MODULE DESCRIPTION: Utility routines for executing and monitoring executable programs or batch commandsfrom within SQA Robot.Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details
Function WaitForNTCommandCompletion BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function RunWshShellProgram BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function ExecWshShellProgram BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_NTCMPTRE_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_SED_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_GREP_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_NTFileComp_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_GNUDiff_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function NTFileCompResult BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function GNUDiffCompResult BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_RRAFSTextDiff_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_RRAFSBinaryDiff_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities Function Run_DiffTool_EXE BasicLib NTCommandUtilities
Function WaitForNTCommandCompletion (timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Waits for the most recently launched and frontmost NT Console Window to finish execution and go away. This is how we pause Robot to allow the NTCommand executed to complete before continuing. The routine first looks for a topmost ConsoleWindowClass to be at Level 1 (topmost). It then waits for the Window to go away within the provided timeout period. The routine will return as soon as the window goes away, it does not linger until the end of the timeout period. PARAMETERS: timeout the maximum period in seconds the routine will wait before returning with failure. If the provided timeout is <= 0 then a default timeout of 30 seconds is used. RETURNS: 0 the ConsoleWindow was found to exist and went away within the timeout period. -1 Either the ConsoleWindow was not found or it did not go away within the timeout period. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release
Function RunWshShellProgram (cmdstr as String, Optional winmode, Optional synch) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs a Windows Scripting Host WshShell.Run command with the parameters provided. Returns the exit code from the call. PARAMETERS: cmdstr the command to send to WshShell.Run winmode optional defaults to winmode=1 window style to use when running the command. Consult MSDN for all available Integer options. Some interesting ones are listed below: 0 - Hide the window, activate another (which one, I don't know :) 1 - Active and display the window in last know state 3 - Active the window and maximize the window 7 - Minimize the window, the active window remains active 8 - Display window in its "current" size, the active window remains active synch optional defaults to synch=false true - WshShell.Run should run synchronously and not return until the command has completed. The exitcode will reflect that returned from the command executed. false - WshShell.Run should launch the command asynchronously and return immediately with exitcode=0 RETURNS: Integer exit code provided by the WshShell.Run command. -32767 if some error occurred; usually app not found. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: Aug 15, 2003 History: Aug 15, 2003 Original Release DEC 12, 2003 (CANAGL) Catch program not found errors
Function ExecWshShellProgram (cmdstr as String, timeout as Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs a Windows Scripting Host WshShell.Exec command with the cmdstr provided. Will wait up to the provided timeout in seconds for the command to complete. PARAMETERS: cmdstr the command to send to WshShell.Exec timeout the maximum period in seconds the routine will wait before returning. <=0 means no waiting. cmdout (Optional Variant) will receive any STDOUT and STDERR from the execution. RETURNS: Integer exit code provided by the WshShell.Exec command if the command was called successfully. The exitcode will be 0 if we exit and the command has not yet completed. -1 if some error occurred. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: Aug 15, 2003 History: Aug 15, 2003 Original Release MAY 25, 2005 (CANAGL) Added optional cmdout parameter
Function Run_NTCMPTRE_EXE(source As String, target As String, _ outfile As String, parameters As String, _ timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs the DOS PROGRAM "NTCMPTRE.EXE" through a CONSOLE WINDOW command. This utility compares and reports on the differences between two directory trees. The output can be piped to a file instead of the DOS window for use in other comparisons or reporting. At the time of this writing, valid parameters to NTCMPTRE.EXE were:source directory to compare target directory to compare [-quick|-full] -quick means no binary compare [-infile FILES_LIST] specific files to target only [-verbose] greater runtime and report detail [-nodtm] ignore file date/time during comparisons This routine requires that NTCMPTRE.EXE be in the system path so that Windows will find it. It also expects an environment variable named TEMP to be on the machine. The string value of TEMP should not end with a (\). TEMP is where we temporarily create a batch file to launch the utility. This is required since it seems the utility will not pipe to an output file if it is not executed from a command prompt. We WaitForNTCommandCompletion then we verify that our new output file actually exists. PARAMETERS: source full source path for