SQABasic "VSFlexGridFunctions" Library


      Routines and utilities to work on SQA Type=GENERIC;Class=VSFlexGrid objects in
      Data-Driven Automation.


      ClickCell       'Click a Cell in the Grid (edit mode remains active)
      SelectCell      'Select/Click a Cell in the Grid (edit mode does NOT remain active)
      VerifyValuesToFile      'Verify values against a benchmark file
      (FUTURE) SelectFirstBlankRow     'Select the first blank row in a specified column range.
      (FUTURE) GetRowValues    'Get all the values from a specified row into a pseudo-DDV array.
      (FUTURE) GetColValues    'Get all the values from a specified Col into a pseudo-DDV array.
      (FUTURE) GetAllValues    'Get all the values from a grid block into a pseudo-DDV array.
      (FUTURE) VerifyRowContains       'Verify a row contains a particular value
      (FUTURE) VerifyColContains       'Verify a col contains a particular value
      (FUTURE) VerifyCellValue         'Verify the value of a particular cell (row, col)

 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 18, 2002

      JUN 18, 2002    Original Release
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented TF and TW record types.
      DEC 12, 2002    (CANAGL) Added support for XSLComponentActions.MAP
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities directories.
      AUG 20, 2003    (CANAGL) Mod to use alternate diffs if configured.
      OCT 17, 2005    (CANAGL) Changed Click to ClickCell

 Copyright (2002, 2003) SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
  General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

   Sub   VSFlockColumnNames      BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "lockColumnNames"
   Sub   VSFreleaseColumnNames   BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "releaseColumnNames"
Function VSFisColumnNamesLocked  BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "isColumnNamesLocked"
   Sub   VSFoutputProperty       BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "outputProperty"
   Sub   VSFoutputKeyProperties  BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "outputKeyProperties"
Function VSFgetMaxRows           BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "getMaxRows"
Function VSFgetMaxCols           BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "getMaxCols"
Function VSFisEditing            BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "isEditing"
Function VSFextractColumnNames   BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "extractColumnNames"
   Sub   VSFoutputColumnNames    BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "outputColumnNames"
Function VSFfindColNameIndex     BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "findColNameIndex"
Function VSFshowRowVisible       BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "showRowVisible"
Function VSFshowColVisible       BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "showColVisible"
Function VSFfindLogicalRow       BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "findLogicalRow"
Function VSFfindLogicalCol       BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "findLogicalCol"
Function VSFfindNextNonHiddenItem  BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "findNextNonHiddenItem"
Function VSFvalidateBlockParameters  BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "validateBlockParameters"
Function VSFfindBlankRow         BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "findBlankRow"
Function VSFextractGridText      BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "extractGridText"
Function VSFoutputGridTextToFile  BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "outputGridTextToFile"
Function VSFgetRawCellCoordinates  BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "GetRawCellCoordinates"
Function VSFgetCellCoordinates   BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "GetCellCoordinates"
Function VSFclickRawCell         BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "clickRawCell"
Function VSFclickCell            BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "clickCell"
Function VSFselectRawCell        BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "selectRawCell"
Function VSFselectCell           BasicLib VSFlexGridFunctions Alias "selectCell"

Routine Details

   Sub VSFlockColumnNames alias "lockColumnNames" ()


      Provides a mechanism to prevent the repeated extraction of column
      names in a single operation.  When a complex operation calls more
      than one function that might attempt to extract the column names,
      this lock will prevent subsequent extraction attempts from performing
      duplicate extractions.

      The user does not normally ever have to call this routine.  The
      routines themselves will lock the data.  However, a user may choose
      to call this routine AFTER a successful lock has been released but
      the user wants the extracted data to remain locked even longer.
      In general, this is not safe since the contents of the grid could

      Just don't call this unless you really know what you are doing ;)





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Sub VSFreleaseColumnNames alias "releaseColumnNames" ()


      Provides a mechanism to release the lock from lockColumnNames.

      The standard DDE user does not ever have to call this routine.  The
      routines themselves will lock and unlock the data appropriately.

      However, a user calling routines in this library from a script or a
      custom library may need to release any lock formed during their calls
      since directly accessing these library routines does not automatically
      release any lock.  Though, some routines do automatically SET the lock.

