MODULE DESCRIPTION: Utility routines for working with actual GUI objects and object properties.Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details
Function DDGGetGUIPropertyString BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIPropertyVariant BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIArrayPropertySize BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIArrayPropertyStrings BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIArrayPropertyVariants BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIObjectData BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetRootNodeInfo BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetObjectDataNodeInfo BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetFullNodePath BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetNodeNonBlankColValueCount BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIChildrenIDs BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIPropertyNames BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGOutputGUIChildrenIDs BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGOutputGUIPropertyNames BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGPerformSAFSMAPSCheck BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetDefaultAppMapSection BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Sub DDGSetDefaultAppMapSection BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIID BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGClearAppMapCache BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetCompTypeFromGUIID BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForSQAObject BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForPropertyValue BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForPropertyValueGone BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForGUI BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForGUIPropertyValue BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForSQAObjectGone BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForGUIGone BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGWaitForGUIPropertyValueGone BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGSetGUIProperty BasicLib DDGUIUtilities Function DDGGetGUIEnvironment BasicLib DDGUIUtilities
'these are transient values filled by various routines 'not all values are modified by all ObjectData routines Global DDGObjDataRows as Integer 'max rows in array Global DDGObjDataCols as Integer 'max cols in array Global DDGobjDataRowMin as Integer 'lbound of row array dimension Global DDGObjDataColMin as Integer 'lbound of col array dimension Global DDGObjDataRootRow as Integer 'first row with data Global DDGObjDataRootCol as Integer 'first col with data Global DDGObjDataCol as Integer 'last col accessed Global DDGObjDataRow as Integer 'last row accessed Global DDGObjDataNode as String 'value of last node accessed Global DDGObjDataFullNodePath as String 'fullpath of last fullpath accessed 'DEPRECATED: 'Use DDG_FALLBACK_LOOKUP_SECTION to identify a particular section in an 'Application map to use as the default lookup for values NOT found when 'searching for Application Map GUI IDs or DDVariable values. 'This Global is deprecated. Use the following routines to Get/Set this value: ' ' DDGGetDefaultAppMapSection ' DDGSetDefaultAppMapSection 'Global DDG_FALLBACK_LOOKUP_SECTION As String
Type ObjectDataNodeInfo FullPath As String Delimiter As String Row As Integer Column As Integer ChildCount As Integer FirstChildRow As Integer LastChildRow As Integer FullFoundPath As String End Type
Function DDGPerformSAFSMAPSCheck() as Long DESCRIPTION: Check to see if the SAFSMAPS service is already running. If not, see if AUTOLAUNCH is enabled and commence if it is. PARAMETERS: (none) RETURNS: TRUE (non-zero) or FALSE (zero) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: DEC 07, 2006 History: DEC 07, 2006 Original Release
Function DDGGetGUIPropertyVariant (guiID As String, property As String, value As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Retrieves a GUI object property value as a Variant along with status information just like SQAGetProperty. However, the routine checks for unmodified, local (.\;), and desktop (\;) contexts for the object before returning a sqaObjectNotFound status (which SQA does not). This routine is only for single value properties. If a property value is actually a list or array then you need to use DDGGetGUIArrayPropertyVariants. To get a single property value from within an array you must include the property name with an array syntax which includes the index into the array. For example, to retrieve the 3rd value from the property List the property string would be "List(3)". PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-sensitive name of the property to get the value from. value Variant to receive the retrieved value RETURNS: 0 Success. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUL 27, 1999 History: JUL 27, 1999 Original Release APR 28, 2005 (CANAGL) Additional performance enhancements
Function DDGGetGUIPropertyString (guiID As String, property As String, value As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Retrieves a GUI object property value as a String along with status information just like SQAGetPropertyAsString. However, the routine checks for unmodified, local (.\;), and desktop (\;) contexts for the object before returning a sqaObjectNotFound status (which SQA does not). This routine is only for single value properties. If a property value is actually a list or array then you need to use DDGGetGUIArrayPropertyStrings. To get a single property value from within an array you must include the property name with an array syntax which includes the index into the array. For example, to retrieve the 3rd value from the property List the property string would be "List(3)". PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-sensitive name of the property to get the value from. value String to receive the retrieved value RETURNS: 0 Success. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUL 27, 1999 History: JUL 27, 1999 Original Release APR 28, 2005 (CANAGL) Additional performance enhancements