directory tree compare target full target path for directory tree compare outfile full path and name to output result file. If this file exists prior to running this routine it is deleted first. parameters additional parameters to provide to NTCMPTRE.EXE Do not include the (>) pipe character and filename because we handle all that here. timeout maximum allowed time for task to complete (in seconds). Default timeout value is 30 seconds which is used if the provided value is <= 0. RETURNS: 0 on run successful. This does not mean a successful compare occurred. The outfile needs to be evaluated to determine the success of the actual compare. You WILL get a 0 only if: WaitForNTCommandCompletion returns success within timeout, AND The expected output file does exist after the DOS WINDOW went away. -1 on failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems, the ntcmptre command not being found, the TEMP directory not being set in the system environment or its value is invalid. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source, target, or outfile parameters are null strings or if WaitForNTCommandCompletion does not complete successfully, or if the output file upon completion does not exist. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release OCT 10, 2000 (CANAGL) Quoted pathnames to fix paths containing spaces. OCT 11, 2002 (CANAGL\YWANG) Fixed CMD Win closing problem on W98
Function Run_SED_EXE(source As String, outfile As String, _ parameters As String, timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs an NT version of SED.EXE to filter a file. This routine requires that SED.EXE be in the system path so that Windows will find it. It also expects an environment variable named TEMP to be on the machine. The string value of TEMP should NOT end with a (\). TEMP is where we temporarily create a batch file to launch the utility. This is required since it seems the utility will not pipe to an output file if it is not executed from a command prompt. PARAMETERS: source full path/filename of file to filter with SED. outfile full path/filename of SED results file. parameters command parameters to pass to SED. timeout max timeout period before returning with error. RETURNS: 0 outfile does not exist (as a result of SED) or it's size = 0. 1 outfile exists (as a result of SED) and it's size is > 0. -1 some failure occurred or invalid parameters were provided. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUL 06, 1999 History: JUL 06, 1999 Original Release OCT 10, 2000 (CANAGL) Quoted pathnames to fix paths containing spaces. OCT 11, 2002 (CANAGL\YWANG) Fixed CMD Win closing problem on W98
Function Run_GREP_EXE(source As String, outfile As String, _ parameters As String, timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs an NT version of GREP.EXE to filter a file. This routine requires that GREP.EXE be in the system path so that Windows will find it. It also expects an environment variable named TEMP to be on the machine. The string value of TEMP should NOT end with a (\). TEMP is where we temporarily create a batch file to launch the utility. This is required since it seems the utility will not pipe to an output file if it is not executed from a command prompt. PARAMETERS: source full path/filename of file to filter with GREP. outfile full path/filename of GREP results file. parameters command parameters to pass to GREP. timeout max timeout period before returning with error. RETURNS: 0 outfile does not exist (as a result of GREP) or it's size = 0. 1 outfile exists (as a result of GREP) and it's size is > 0. -1 some failure occurred or invalid parameters were provided. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUL 06, 1999 History: JUL 06, 1999 Original Release OCT 10, 2000 (CANAGL) Quoted pathnames to fix paths containing spaces. OCT 11, 2002 (CANAGL\YWANG) Fixed CMD Win closing problem on W98
Function Run_DiffTool_EXE(difftool as String, parameters as String, _ source as String, target as String, _ outfile as String, timeout as Integer, ) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Called by internal routines. Not normally called by users directly. Runs the provided DIFFTOOL through a CONSOLE WINDOW command. This utility compares and reports on the differences between two files. The output is piped to OUTFILE instead of to the console for use in other comparisons or reporting. The DIFFTOOL provided must support the following command line structure: (difftool) file1 file2 (parameters) > outfile This routine requires that the DIFFTOOL used be in the system path so that Windows will be able to find and execute it. Alternate diff tools can be configured for use via the RRAFS.INI configuration file. If no tool is configured then we will use Windows FC.EXE by default. The RRAFS.INI entries to specify alternate diff tools: [DIFFER] TOOL_EXE= TOOL_OPTIONS= TOOL_BINARY_OPTIONS= The routine creates a BAT file in the active Dif folder so that if you have the ExamDiff(or another diff viewer) tool installed you will be able to execute the BAT file and get a visual comparison of the file differences (if any exist). The BAT file will be of no use if no viewer is installed. Alternate diff tools can be configured for use via the RRAFS.INI configuration file. If no tool is configured then we will assume EXAMDIFF.EXE by default. The RRAFS.INI entries to specify alternate diffviewer tools: [DIFFVIEWER] TOOL_EXE= TOOL_OPTIONS= Environment Variables "DDE_DIFF_VIEW_EXE" and "DDE_DIFF_VIEW_OPTIONS" can be used instead of the RRAFS.INI file. RRAFS.INI