      If you are using these library routines directly, then you should always
      release the lock between complex operations or after any operation
      in which the grid column names might have changed in any way.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFisColumnNamesLocked alias "isColumnNamesLocked" () As Integer


      Tests the state of the lock on stored column names.




      0   if columnNames are not currently stored and locked.
     -1   if columnNames are stored and locked.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Sub VSFoutputProperty alias "outputProperty" (flexgrid as String, property as String)


      This routine is for debugging purposes only.  Currently, it only
      outputs the desired value or errors to the SQAConsole for review.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      property    the property name whose value should be output.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Sub VSFoutputKeyProperties alias "outputKeyProperties" (flexgrid as String)


      This routine is for debugging purposes only.  Currently, it only
      outputs the listed values or errors to the SQAConsole for review.



      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFisEditing alias "isEditing" (flexgrid As String) As Integer


      Tests if the grid is in edit mode or not.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.


      1   in edit mode.
      0   not in edit mode.
     -1   an error occurred while testing for edit mode.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFgetMaxRows alias "getMaxRows" (flexgrid As String) As Integer


      Returns the 1-based count of physical rows in the grid.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.


      N   number of rows.
     -1   Error occurred.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFgetMaxCols alias "getMaxCols" (flexgrid As String) As Integer


      Returns the 1-based count of physical columns in the grid.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.


      N   number of columns.
     -1   Error occurred.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 2002

      AUG 06, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFextractColumnNames alias "extractColumnNames" (flexgrid As String) As Integer


      Extracts the column field names into a module level array.  Sets a
      counter which specifies the number of fields found.  This routine is
      generally used internally at this time.

      If column names storage has been locked, we will not perform a duplicate
      extraction.  We will simply return the existing value of the internal
      counter which was presumably already set by a previous extraction.

      Any external script calling this function should consider locking the
      column names once the extraction is completed to avoid the performance
      hit incurred from other function calls that may also try to extract
      the column names.

      The  names should then be released when the more complex operation is


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.


      N   number of fields extracted.
     -1   FormatString error.
     -2   FormatString TEXT location error.
     -3   FormatString segmentation error.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Sub VSFoutputColumnNames alias "outputColumnNames" (flexgrid as String)


      This routine is for debugging purposes only.  Currently, it only
      extracts and outputs the column names or errors to the SQAConsole for

      If no error occurred, this routine does LOCK the column names after
      they are extracted.  External scripts will need to RELEASE the data when
      they are ready to do so.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFfindColNameIndex alias "findColNameIndex" ( flexgrid As String,
                                                           col      As String,
                                                           Optional matchcount
                                                         ) as Integer


      Extracts the column field names into a module level array if they are
      not locked.  Then searches for the col index whose header text matches the
      provided col parameter.  If matchcount is provided and is greater than 1,
      then we will find the Nth match for the provided col parameter.

      We identify a match with the following precedence:

          1. full-length, case-sensitive match
          2. full-length, case-INsensitive match
          3. case-INsensitive partial text match

      If no error occurred, this routine does LOCK the column names after
      they are extracted.  External scripts will need to RELEASE the data when
      they are ready to do so.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      col         full or partial header text of field to index

      matchcount  Optionally specify the Nth occurrence of a match. Thus,
                  2=2nd match occurrence, 3=3rd match, etc...


      N   1-based col index
      0   Not found
     -N   Failure code from extractColumnNames



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFshowRowVisible alias "showRowVisible"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                        row      As Integer,
                                                        Optional mode
                                                      ) as Integer


      Set the grid to point to the provided row.  The default behavior is
      to actually set the grid's Row property to the provided row AND then
      force the grid to move\scroll so the row is visible onscreen.

      However, the user can provide the optional mode parameter to bypass
      the grid move operation.  If mode=1 then we will set the Row property,
      but we will not move the grid to bring it in view.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the raw row.  This is the actual row as
                  it exists in the grid, not a logical row as they are visible
                  to the user.  For example, the first row actually visible
                  in the grid may actually be row #3 in the grid.  You would
                  specify row=3 to "show" that first visible row.

      mode        Optional. if mode=1 then bypass the operation that brings
                  the row into view.  Just set the Row property.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   SQA Errors in working with the ROW property of the grid.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFshowColVisible alias "showColVisible"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                        col      As Integer,
                                                        Optional mode
                                                      ) as Integer


      Set the grid to point to the provided col.  The default behavior is
      to actually set the grid's Col property to the provided col AND then
      force the grid to move\scroll so the col is visible onscreen.