Function DDGGetGUIArrayPropertySize (guiID As String, property As String, size As integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Returns the size of the property array for the given property. This can only be done on properties whose values are lists or arrays. If the property is not an array then an error will be returned. This routine attempts to locate the desired component by cycling through variations of the guiID provided to better facilitate a match. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-sensitive name of the property to get the size of (and verify it is an array). size will receive the number of elements in the array if successful. RETURNS: 0 Success. "size" will exit with the number of elements in the array. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAY 26, 2000 History: MAY 26, 2000 Original Release APR 28, 2005 (CANAGL) Additional performance enhancements
Function DDGGetGUIArrayPropertyStrings (guiID As String, property As String, values() As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Returns a GUI object property value as an array of Strings. This can only be done on properties whose values are lists or arrays. If a propety value is actually a single value then you need to use DDGGetGUIPropertyString. We first call DDGGetGUIArrayPropertySize to ensure the property is actually an array with a size greater than 0. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-sensitive name of the property to get the value from. values a zero-based array of type String that has been declared as follows: Dim values() As String This routine will handle the redimensioning of the array to suit. RETURNS: 0 Success. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUL 27, 1999 History: JUL 27, 1999 Original Release APR 28, 2005 (CANAGL) Additional performance enhancements
Function DDGGetGUIArrayPropertyVariants (guiID As String, property As String, values() As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Returns a GUI object property value as an array of Variants. This can only be done on properties whose values are lists or arrays. If a propety value is actually a single value then you need to use DDGGetGUIPropertyVariant. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-sensitive name of the property to get the value from. values a zero-based array of type Variant that has been declared as follows: Dim values() As Variant This routine will handle the redimensioning of the array to suit. RETURNS: 0 Success. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUL 27, 1999 History: JUL 27, 1999 Original Release APR 28, 2005 (CANAGL) Additional performance enhancements
Function DDGGetGUIObjectData (guiID As String, values() As Variant, Optional dataTest As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Returns GUI object data as an array of Variants. This can only be done for objects that Robot can successfully execute an Object Data VP (CompareData or CompareMenu) on. We use our own dummy VP data to get at this data. The user does not have to have an existing VP to use this function. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. values array of type Variant that has been declared as follows: Dim values() As Variant This routine will handle the redimensioning of the array to suit. The returned values array will be a 2D 1-based array. That is, the first element is at row/col index 1,1. Note, you will need to evaluate the actual contents of the returned array for your needs. It is possible that hidden rows and columns will be surfaced in the array. So data that appears like it should be in cell 1,1 may actually be in cell 2,2 (or elsewhere depending on "hidden" rows and columns). dataTest optional string value that specifies the data to capture. Depending on the GUI object, the user might be able to capture different data, in addition to "Contents" which is usually available to all objects. For example, "Visible Nodes" and "Java Active State" are also available for JavaTrees. The default is "Contents". If "Menu" is provided then a dynamic Menu extraction will occur where supported. Values specified for datatest are currently case-sensitive. RETURNS: N On Success, returns the number of ROWS returned in the values array. This will include any header row(s) and/or leftmost "hidden" column(s). -1 Fatal VP execution Error ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: NOV 20, 2002 History: NOV 20, 2002 Original Release DEC 03, 2003 (YWANG) Changed DDGGetGUIObjectData to allow different data test MAY 14, 2004 (CANAGL) Seeking performance improvements on data extraction. JUN 15, 2005 (CANAGL) Added datatest="Menu" support to DDGGetGUIObjectData
Function DDGGetRootNodeInfo (nodes() As Variant, rootRow as Integer, rootCol as Integer) As String DESCRIPTION: Find the first non-blank cell in the provided 2D array. Returns the string of that root node and fills in the variables rootRow and rootCol with the row and column where the root was found in the values array. This is generally useful for evaluating the ObjectData arrays returned from DDGGetGUIObjectData. PARAMETERS: nodes() Generally, a 2D array of Variant values like those returned from DDGGetGUIObjectData. The array must be 0-based or higher. Usually it is 1-based. rootRow pass in a variable that will receive the row from which the first non-blank cell was found. rootCol pass in a variable that will receive the row from which the first non-blank cell was found. RETURNS: String The string value of that first non-blank cell, or an emptry string. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JAN 17, 2003 History: JAN 16, 2003 Original Release JUL 20, 2005 (CANAGL) Added Global var support for performance.
