MODULE DESCRIPTION: Contains functions for interacting with XML documents XML Terms ---------- Element : An XML tag enclosed in <>s. Ex: <TestCase> This is the TestCase Element. Attribute : A data value within an Element. Ex: In <TestCase id="Test01">, "id" is an Attribute (with a value of "Test01") in the TestCase Element. Text : Generally, The content portion of an XML Tag. Ex: In <TestCase id="Test01">CONTENT</TestCase>, "CONTENT" is the text or content of the TestCase Element. Node : Virtually any type of object supported by the DOM is represented as a Node. Elements, Attributes, Comments, Text content, and the Document itself are all represented by their own specific Nodes. The various Node Types can be determined via function calls. Valid NodeTypes include: Attribute CDataSection Comment Document DocumentFragment DocumentType Element Entity EntityReference Notation ProcessingInstruction Text XML Parser : A program written by Microsoft (or other companies -- this library uses Microsoft's, however) to read in XML, parse it for well-formedness and validity, and make the values available to programs, such as Robot scripts. These routines were written to use v3.0 of Microsoft's parser. You will need to install a parser if you do not already have it on your system. Well-formedness: The document follows the rules of XML: 1) The document has one single root element, that all other elements are descended from; 2) Every element has a corresponding closing tag (NOTE: If an element has no content other than attributes, it can be closed by putting a / within the opening tag. Ex: <TestCase/>); 3) Elements are properly nested (i.e., if you open an element within another element the inner element must be closed before the outer, so <TestCase><TestStep>Click here</TestStep></TestCase> is valid, while <TestCase><TestStep>Click here </TestCase></TestStep> is not); 4) All entities are declared; and 5) All attribute values are enclosed in quote marks (either single or double as long as the opening and closing quote marks around a value are the same type) Validity : The document conforms to the rules set forth in its associated DTD or Schema document. If a document does not have an associated DTD or Schema, it can not be declared valid (it can still be well-formed, though).Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details
Function OpenXMLFile BasicLib XMLUtilities Function CreateXMLFile BasicLib XMLUtilities Function AppendXMLElement BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToXMLDocument BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLDocument BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToRootXMLElement BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToCurrentXMLNodeParent BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToSelectedXMLElement BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToNextXMLElement BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToNextXMLNode BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToPreviousXMLElement BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GoToPreviousXMLNode BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLNode BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLNodeName BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLNodeValue BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLNodeText BasicLib XMLUtilities Function SetXMLNodeText BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLNodeTypeString BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLNodeType BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLChildCount BasicLib XMLUtilities Function GetXMLAttributeValue BasicLib XMLUtilities Function SetXMLAttributeValue BasicLib XMLUtilities Function SaveXMLFile BasicLib XMLUtilities Function CloseXMLFile BasicLib XMLUtilities Function RunMSXSLTransform BasicLib XMLUtilities
Function OpenXMLFile (XMLPath As String, ShortName As String, Optional Validate) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Opens an XML file, making it available for retrieving values from. The Root Document Element is set as the current node reference. PARAMETERS: XMLPath The full path to the XML file to open ShortName The name that will be used to refer to this file for future accesses Validate OPTIONAL. Set to 1 to cause the parser to validate the XML during parsing. This is the default behavior. Set to 0 to bypass validation. RETURNS: sqaPass if successful sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release JUL 09, 2001 (CANAGL) Added OPTIONAL validation
Function CreateXMLFile (ShortName As String, Optional Version As Variant, Optional Encoding As Variant, Optional FilePath As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Creates a new XML doc/file stub with the optionally provided version and encoding strings. The version default is "1.0" and need not be specified. Note, an incorrect or unsupported encoding will produce a stub with no special encoding declaration. By default, XML encoding is UTF-8 and need not be specified. Example input codings and their resulting XML stub: VERSION ENCODING RESULTING XML STUB ======= ======== ================================ <none> <none> <?xml version="1.0" ?> 'default <none> "UTF-8" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 'UTF-8 (default) "1.0" "UTF-16" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?> 'UTF-16 I believe Version 1.0 is currently the only valid version. Consult the documentation for MSXML 3.0 for details on whether the version (future) or encoding you need is supported. Most users of this library will likely be using the default UTF-8 encoding. This routine will return with SQAPASS, even if a provided Encoding string is invalid, as long as the XML document was created. The FilePath is used to save the file later, if desired. It can be specified at creation, or at the time the save is actually performed. Any value/object suitable for the MSXML routine can be specified. The value specified here can be overridden by the Save operation. Once created, all the rest of these library routines can be used to add to, enhance and edit the XML structure just as if it was from a pre-existing XML file. Upon exit, the current node IS the XML document itself. Remember, all of this is happening in memory. You must SaveXMLFile in order to output the XML to a permanent file. PARAMETERS: ShortName The name that will be used to refer to this document for future accesses Version Optional XML version. Like "1.0" Currently, only 1.0 is valid (I think) and that is the default version used if unspecified. Encoding Optional encoding string to use. Like "UTF-16", etc. XML defaults to UTF-8 when unspecified. FilePath Optional path or other value/object suitable for use by the MSXML routine. Normally, this would be a String fullpath with name and extension specified. RETURNS: sqaPass if successful sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01, 2001 Original Release