      However, the user can provide the optional mode parameter to bypass
      the grid move operation.  If mode=1 then we will set the Col property,
      but we will not move the grid to bring it in view.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      col         1-based index of the raw col.  This is the actual col as
                  it exists in the grid, not a logical col as they are visible
                  to the user.  For example, the first col actually visible
                  in the grid may actually be col #2 in the grid.  You would
                  specify col=2 to "show" that first visible col.

      mode        Optional. if mode=1 then bypass the operation that brings
                  the col into view.  Just set the Col property.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   SQA Errors in working with the COL property of the grid.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFfindLogicalRow alias "findLogicalRow"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                        row      As Integer,
                                                        Optional mode
                                                      ) as Integer


      Identify the true Row index for the logical\visible row requested.
      Hidden rows and fixed rows are ignored when counting logical rows.
      For example, logical row #1 is generally the first row containing
      data values visible to the user.

      Thus, if the grid contains 2 fixed rows and 1 hidden row
      then the visible data in logical row 1 is actually stored at Row index
      4.  So, when the caller requests the index for logical row 1 (row=1),
      this routine would return the number 4.  (Visible row 1 is stored at
      Row index 4.)

      The user can provide the optional mode parameter to use this found index
      to perform certain functions:

          mode=0 or not provided: set cursor to row and force it into view
          mode=1: set cursor to the Row, but do not force it into view
          mode=2: do not set cursor to the Row


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the logical\visible row.  This is the row as
                  it appears to the user.  For example, the first logical row
                  is typcially the first row that actually contains real data.
                  It excludes the hidden rows or fixed rows often used for
                  column headers.

      mode        Optional.
                  mode=0 or not provided: set cursor to row and force it into view
                  mode=1: set cursor to the Row, but do not force it into view
                  mode=2: do not set cursor to the Row


      0   Insufficient rows in grid or other bad input.
      N   The real 1-based row index for the logical\visible row requested.
          (Yeah, we know the actual grid is 0-based. Ignore that.)
     -1   Error retrieving\setting Grid properties.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFfindLogicalCol alias "findLogicalCol"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                        col      As Variant,
                                                        Optional mode
                                                      ) as Integer


      Identify the true Col index for the logical\visible col requested.
      The requested col can be identified by index or by field name.

      Hidden cols and fixed cols are ignored when counting logical cols.
      For example, logical col #1 is generally the first col containing
      data values visible to the user.

      Thus, if the grid contains 2 fixed cols and 1 hidden col
      then the visible data in logical col 1 is actually stored at Col index
      4.  So, when the caller requests the index for logical col 1 (col=1),
      this routine would return the number 4.  (Visible col 1 is stored at
      col index 4.)

      The user can provide the optional mode parameter to use this found index
      to perform certain functions:

          mode=0 or not provided: set cursor to Col and force it into view
          mode=1: set cursor to the Col, but do not force it into view
          mode=2: do not set cursor to the Col


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      col         1-based index of the logical\visible col or the string field
                  name of the col.  The index is the col as it appears to the
                  user.  For example, the first logical col is typcially
                  the first col that actually contains real data.
                  It excludes the hidden cols or fixed cols often used for
                  non-data purposes.

      mode        Optional.
                  mode=0 or not provided: set cursor to Col and force it into view
                  mode=1: set cursor to the Col, but do not force it into view
                  mode=2: do not set cursor to the Col


      0   Insufficient cols in grid or other bad input.
      N   The real 1-based col index for the logical\visible col requested.
          (Yeah, we know the actual grid is 0-based. Ignore that.)
     -1   Error retrieving\setting Grid properties.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFvalidateBlockParameters alias "validateBlockParameters"
                                                  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                    maxRows As Integer, maxCols As Integer,
                                                    rowMin As Integer, rowMax As Integer,
                                                    colMin As Variant, colMax As Variant,
                                                    mode As Integer
                                                  ) as Integer


      This routine converts input row and column parameters to their real physical
      cell pointers and verifies that the defined block is valid.  That mins are
      less than or equal to maxs and allowable maxs are not exceeded.  It will
      also resolve the column pointers if field names are provided instead.