Function DDGGetFullNodePath (nodepath as String, delimiter as String, nodes() as Variant, Optional fuzzy, Optional matchIndex) as String DESCRIPTION: Find the fullNodePath string that proves our nodepath exists in the provided nodes array. Normally, this requires an exact match, but we can allow for partial matches and case-insensitive comparisons and matching with the Optional "fuzzy" parameter. The nodes array is expected to be configured as a 2D array representation of hierarchical data like that provided from DDGGetGUIObjectData. Our nodes array looks like this: root level1 level1a level2 level2a level1b level2b level2c level3 level1c So, you can see that "level1b" indicates the end of child nodes for "level1a". "level1c" indicates the end of child nodes for "level2c" AND "level1b". nodepaths are hierarchical paths to individual leaf nodes using the specified delimiter between parent and child nodes. Example nodepaths with "->" delimiter: root->level1b->level2c->level3 root->level1c Example fuzzy nodepaths with "->" delimiter: r->1b->2c->3 oo->c t->level1b->2c->level PARAMETERS: nodePath A string showing parent/child hierarchical information separated by delimiters. delimiter A String specifying the delimiter used to separate parent/child relationsips. nodes() Generally, a 2D array of Variant values like those returned from DDGGetGUIObjectData. The array must be 0-based or higher. Usually it is 1-based. The nodes array is expected to be configured as a 2D array representation of hierarchical data like that provided from DDGGetGUIObjectData. fuzzy Optional parameter to allow for partial text matches when identifying nodes. 0=(default) exact match required. 1=case-insensitive partial matches allowed. matchIndex Optional parameter to allow for the Nth match, not just the first. This matchIndex only applies to the leaf nodes in the full path. If provided the numeric integer value must be > 0. embedIndex Optional parameter if true (non-zero) tells the routine to return ;Index= information in the returned full path where discernable. This can usually only be accomplished when fuzzy=0 (exact match required). Returns paths like: DupedNode;Index=2->BranchNode->LeafNode RootNode->DupedNode;Index=2->LeafNode embedIndexBase specify the base index when embedIndex is true. By default this IndexBase is 1. However, things like .NET have made the Index= indexbase 0. Thus, for .NET embedIndexBase would need to be specified as 0. RETURNS: String Upon success, we return the full exact match of the full hierarchy path to the requested node. Thus, if you provide a fuzzy path, this routine will return the full complete path string to the node--all fuzziness removed. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JAN 17, 2003 History: JAN 16, 2003 Original Release JAN 24, 2003 (YWANG) Fixed bug that incorrectly processes optional parameter fuzzy. DEC 03, 2003 (CANAGL) Added finding Nth match, not just the first. JUL 20, 2005 (CANAGL) Added Global var support for performance. Also added support for embedIndex and embedIndexBase and Nth item matching on root or branch nodes.
