determine if a STACK Buffer cannot have items added. Remember to PRESERVE when ReDIMming the buffer or all it's existing entries will be lost. This is normally handled by the library or module that maintains the actual buffer array. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo setup as a STACK buffer. RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED if STACK is NOT FULL BUFFER_IS_FULL if STACK IS FULL BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if STACK is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Completed STACK routines
Function STACKIsEmpty(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Determines if there are no entries in the STACK. Currently, the STACK buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. PARAMETERS: info a BufferInfo setup as a STACK buffer. RETURNS: BUFFER_INITIALIZED if STACK is NOT empty BUFFER_IS_EMPTY if STACK IS EMPTY BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if STACK is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Completed STACK routines
Function PopSTACKEntry(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: If the STACK is not empty the routine adjusts all the pointers as if a POP had occurred on the buffer. Currently, the STACK buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. It is the actual STACK buffer that POPs the data then calls this routine to keep synchronization. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo setup as a STACK RETURNS: N The new calculated count of items in the STACK. (0 if now empty AFTER the POP.) BUFFER_IS_EMPTY error if empty on entry BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if STACK is NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Completed STACK routines
Function PushSTACKEntry(info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: If the STACK is not maxed out the routine adjusts all the pointers as if a PUSH had occurred on the buffer. Currently, the STACK buffer is a separate entity and must be maintained as such. It is the actual STACK buffer that PUSHes the data then calls this routine to keep synchronization. PARAMETERS: info -a BufferInfo setup as a STACK RETURNS: N The new calculated count of items in the STACK. BUFFER_IS_FULL error if the buffer is already maxed out. (Normally, the module implementing the STACK buffer will ensure the STACK is not full or ReDim the array and these pointers to accomodate) BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED error if buffer NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Completed STACK routines
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