      If mode = 0, then the input parameters will be interpretted as logical.
      We only reference non-hidden, non-fixed cells.

      If mode = 1, then the input parameters will be interpretted as real.
      We will reference ALL cells including hidden and fixed cells.

      colMin and colMax can be specified as indices OR full or partial field names.

      Upon successful completion; rowMin, colMin, rowMax, and colMax will contain
      the 1-based indices of the physical cells defining the block of grid cells.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      maxRows     1-based maximum number allowed for setting rowMax.
                  Usually this is retrieved from function getMaxRows.

      maxCols     1-based maximum number allowed for setting colMax.
                  Usually this is retrieved from function getMaxCols.

      rowMin      1-based index of the first row of the block.

      rowMax      1-based index of the last row of the block.

      colMin      1-based index of the first col in the block.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      colMax      1-based index of the last col in the block.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      mode        mode=1: parameters are interpretted as real indices that
                  include hidden and fixed data not visible to the user.

                  mode=0: parameters are interpretted as logical indices
                  that DO NOT include hidden and fixed data not visible to
                  the user.  Only visible data cells are referenced.

                  Invalid modes will be treated as mode=0 at this time.


        0          on valid block definition set based on mode provided.

       -1          Grid property access errors.
       -2          Input parameter errors.
       -3          Column Names Error.
       -4          Other errors.
       -5          Bounds errors.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 2002

      AUG 06, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFfindNextNonHiddenItem alias "findNextNonHiddenItem"
                                                  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                    itemIndex as Integer,
                                                    itemMax As Integer,
                                                    mode As Integer
                                                  ) as Integer


      Attempts to locate the next non-hidden row or column in the grid.
      The search begins at the provided 1-based itemIndex.

      The mode parameter determines if we are searching rows or columns.
      If mode=0, we are searching for non-hidden rows.
      If mode=1, we are searching for non-hidden columns.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      itemIndex   1-based index of the first item to check.

      itemMax     1-based index of the last item to check.

      mode        0; find next non-hidden row.
                  1; find next non-hidden column.


      N       The physical, 1-based index of the next non-hidden item.

      0       None found
     -2       Object Access Error



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 2002

      AUG 06, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFfindBlankRow alias "findBlankRow"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                    Optional rowMin, Optional rowMax,
                                                    Optional colMin, Optional colMax,
                                                    Optional mode
                                                  ) as Integer


      Attempts to locate the first row having no TEXT (blank) in or between colMin
      and colMax.  The row search begins at rowMin.  The optional mode parameter
      determines if we are searching logical, visible data cells only or ALL cells
      including hidden and fixed cells.

      If mode is not provided or is <> 1, then the input parameters and the search
      mechanism will be interpretted as logical.  We only count non-hidden, non-fixed

      If mode = 1, then the input parameters and the search mechanism will be
      interpretted as real.  We will count ALL cells including hidden and fixed cells.

      rowMin will default to 1 if not provided.

      colMin and colMax can be specified as indices OR full or partial field names.
      If not provided, colMin = 1 and colMax = the last column of the grid.

      The grid's cursor will remain on the last grid tested.  Thus, the cursor should
      reside on the last tested column of the found blank row, or it will be on the last
      tested column of the last row checked--even though it was not found to be blank.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      rowMin      1-based index of the first row to search.  Defaults to 1.

      rowMax      1-based index of the first row to search.  Defaults to Last.

      colMin      1-based index of the minimum col to search.  Defaults to 1.

                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      colMax      1-based index of the maximum col to search.  Defaults to Last.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      mode        If provided and mode=1, then parameters
                  are interpretted as real indices that include hidden and
                  fixed data not visible to the user.

                  If not provided, or mode <> 1; then parameters
                  are interpretted as logical indices that DO NOT include hidden
                  and fixed data not visible to the user.  Only visible data
                  cells are referenced and checked.


      N           The raw 1-based row index of the first row containing no TEXT
                  in and between colMin and colMax (inclusive).