settings will be favored over Environment Variable settings. The viewer must already be in the system PATH or the paths in RRAFS.INI or the Environment variable listed above must have the full path to the viewer. You may have to append the viewer's directory into the PATH environment variable if the path to the viewer contains spaces. The routine expects an environment variable named TEMP to be on the machine. The string value of TEMP should NOT end with a (\). TEMP is where we temporarily create a batch file to launch the utility. This is required since it seems the utility will not pipe to an output file if it is not executed from a command prompt. NOTE: This function will attempt to recognize when common IMAGE types are being compared and produce additional output files in the Dif directory for viewing the images in a web browser (assuming the browser supports the image formats). In this case, the function will attempt to invoke CreateImageDiff to add to the browser view and make visual comparisons easier. This will only succeed if one of the tools supported by CreateImageDiff has been installed on the machine. The function will still work as always if no additional tools have been installed. PARAMETERS: difftool the diff EXE to use for the file comparison parameters parameters to provide to the DIFFTOOL EXE for the comparison. Do not include the (>) pipe character and dif name because we handle all that here. source full source path for file1 (usually a benchmark file) target full target path for file2 (file to compare with file1) outfile full path and name to output result file (dif file). If this file exists prior to running this routine it is deleted first. timeout maximum allowed time for task to complete (in seconds). Default timeout value is 30 seconds which is used if the provided value is <= 0. RETURNS: 0 on run successful. This does not mean a successful compare occurred. The outfile needs to be evaluated to determine the success of the actual compare. You WILL get a 0 only if: The expected output file does exist after the DOS WINDOW went away. -1 on failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems, the DIFFTOOL EXE not being found, the TEMP directory not being set in the system environment or its value is invalid. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source, target, or outfile parameters are null strings or don't exist or if the output file upon completion does not exist. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 15, 2003 History: AUG 15, 2003 Original Release APR 25, 2005 (CANAGL) Output a DIFFHTML into DIF dir for IMG compares MAY 24, 2005 (CANAGL) Output a DIFF.GIF into DIF dir for IMG compares
Function Run_NTFileComp_EXE(source As String, target As String, _ outfile As String, parameters As String, _ timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs the DOS PROGRAM "FC" via Run_DiffTool_EXE above. This utility compares and reports on the differences between two files. The output will be piped to a file instead of the DOS window. At the time of this writing, valid parameters to FC were: /A Displays only first and last lines for each set of differences. /B Perform a Binary comparison. /C Disregard the case of letters. /L Compare files as ASCII text. /LBn Sets max consecutive mismatches to the specified number of lines. /N Displays the line numbers on an ASCII comparison /T Does not expand tabs to spaces. /U Compare files as UNICODE text files. /W Compress whitespace for comparison. /nnnn The number of consecutive lines that must match after a mismatch. NOTE, a successful compare would normally have two lines of text: (1) Comparing files FILE1 and FILE2 (2) FC: no differences encountered Difference reporting sections usually begin and end with "*****" PARAMETERS: source full source path for file1 (usually a benchmark file) target full target path for file2 (file to compare with file1) outfile full path and name to output result file (dif file). If this file exists prior to running this routine it is deleted first. parameters additional parameters to provide to FC Do not include the (>) pipe character and dif name because we handle all that here. timeout maximum allowed time for task to complete (in seconds). Default timeout value is 30 seconds which is used if the provided value is <= 0. RETURNS: 0 on run successful. This does not mean a successful compare occurred. The outfile needs to be evaluated to determine the success of the actual compare. You WILL get a 0 only if: The expected output file does exist after the DOS WINDOW went away. -1 on failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems, the FC command not being found, the TEMP directory not being set in the system environment or its value is invalid. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source, target, or outfile parameters are null strings or don't exist or if the output file upon completion does not exist. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 02, 1999 History: AUG 02, 1999 Original Release AUG 09, 1999 (CANAGL) Removed failure if FC window not detected. Final failure occurs if Dif outfile is not created. OCT 10, 2000 (CANAGL) Quoted pathnames to fix paths containing spaces. OCT 12, 2000 (CANAGL) Quoted pathnames to fix paths containing spaces. REALLY! SEP 24, 2002 (DCOEN\CANAGL) Added DIFF.BAT functionality. OCT 11, 2002 (CANAGL\YWANG) Fixed CMD Win closing problem on W98 AUG 15, 2003 (CANAGL) Extract functionality into Run_DiffTool_EXE