Function DDGGetNodeNonBlankColValueCount (nodes() As Variant, column as Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Return the number of non-blank cells in the provided column of the 2D array. This is generally useful for evaluating the ObjectData arrays returned from DDGGetGUIObjectData. PARAMETERS: nodes() Generally, a 2D array of Variant values like those returned from DDGGetGUIObjectData. The array must be 0-based or higher. Usually it is 1-based. column The column within the 2D array to evaluate. RETURNS: Integer The number of non-blank values in the provided column. -1 on error. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: APR 03, 2003 History: APR 03, 2003 Original Release
Function DDGGetObjectDataNodeInfo(data() As Variant, info As ObjectDataNodeInfo, children() As String, Optional match) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Retrieves information about a node of a tree captured in a 2D array. This is generally useful for evaluating the ObjectData arrays returned from DDGGetGUIObjectData. PARAMETERS: data 1-based 2D array of Variant values like those returned from DDGGetGUIObjectData. info input/output parameter to store information about the node of interest. The FullPath and Delimiter fields of this user type are the input parameters, thus should be populated before passing to this function. The rest of the fields are output parameters populated by this function. children output parameter. 1-based array storing all child nodes of the target node. You should make sure info.ChildCount is not 0 before accessing elements in this array. match Optional. 0 to match given path and object data exactly; 1 to partially match given path to object data. E.g. "root->subfolder" is a partial match for object data node "myroot->mysubfolder". Partial match is also case- insensitive. Default is 0 (exact match). RETURNS: 0 on success. 1 on failure. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Yuesong Wang Orig Date: DEC 03, 2003 History: DEC 03, 2003 Original Release MAY 10, 2004 (YWANG) Added optional match parameter JUL 20, 2005 (CANAGL) Added Global var support for performance SEP 08, 2005 (bolawl) Updated to build the full path of the located node (since info.FullPath can be a partial (fuzzy) path) and include it as info.FullFoundPath. RJL
Function DDGGetGUIChildrenIDs (guiID As String, values() As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Fills the provided array of Strings with the full recognition strings of all the children (if any) of the provided guiID. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. values a zero-based array of Strings that has been declared as follows: Dim values() As String This routine will handle the redimensioning of the array to suit. RETURNS: 0 Success. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. 1015 Generally indicates the object has no children or that an error occurred while filling up the array of child IDs. NOTE that the returned array may have valid entries even if an error occurs. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 24, 2000 History: FEB 24, 2000 Original Release MAR 01, 2000 (CANAGL) Updated doc
Function DDGGetGUIPropertyNames (guiID As String, values() As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Fills the provided array of Strings with all the available property names (if any) of the provided guiID. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. values a zero-based array of Strings that has been declared as follows: Dim values() As String This routine will handle the redimensioning of the array to suit. RETURNS: 0 Success. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. 1015 Generally indicates the object has no properties (never seen it) or that an error occurred while filling up the array of property names. NOTE that the returned array may have valid entries even if an error occurs. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 25, 2000 History: FEB 25, 2000 Original Release MAR 01, 2000 (CANAGL) Updated doc
Function DDGOutputGUIChildrenIDs (guiID As String, filename As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Writes a file containing the full recognition strings of all the children (if any) of the provided guiID. The file will be automatically overwritten if it already exists. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. filename filename to output the retrieved children recognition methods. One child recognition per line in the file. The file will be automatically overwritten if it already exists. RETURNS: 0 Success. -1 Invalid or missing filename +N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines or file handling routines. 1015 Generally indicates the object has no children or that an error occurred while filling up the array of child IDs. NOTE that the file or a partial file may be written even if an error occurs. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 24, 2000 History: FEB 24, 2000 Original Release MAR 01, 2000 (CANAGL) Allowed file output even on certain errors.
Function DDGOutputGUIPropertyNames (guiID As String, filename As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Writes a file containing all the available property names (if any) of the provided guiID. The file will be automatically overwritten if it already exists. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. filename filename to output the retrieved property names. One property name per line in the file. The file will be automatically overwritten if it already exists. RETURNS: 0 Success. -1 Invalid or missing filename N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines or file handling routines. 1015 Generally indicates the object has no properties (never seen it) or that an error occurred while filling up the array of property names. NOTE that the file or a partial file may be written even if an error occurs. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 25, 2000 History: FEB 25, 2000 Original Release MAR 01, 2000 (CANAGL) Allowed file output even on certain errors.