      0           None Found

     -N           Errors from validateBlockParameters



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 2002

      AUG 06, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFextractGridText alias "extractGridText"
                                                  ( flexgrid As String, _
                                                    data() as String, _
                                                    Optional rowMin, Optional rowMax,
                                                    Optional colMin, Optional colMax,
                                                    Optional mode
                                                  ) as Integer


      Attempts to extract the Text value from each cell in the block defined
      by rowMin, colMin, rowMax, colMax.  The row search begins at rowMin.
      The optional mode parameter determines if we are extracting logical,
      visible data cells only or ALL cells including hidden and fixed cells.

      Each extracted cell will represent one entry in the 1-based, 2D data array.

      The data array should initially be declared as:

              Dim data() as String

      If mode is not provided or is <> 1, then the input parameters and the extract
      mechanism will be interpretted as logical.  We only count non-hidden, non-fixed

      If mode = 1, then the input parameters and the extract mechanism will be
      interpretted as real.  We will count ALL cells including hidden and fixed cells.

      If not provided, rowMin = 1 and rowMax = the last row of the grid.

      colMin and colMax can be specified as indices OR full or partial field names.
      If not provided, colMin = 1 and colMax = the last column of the grid.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      data        String array to be ReDimmed as a 2D array.  Cell Text values will
                  be returned in this array as columns per row.
                  The data array will be ReDimmed as a 1-based, 2D String array.
                  The first element will be element 1,1: row1, col1.

      rowMin      1-based index of the first row to search.  Defaults to 1.

      rowMax      1-based index of the first row to search.  Defaults to Last.

      colMin      1-based index of the minimum col to search.  Defaults to 1.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      colMax      1-based index of the maximum col to search.  Defaults to Last.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      mode        If provided and mode=1, then parameters
                  are interpretted as real indices that include hidden and
                  fixed data not visible to the user.

                  If not provided, or mode <> 1; then parameters
                  are interpretted as logical indices that DO NOT include hidden
                  and fixed data not visible to the user.  Only visible data
                  cells are referenced and checked.


      N           The number of rows extracted into the 1-based, 2D array.

     -1           Errors from object property lookup.
     -2           Errors with input parameters.
     -N           Errors from other routines like validateBlockParameters.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 09, 2002

      AUG 09, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFoutputGridTextToFile alias "outputGridTextToFile"
                                                  ( flexgrid As String, _
                                                    filename as String, Optional separator,
                                                    Optional rowMin, Optional rowMax,
                                                    Optional colMin, Optional colMax,
                                                    Optional mode
                                                  ) as Integer


      Attempts to extract the Text value from each cell in the block defined
      by rowMin, colMin, rowMax, colMax and output them to a delimited file.
      The row search begins at rowMin.

      The optional mode parameter determines if we are extracting logical,
      visible data cells only or ALL cells including hidden and fixed cells.

      Each extracted cell will represent one field in the output file.
      Each field will be separated by the provided separator or, by
      default, the TAB character.
      Each row will be output on a separate line.

      If mode is not provided or is <> 1, then the input parameters and the extract
      mechanism will be interpretted as logical.  We only count non-hidden, non-fixed

      If mode = 1, then the input parameters and the extract mechanism will be
      interpretted as real.  We will count ALL cells including hidden and fixed cells.

      If not provided, rowMin = 1 and rowMax = the last row of the grid.

      colMin and colMax can be specified as indices OR full or partial field names.
      If not provided, colMin = 1 and colMax = the last column of the grid.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      filename    fullpath to filename that will be written with contents.
                  The routine will overwrite the file if it already exists.

      separator   Optional separator to use between fields in each record.
                  By default, the routine will use the TAB character.

      rowMin      1-based index of the first row to search.  Defaults to 1.

      rowMax      1-based index of the first row to search.  Defaults to Last.

      colMin      1-based index of the minimum col to search.  Defaults to 1.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      colMax      1-based index of the maximum col to search.  Defaults to Last.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      mode        If provided and mode=1, then parameters
                  are interpretted as real indices that include hidden and
                  fixed data not visible to the user.

                  If not provided, or mode <> 1; then parameters
                  are interpretted as logical indices that DO NOT include hidden
                  and fixed data not visible to the user.  Only visible data
                  cells are retrieved.


      N           The number of rows output into the file.