Function GoToXMLDocument (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Resets the current node reference to that of the document object itself. This is the same as going to the parent of the root element. Example Usage: Result = GoToXMLDocument("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if successful, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: Feb 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01, 2001 Original Release
Function GetXMLDocument (ShortName As String) As Object DESCRIPTION: Returns the document object itself. Keep in mind there may be issues involved if you attempt to play with the DOM via this library AND the object reference you receive. Example Usage: Set object = GetXMLDocument("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: The DOM document object, or NOTHING on error ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: Feb 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01, 2001 Original Release
Function GetXMLNode (ShortName As String) As Object DESCRIPTION: Returns the current DOM node object. Example Usage: CurrentNode = GetXMLNode("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: The current node object, or NULL/NOTHING on error ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01, 2001 Original Release
Function GoToRootXMLElement (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Resets the current element reference for a file to point to the root element of the document Example Usage: Result = GoToRootXMLElement("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if successful, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function GoToCurrentXMLNodeParent (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Sets the current node pointer to point to the node that is the parent of the current node. Example Usage: Result = GoToCurrentXMLNodeParent("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if successful, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function GoToSelectedXMLElement ( ShortName As String, _ Optional StartFromRoot As Variant, _ Optional ElementName As Variant, _ Optional AttributeName As Variant, _ Optional AttributeValue As Variant, _ Optional NumberOfOccurrence As Variant, _ Optional GivenXPathQuery As Variant _ ) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Changes the current element (as used by the other XML functions) to the first element that matches the specified name and attribute values (if either the name or the attribute is not specified, they will not be used to find the match. Example Usage: To find the first element in the document that you opened with a short name of "TestCases", use: Result = GoToSelectedXMLElement("TestCases", StartFromRoot:=TRUE) To find the first element named "TestCase" in the document that you opened with a short name of "TestCases", use: Result = GoToSelectedXMLElement("TestCases", StartFromRoot:=TRUE, _ ElementName:="TestCase") To find the first element named "TestCase" that has an attribute named "person_responsible" in the document that you opened with a short name of "TestCases", use: Result = GoToSelectedXMLElement("TestCases", StartFromRoot:=TRUE, _ ElementName:="TestCase", _ AttributeName:="person_responsible") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file when it was opened StartFromRoot Optional. Set to TRUE if you want the searching to begin at the root element of the document or FALSE if you want the searching to only be within the context of the current node (that is within the children of the node that is current). Default is FALSE. ElementName Optional. The name the element you want to select should have. If no name is specified, this will search either by attribute value (if one is given) or simply return the first element found by the routine. If the element you are looking for is not a direct child of the current node, and you're searching within the context of the current node, you can put multiple element names in here, separated by "/" OR "->" (Ex: If you have a TestCase element as the current node, with a child of TestCaseSteps, which then has a child itself of DataValue, to select the DataValue, you should use "TestCaseSteps->DataValue" OR "TestCaseSteps/DataValue" AttributeName Optional. The name of the attribute that you want the element selected by this function to have. AttributeValue Optional. The value of the attribute that you want the element selected by this function to have. NumberOfOccurrence Optional. Specifies the 1-based index of the element in the collection of all elements that match the other specified criteria. For example, if you wanted to select the third element that met your other criteria, you would set this parameter to 3 (since 1 is the first element). GivenXPathQuery Optional. Allows you to specify an XPath expression to use to find the particular node you're looking for. Specifying a value for this parameter causes all other optional parameters to be ignored. Note that this function sets the current node pointer in the XML File array to point to the first node found, regardless of whether your XPath query returns an attribute or an element. The other functions in this file were designed with the assumption that the CurrentNode pointer points to an element. While they may work with a pointer that points to an attribute, they haven't been tested in that context and may not work correctly. RETURNS: sqaPass if the CurrentNode is set successfully, sqaFail otherwise. If no node is found that matches your search criteria, sqaFail is returned and the current node remains set where it was. ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release FEB 01, 2001 (CANAGL) Added optional "->" separator
Function GoToNextXMLElement (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Go to the next Element after the current Element in the specified XML document. The next Element is the first node that appears immediately after the current node (a child, sibling etc.) in the document that is of the Element nodetype. This routine advances the internal node reference to that next Element. Use GetXMLNodeName to retrieve the name of the retrieved Element or GetXMLAttributeValue to retrieve the value of the attributes of this node. If no subsequent Element was found than we retain the current Element as our current context reference. PARAMETERS: ShortName The name that was assigned to the XML file when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if successful sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham, Jim Cook, Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01, 2001 Original Release