Function Run_GNUDiff_EXE (source As String, target As String, _ outfile As String, parameters As String, _ timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs the PROGRAM "DIFF.EXE" via Run_DiffTool_EXE above. This utility compares and reports on the differences between two files. The output will be piped to a file instead of the DOS window. There are too many options available for DIFF.EXE to list here. Consult: DiffUtils Docs Some interesting case-sensitive options: --text force a text compare --binary force binary compare AND binary diff output (for hex viewing?) -s force "identical" note if files are the same -q output a quick "differ" or "identical" notes. No lines of differing text. -y output lines in side-by-side mode If you intend to use the GNUDiffCompResult function to check the results, this call must have as one of the parameters to DIFF.EXE the "-s" option. The -s option tells DIFF.EXE to write out "[files] are identical" text if no differences are found. Otherwise, DIFF.EXE may NOT write anything to the diff file if no differences are found. Of course, the DIFF.EXE program must be installed and findable by Windows in its search PATH. To install the binaries appropriate for Windows. goto: GNU Utils for Win32 on SourceForge. PARAMETERS: source full source path for file1 (usually a benchmark file) target full target path for file2 (file to compare with file1) outfile full path and name to output result file (dif file). If this file exists prior to running this routine it is deleted first. parameters parameters to provide DIFF.EXE Do not include the (>) pipe character and dif name because we handle all that here. timeout maximum allowed time for task to complete (in seconds). Default timeout value is 30 seconds which is used if the provided value is <= 0. RETURNS: 0 on run successful. This does not mean a successful compare occurred. The outfile needs to be evaluated to determine the success of the actual compare. You WILL get a 0 only if: The expected output file does exist after the DOS WINDOW went away. -1 on failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems, the DIFF command not being found, the TEMP directory not being set in the system environment or its value is invalid. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source, target, or outfile parameters are null strings or don't exist or if the output file upon completion does not exist. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 18, 2003 History: AUG 18, 2003 Original Release APR 19, 2004 (CANAGL) Corrected some DIFF.EXE documentation only.
Function NTFileCompResult(source As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: This routine will evaluate the given source file and determine if it contains the string indicating that a successful file compare occurred and that the files matched. This routine would normally only be called after a successful call to Run_NTFileComp_EXE returned a status=0 (success). It is specifically looking for text string output by the FC.EXE file compare tool. NOTE, a successful compare would normally have two lines of text: (1) Comparing files FILE1 and FILE2 (2) FC: no differences encountered Difference reporting sections usually begin and end with "*****" PARAMETERS: source full source path for FC output file. This should be the outfile specification used in the call to Run_NTFileComp_EXE. RETURNS: 0 on successful evaluation of the outfile and finding the "FC: no differences found" string. 1 failure. Source file contained reported differences ("*****"). -1 command failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source file was a null strings, doesn't exist, or does not have expected FC status text. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 02, 1999 History: AUG 02, 1999 Original Release
Function GNUDiffCompResult(source As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: This routine will evaluate the given source file and determine if it contains the string indicating that a successful file compare occurred and that the files matched. This routine would normally only be called after a successful call to Run_GNUDiff_EXE returned a status=0 (success). That call must have had as one of the parameters to DIFF.EXE the "-s" option. The -s option tells DIFF.EXE to write out "[files] are identical" text if no differences are found. Otherwise, DIFF.EXE may NOT write anything to the diff file if no differences are found. Consult: DiffUtils Docs for other options available to DIFF.EXE NOTE, a successful compare would normally have one line of text: (1) Files [filenames] are identical OR (1) Files [filenames] differ Of course, the DIFF.EXE program must be installed and findable by Windows in its search PATH. To install the binaries appropriate for Windows. goto: GNU Utils for Win32 on SourceForge. PARAMETERS: source full source path for GNU DIFF.EXE output file. This should be the outfile specification used in the call to Run_GNUDiff_EXE. RETURNS: 0 on successful evaluation of the outfile and finding the " are identical" string. 1 failure. Source file contained reported differences (" differ"). (if the -q option is used) Generally, the absence of " are identical" is used to determine a difference exists. -1 command failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source file was a null strings, doesn't exist, or does not have status text. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 08, 2003 History: AUG 08, 2003 Original Release AUG 19, 2003 (CANAGL) Added support for testing binary comp results. APR 19, 2004 (CANAGL) Corrected some DIFF.EXE documentation only.