     -1           Errors from object property lookup.
     -2           Errors with input parameters.
     -N           Errors from other routines like validateBlockParameters.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: SEP 20, 2002

      SEP 20, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFgetRawCellCoordinates alias "GetRawCellCoordinates"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                                      row      As Integer,
                                                                      col      As Variant,
                                                                      x as Integer, y as Integer,
                                                                      Optional w, Optional h
                                                                    ) as Integer


      Locate the top left coordinate of a grid cell.  We will also fill in the
      cell's width(w) and height(h) if the parameters are provided.

      row and col indices are 1-based.  col can instead be a non-numeric field
      name or partial field name.  Indices are based on the raw rows and
      cols--the actual 1-based indices in the grid whether or not they are hidden
      or fixed.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the raw row.

      col         1-based index of the raw col.
                  Can also be a field name or partial field name.

      x           receives the x coordinate in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  This is for the top left corner of the cell.

      y           receives the y coordinate in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  This is for the top left corner of the cell.

      w           receives the width in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  Providing this parameter is optional.

      h           receives the height in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  Providing this parameter is optional.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   SQA Error codes while extracting property values.
     -1   Error matching col field name.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFgetCellCoordinates alias "GetCellCoordinates"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                                row      As Integer,
                                                                col      As Variant,
                                                                x as Integer, y as Integer,
                                                                Optional w, Optional h
                                                              ) as Integer


      Locate the top left coordinate of a grid cell.  We will also fill in the
      cell's width(w) and height(h) if the parameters are provided.

      row and col indices are 1-based.  col can instead be a non-numeric field
      name or partial field name.  Indices are based on the logical rows and
      cols--those visible to the user.  Thus, the first row of data is row 1.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the logical(visible) row.

      col         1-based index of the logical(visible) col.
                  Can also be a field name or partial field name.

      x           receives the x coordinate in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  This is for the top left corner of the cell.

      y           receives the y coordinate in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  This is for the top left corner of the cell.

      w           receives the width in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  Providing this parameter is optional.

      h           receives the height in screen pixels of the grid cell.
                  Providing this parameter is optional.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   Errors from GetRawCellCoordinates
     -1   Errors matching logical row and col.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFclickRawCell alias "clickRawCell"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                    row      As Integer,
                                                    col      As Variant,
                                                    Optional mode
                                                  ) as Integer


      Click the center of the raw grid cell.  This is the actual 1-based
      grid cell that includes hidden and fixed rows and columns.

      row and col indices are 1-based.  col can instead be a non-numeric field
      name or partial field name.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the real row.

      col         1-based index of the real col.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      mode        If provided, and mode=1, then we will send an {ESCAPE} key
                  to the grid to abort any edit mode that may have initiated.
                  Otherwise, we will stay in edit mode if active.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   Errors From GetRawCellCoordinates.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFclickCell alias "clickCell"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                              row      As Integer,
                                              col      As Variant,
                                              Optional mode
                                            ) as Integer


      Click the center of the logical (visible) grid cell.

      row and col indices are 1-based.  col can instead be a non-numeric field
      name or partial field name.  Indices are based on the logical rows and
      cols--those visible to the user.  Thus, the first row of data is row 1.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the logical(visible) row.

      col         1-based index of the logical(visible) col.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.

      mode        If provided, and mode=1, then we will send an {ESCAPE} key
                  to the grid to abort any edit mode that may have initiated.
                  Otherwise, we will stay in edit mode if active.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   Errors From clickRawCell.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFselectRawCell alias "selectRawCell"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                      row      As Integer,
                                                      col      As Variant
                                                    ) as Integer


      Click the center of the raw grid cell.
      If the grid goes into edit mode then ESCAPE out of edit mode.

      row and col indices are 1-based.  col can instead be a non-numeric field
      name or partial field name.  Indices are based on the real rows and
      cols which will include hidden and fixed rows.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the real row.

      col         1-based index of the real col.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   Errors From clickRawCell.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Function VSFselectCell alias "selectCell"  ( flexgrid As String,
                                                row      As Integer,
                                                col      As Variant
                                              ) as Integer


      Click the center of the logical (visible) grid cell.
      If the grid goes into edit mode then ESCAPE out of edit mode.

      row and col indices are 1-based.  col can instead be a non-numeric field
      name or partial field name.  Indices are based on the logical rows and
      cols--those visible to the user.  Thus, the first row of data is row 1.


      flexgrid    the recognition string for the VSFlexgrid object.

      row         1-based index of the logical(visible) row.

      col         1-based index of the logical(visible) col.
                  Can instead be a field name or partial field name.