Function DDGGetDefaultAppMapSection () As String DESCRIPTION: Returns a fallback lookup section for searching an Application Map. If the fallback lookup section value has not been set, we will return the value of the DDG_DEFAULT_FALLBACK_LOOKUP_SECTION. In this way, the user does not have to perform the test and setting of the fallback lookup section to use. The FALLBACK LOOKUP SECTION is that section of the Application Map that will be searched for a matching componentID in the event that the specified windowsID section does not exist or does not contain that componentID. By default, this FALLBACK LOOKUP SECTION will be the ApplicationConstants section of the application map. The user can change this setting by providing a new value to the DDGSetDefaultAppMapSection routine. PARAMETERS: (none) RETURNS: The Application Map section currently set as the FALLBACK LOOKUP SECTION to search when items are otherwise not found. If no section was previously set, then we return the DEFAULT FALLBACK LOOKUP SECTION as defined in the Constants. ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAR 15, 2001 History: MAR 15, 2001 Original Release AUG 07, 2001 (CANAGL) Removed the Global and added DDGDefaultAppMapSection module variable. DEC 07, 2006 (CANAGL) Added direct STAF support to bypass DDVariableStore.DLL
Sub DDGSetDefaultAppMapSection (section as String) DESCRIPTION: Sets the FALLBACK LOOKUP SECTION for searching an Application Map. The FALLBACK LOOKUP SECTION is that section of the Application Map that will be searched for a matching componentID in the event that the specified windowsID section does not exist or does not contain that componentID. By default, this FALLBACK LOOKUP SECTION will be the ApplicationConstants section of the application map. The user can change this setting by providing a new value to this routine. PARAMETERS: section The string name of the section in an AppMap to use. ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 07, 2001 History: AUG 07, 2001 Original Release DEC 07, 2006 (CANAGL) Added direct STAF support to bypass DDVariableStore.DLL
Function DDGGetGUIID (windowID As String, componentID As String, Optional appMapPath) As String DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the SQA recognition method for a given component in a given window. It will find this value in the Global AUCurrentAppMap MAP file that should be valid prior to this call. Optionally, a different app map file path can be provided. The routine stores all retrieved values into a static storage array so that it only has to resort to the file the first time a particular component is referenced. The retrieved value can, instead, be coded as an instruction to get the actual recognition string via a DDVariable lookup. If the retrieved AppMap lookup value is prefixed with "_DDV:" then this routine will perform the DDVariable lookup to retrieve the final recognition string value. The following rules will apply for identifying the name of the variable that will be sought: [WindowID] WindowID=ARecognitionString (use AppMap recognition string) Component1=_DDV: (use value from variable "Component1") Component2=_DDV:AVariableName (use value from variable "AVariableName") Note: There may be the possibility of putting yourself into an infinite lookup loop if you use the _DDV: lookup mechanism that points to a variable that has not been defined (given a value) but points to an ApplicationConstants lookup value that also uses the _DDV: lookup mechanism that points to a variable of the same name that also has not been defined. It sounds quite unlikely, but it is possible. PARAMETERS: windowID String identifying the name of the window in which we will find the componentID. This is identical to a "Section" of an INI file which our map files mimic. If no value is provided("") then we will attempt to check the section identified by the DDGGetDefaultAppMapSection routine. Similarly, if a search using a WindowID finds no match, we will check the DDGGetDefaultAppMapSection location. componentID String identifying the name of the component for which we are seeking the recognition method (GUIID). This is identical to a "Key" of an INI file which our map files mimic. appMapPath Optional String specifying the path and name to an alternate appmap to use. If this is not provided then the value found in Global AUCurrentAppMap is used instead. The file path and name can be relative to the current SQA Repository, project, or datapool. We use FindSQAFile to validate the appMapPath provided. RETURNS: If successful, the GUIID string (recognition method) of the specified component. An empty string on failure (""). This can be due to invalid values of any provided parameters, an unset or invalid AUCurrentAppMap, or other errors. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUL 26, 1999 History: JUL 26, 1999 Original Release AUG 04, 1999 (CANAGL) Complete redo of array storage and retrieval. AUG 25, 1999 (CANAGL) Modified for use with ApplicationUtilities JUL 20, 2000 (CANAGL) Optimized for performance. MAR 15, 2001 (CANAGL) Added checks in AppMap ApplicationConstants. AUG 03, 2001 (CANAGL) Converted to DDVariableStore.DLL JUN 18, 2002 (CANAGL) Added _DDV: variable lookup capability. DEC 07, 2006 (CANAGL) Added direct STAF support to bypass DDVariableStore.DLL