Function GoToNextXMLNode (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Go to the next node after the current node from the specified XML document. The next node is the node that appears immediately after the current node (a child, sibling etc.) in the document. This routine advances the internal node reference to that next node. Use GetXMLNodeName to retrieve the name of the retrieved node or GetXMLAttributeValue to retrieve the value of the attributes of this node (if it supports attributes). PARAMETERS: ShortName The name that was assigned to the XML file when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if successful sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function GoToPreviousXMLNode (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Sets the current node reference to point to the node immediately before the current node. Remember that the text portion or contents of an Element is, itself, a separate node. The previous node can be a childless previous sibling, the lowest level lastChild of a previous sibling with children, or the parent node. If we are already at the absolute top of the hierarchy, the routine exits with failure leaving all references as they were on entry. For example: <element1>content1</element1> <element2>content2</element2> <element3>content3</element3> contains 6 nodes. Each "element" node in this example contains 1 child "text" node. Thus, if we are processing "element3" and we ask for the previous node, we are going to get the child text node associated with element2. We will not get element2 itself. To get element2, use GotoPreviousXMLElement. PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier assigned to the XML file when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if successful, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function GoToPreviousXMLElement (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Sets the current node reference to point to the Element immediately before the current node. The previous Element can be a childless previous sibling Element, the lowest level lastChild Element of a previous sibling with children, or the parent Element node. If we are already at the absolute top of the hierarchy, the routine exits with failure leaving all references as they were on entry. PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier assigned to the XML file when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if successful, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham, Jim Cook, Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01, 2001 Original Release
Function GetXMLNodeName (ShortName As String) As String DESCRIPTION: Returns the name of the current node. For example, if the current node is element <TestCase id="Test01"></TestCase>, this routine would return "TestCase". Example Usage: CurrentName = GetXMLNodeName("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: The name of the node, or an empty string on error or if no name exists ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function GetXMLNodeValue (ShortName As String) As String DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the value of the current node. For most nodes, this value property is empty, but for elements whose name is #text or #comment, retrieving this property will give you the actual text or comment. Uses theNodeType.nodeValue in the DOM. Example Usage: CurrentValue = GetXMLNodeValue("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: The value of the node, or an empty string on error or if none exists ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function GetXMLNodeText (ShortName As String) As String DESCRIPTION: Returns the node contents or text. This will also include the text content from all child nodes or elements, concatenated in document order. For example:will return "one two three". Uses theNodeType.text in the DOM. Example Usage: CurrentText = GetXMLNodeText("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: The text of the node, or an empty string on error or none exists ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01,2001 Original Release - one
- two
- three
Function SetXMLNodeText (ShortName As String, content As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Sets the element content. This must include the full content for all child elements(if any), concatenated in document order. For example: < count > < item > one < /item > < item > two< /item > < item > three < /item > < /count > The content string for "count" must be the full text of everything between < count > and '# < /count > Uses theNodeType.text in the DOM. Example Usage: result = SetXMLNodeText("Test Cases", "a content string") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened content the string to provide to .text RETURNS: sqaPass on success, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01,2001 Original Release
Function AppendXMLElement (ShortName As String, NodeName As String, Optional content as Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Creates and appends a new XML element to the current node structure. It is an error to attempt to add a new Element to the Document node if it already has its root Element. Any supplied content must include the full content for all child elements(if any), concatenated in document order. For example a new "count" element: NodeName = "count": < count >HRPREFS< /count > The content string, if supplied, for "count" must be the full text of everything between < count > and '# < /count > Uses theNodeType.text in the DOM to set the content. The currently selected node remains the same and the new element is a child of that node. Example Usage: result = AppendXMLElement("Test Cases", "count") result = AppendXMLElement("Test Cases", "count", "HRPREFS") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened NodeName the name to give the new element. The name IS the element identifier. content Optional string to provide to .text RETURNS: sqaPass on success, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01,2001 Original Release
Function GetXMLNodeType (ShortName As String) As Long DESCRIPTION: Returns the current node's nodeType. The possible values: XMLNODE_ELEMENT = 1 XMLNODE_ATTRIBUTE = 2 XMLNODE_TEXT = 3 XMLNODE_CDATA_SECTION = 4 XMLNODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 5 XMLNODE_ENTITY = 6 XMLNODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 7 XMLNODE_COMMENT = 8 XMLNODE_DOCUMENT = 9 XMLNODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 10 XMLNODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11 XMLNODE_NOTATION = 12 Uses Node.nodeType in the DOM. Example Usage: CurrentType = GetXMLNodeType("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: The LONG representing the current node type ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01,2001 Original Release
Function GetXMLNodeTypeString (ShortName As String) As String DESCRIPTION: Returns the node's nodeType as a string. Some possible values: cdatasection attribute document element entity text and several others. Uses Element.nodeTypeString in the DOM. Example Usage: CurrentType = GetXMLNodeTypeString("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: The text representing the current node type ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 01, 2001 HISTORY: FEB 01,2001 Original Release
Function GetXMLChildCount (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Get the number of Children for the current node. PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier assigned to the XML file when it was opened RETURNS: The number of child nodes that the current node has -1 on failure to process the file (command may not be supported) ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release FEB 01, 2001 (CANAGL) Added failure return code.