Function Run_RRAFSTextDiff_EXE (source As String, target As String, _ outfile As String, timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs the text diff tool specified in the RRAFS.INI configuration file. If none is specified, the default FC.EXE file comparator is used. The RRAFS.INI file supports user-configurable diff utilities with the following entries: [DIFFER] TOOL_EXE= TOOL_OPTIONS= TOOL_BINARY_OPTIONS= This routine combines the actual diff execution along with the post-diff results evaluation to return the final result of whether the files were different, or not. We can only take that extra step if the diff tool and method to evaluate the diff results are known to us. Consequently, as of this writing, only the FC.EXE and GNU DIFF.EXE tools are supported with this complete cycle. PARAMETERS: source full source path for file1 (usually a benchmark file) target full target path for file2 (file to compare with file1) outfile full path and name to output result file (dif file). If this file exists prior to running this routine it is deleted first. timeout maximum allowed time for task to complete (in seconds). Default timeout value is 30 seconds which is used if the provided value is <= 0. RETURNS: 0 on successful evaluation of the resulting diff and finding that the source and target are considered identical. 1 failure. The source and target were not considered identical. 2 uncertain. The diff tool was not recognized. The diff program was successfully executed; however, we could not evaluate the outfile to know whether the source and target were considered to be identical. This check will have to be done manually. -1 on failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems, the diff utility not being found, the TEMP directory not being set in the system environment or its value is invalid. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source, target, or outfile parameters are null strings or don't exist or if the output file upon completion does not exist. Or, it could be something else :) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 18, 2003 History: AUG 18, 2003 Original Release
Function Run_RRAFSBinaryDiff_EXE (source As String, target As String, _ outfile As String, timeout As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Runs the binary moded diff tool specified in the RRAFS.INI configuration file. If none is specified, the default FC.EXE file comparator is used. The RRAFS.INI file supports user-configurable diff utilities with the following entries: [DIFFER] TOOL_EXE= TOOL_OPTIONS= TOOL_BINARY_OPTIONS= This routine combines the actual diff execution along with the post-diff results evaluation to return the final result of whether the files were different, or not. We can only take that extra step if the diff tool and method to evaluate the diff results are known to us. Consequently, as of this writing, only the FC.EXE and GNU DIFF.EXE tools are supported with this complete cycle. PARAMETERS: source full source path for file1 (usually a benchmark file) target full target path for file2 (file to compare with file1) outfile full path and name to output result file (dif file). If this file exists prior to running this routine it is deleted first. timeout maximum allowed time for task to complete (in seconds). Default timeout value is 30 seconds which is used if the provided value is <= 0. RETURNS: 0 on successful evaluation of the resulting diff and finding that the source and target are considered identical. 1 failure. The source and target were not considered identical. 2 uncertain. The diff tool was not recognized. The diff program was successfully executed; however, we could not evaluate the outfile to know whether the source and target were considered to be identical. This check will have to be done manually. -1 on failure. Failure can be caused by system file IO problems, the diff utility not being found, the TEMP directory not being set in the system environment or its value is invalid. The routine will also exit with failure if the provided source, target, or outfile parameters are null strings or don't exist or if the output file upon completion does not exist. Or, it could be something else :) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 18, 2003 History: AUG 18, 2003 Original Release
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