      0   No errors detected.
      N   Errors From clickCell.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 31, 2002

      JUL 31, 2002    Original Release

   Sub VSFlexVerifyValuesToFile ()


      Routine to verify the string values of a grid block to a file benchmark.
      You can verify the entire grid, or a user-defined block of values
      withing the grid.

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.

      This command supports the "TW" record type for user configured file
      comparators for which we have no means to automatically verify the

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Benchmark text filename.  Relative paths suitable for FindSQAFile
              can be used.  Normally, the Benchmark file would reside in the
              Project's Datapool\Bench directory.

       6      (Optional) rowMin. Specify the first row of the block to capture
              and verify.  The first row of the Grid is 1.  Row 1 is the default
              used if no rowMin is specified.

       7      (Optional) rowMax. Specify the last row of the block to capture
              and verify.  The first row of the Grid is 1.  The last row is the
              default used if no rowMax is specified.

       8      (Optional) colMin. Specify the first col of the block to capture
              and verify.  The first col of the Grid is 1.  Col 1 is the default
              used if no colMin is specified.
              You can also specify a column via full or partial col header text.

       9      (Optional) colMax. Specify the last col of the block to capture
              and verify.  The first col of the Grid is 1.  The last col is the
              default used if no colMax is specified.
              You can also specify a column via full or partial col header text.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: SEP 23, 2002

      SEP 23, 2002    Original Release
      AUG 14, 2003    (CANAGL) Added use of DDUtilities directories.
      AUG 20, 2003    (CANAGL) Mod to use alternate diffs if configured.

   Sub VSFlexClickLogicalCell (Optional mode)


      Attempts to perform a single Click on a logical table cell.
      The cell to Click is provided in separate row and col
      parameters.  Missing parameters indicate index=1. The
      indexes are 1-based.  That is, the first row is row 1.
      The first col is col 1.

      Logical Cells are those data cells viewable to the
      user.  They do not include hidden or fixed cells.
      Thus, the first top left cell for real grid data
      is considered cell 1,1.

      The grid will remain in edit mode if edit mode goes active.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      The ROW of the cell to click. If no ROW is specified then the
              routine will use ROW=1.

       6      The COLUMN of the cell to click. If no COLUMN is specified then
              the routine will use COL=1.

  NOTE: the routine's MODE parameter is not used by the Click command.  That is
  provided for other commands such as SelectCell.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 18, 2002

      JUN 18, 2002    Original Release

   Sub VSFlexSelectLogicalCell () alias VSFlexClickLogicalCell


      Attempts to perform a Select on a logical table cell.
      The cell to Select is provided in separate row and col
      parameters.  Missing parameters indicate index=1. The
      indexes are 1-based.  That is, the first row is row 1.
      The first col is col 1.

      Logical Cells are those data cells viewable to the
      user.  They do not include hidden or fixed cells.
      Thus, the first top left cell for real grid data
      is considered cell 1,1.

      We will ESCAPE out of edit mode if edit mode goes active.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      The ROW of the cell to click. If no ROW is specified then the
              routine will use ROW=1.

       6      The COLUMN of the cell to click. If no COLUMN is specified then
              the routine will use COL=1.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 18, 2002

      JUN 18, 2002    Original Release

   Sub Main ()


      Entry point to process a StepDriver ACTION COMMAND on a VSFLEXGRID.
      The routine merely reads the Global StepDriverTestInfo.testcommand and
      calls the appropriate subroutine to process it.

      If the testcommand is unrecognized here we will pass processing on
      to GenericObjectFunctions.


      none    -   the called subroutine has the requirements



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 18, 2002

      JUN 18, 2002    Original Release
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented TF and TW record types.
      DEC 12, 2002    (CANAGL) Added support for XSLComponentActions.MAP
      OCT 17, 2005    (CANAGL) Changed Click to ClickCell

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 