Function GetXMLAttributeValue (ShortName As String, Attribute As String) As String DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the value of a given attribute from the current element in an XML file. NOTE: Attribute names are case-sensitive Example Usage: DataValueAction = GetXMLAttributeValue("Test Cases", "action") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened Attribute the name of the attribute you want to retrieve RETURNS: The value given to the attribute for the current element, or an empty string if the value doesn't exist for the current element ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function SetXMLAttributeValue (ShortName As String, Attribute As String, Value As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Changes an attribute value for the current node. Changes will not be reflected in the actual file until the document is saved. If an attribute with that name already exists, its value is changed. If an attribute with that name does not exist, it is created. Example Usage: Result = SetXMLAttributeValue("Test Cases","Last_Status","Passed") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened Attribute the name of Attribute (ie.Last_Status) Value the value to be assigned to the Attribute (ie. Passed) RETURNS: sqaPass if successful, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function SaveXMLFile (ShortName As String, Optional SavePath As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Save the current state of an XML doc/file. The routine will save to the same file that was opened or to a different supplied SavePath. Note: XML docs created by this library (CreateXMLFiles) MUST have a SavePath specified if it was not provided previously since they were not loaded from a pre-existing file. Note: the SavePath can be any string path OR object that the MSXML 3.0 parser will accept in its method. Example Usage: Result = SaveXMLFile("Test Cases") Result = SaveXMLFile("Test Cases", "\\someOtherPath\file.xml") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the open XML file you want to save SavePath Optional path or object to use when saving the file. Docs created with CreateXMLFile must have a SavePath supplied if one was not previously supplied. This can also be any object supported by the MSXML parser's method. Providing a SavePath parameter overrides any setting already stored with the in-memory doc. RETURNS: sqaPass if successful, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release FEB 01, 2001 (CANAGL) Added optional SavePath.
Function CloseXMLFile (ShortName As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Closes an open XML file, and shuts down the XML parser if no other documents are open Example Usage: Result = CloseXMLFile("Test Cases") PARAMETERS: ShortName the identifier that was assigned to the XML file you want to read from when it was opened RETURNS: sqaPass if the document is closed successfully, sqaFail otherwise ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Andy Tinkham and Jim Cook Orig Date: DEC 11, 2000 HISTORY: DEC 11, 2000 Original Release
Function RunMSXSLTransform (XMLPath As String, XSLPath As String, OutPath As String, Optional MSoptions) as Integer DESCRIPTION: Performs an XML transformation using the MSXSL.EXE tool available from Microsoft. This tool is normally included as part of the installation process of this SAFS engine. No path information will be provided to invoke the MSXSL tool, so it must be available in the standard search path used by Windows. PARAMETERS: XMLPath Complete path and filename to valid XML to transform. XSLPath Complete path and filename to valid XSL Stylesheet desired for the transform. OutPath Complete path and filename for target output file. If this exists on entry, it will be deleted before the transform is attempted. The routine will only return success if a new version of this file is successfully created. (Though the contents of the file cannot be evaluated, of course.) MSoptions Optional string of options and parameters to pass to MSXSL.EXE. The -ooption does not have to be specified as we will use -o to specify the output target. RETURNS: sqaPass if outFile exists at end of routine sqaFail if it does not, or if invalid path parameters are provided. ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: SEP 26, 2003 HISTORY: SEP 26, 2003 Original Release OCT 29, 2003 (CANAGL) Made RunMSXSLTransform Synchronous JUN 28, 2005 (PCUFF) Added double quotes to filenames in order to work around issue of RunWshShellProgram not working with long filenames that contain embedded spaces. Added return code check as well.
Copyright (2001,2002,2003) Andy Tinkham. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This license version can be viewed in its entirety at: THIS CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANYONE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE CODE OR ITS USE. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ===============================================================================