Function DDGClearAppMapCache() As Long DESCRIPTION: Resets and clears any cached AppMap information. This is sometimes necessary if the AppMap has been edited. Calling this routine will force a reload of the AppMap file when it is next accessed. This Function requires DDVariableStore.DLL V2.02 (Dec 11, 2003) or later. If STAF is in use then it also requires the SAFSMAPS service released Dec 11, 2003 or later. PARAMETERS: (none) RETURNS: 0 normal return -1 error occurred. DLL or STAF may not be a version supporting this. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: DEC 11, 2003 History: DEC 11, 2003 Original Release Aug 13, 2004 (CANAGL) Fixed an early loading clear problem DEC 07, 2006 (CANAGL) Added direct STAF support to bypass DDVariableStore.DLL
Function DDGGetCompTypeFromGUIID (guiID As String) As String DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the last component type specifier in the provided string. For example: guiID = "Type=HTMLDocument;Index=1;\;Type=Combobox;Name=MyCombo" would return "Combobox" PARAMETERS: guiID String to locate the last component type specifier in. This is usually the recognition method of a component. RETURNS: If successful, the component type string of the component. An empty string on failure (""). ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 26, 2001 History: FEB 26, 2001 Original Release
Function DDGWaitForSQAObject (guiID As String, Optional timeout) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a given SQAObject. That is, attempt to locate the object within the timeout period and return success only if the object is found within that period. A given object can be created even if it is not yet visible. In some cases, Windows will be located successfully but a WindowsVP Exists will fail because of a lag time between when the object is created and when it is displayed. For this reason, once the object has been found to exist we will also test for the Property "Visible" to be "True". We will not exit with error, however, if this latter property test cannot be satisfied. It is merely an attempt to more accurately wait for the given object. The routine spends approx. .025 seconds on each of 3 different recognition methods trying to locate the object. Thus consider a single search for the object to take up to around .08 seconds and then the search will continue again until the full timeout value has been reached. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. timeout Optional Integer value in seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. If the timeout value provided is < 1 or is otherwise an invalid number then we exit with error. RETURNS: -1 if input parameters are invalid 0 on successfully finding the object within the timeout period. N error code returned from the SQAWaitForObject routine. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAR 20, 2000 History: MAR 20, 2000 Original Release MAR 21, 2000 (CANAGL) Enhanced WaitFor routines for more accuracy. APR 23, 2001 (CANAGL) Removed looping delay.
Function DDGWaitForPropertyValue (guiID As String, property As String, _ value As String, Optional timeout) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a given SQAObject and continues looking for a particular property value in that object. That is, watch an object's property until the value matches that provided or until the timeout period is reached. The routine uses Robot's SQAWaitForPropertyValue. It spends .025 second on each of 3 different recognition methods trying to locate the object. Thus consider a single search for the object to take up to around .08 seconds and then the search will continue again until the full timeout value has been reached. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-senstive name of the property to check. value The case-sensitive String value we are looking for. timeout Optional Integer value in seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. If the timeout value provided is < 1 or is otherwise an invalid number then we exit with error. RETURNS: -1 if input parameters are invalid 0 on successfully matching the property value. N error code returned from the SQAWaitForPropertyValue routine. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAR 01, 2001 History: MAR 01, 2001 Original Release APR 23, 2001 (CANAGL) Removed looping delays.
Function DDGWaitForSQAObjectGone (guiID As String, Optional timeout) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a given SQAObject to go away. That is, attempt to locate the object and return success if the object disappears within the timeout period. The routine attempts 3 variations of the recognition method trying to locate the object. It then waits up to the timeout period for the object to disappear checking at approx. .025 second intervals. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. timeout Optional Integer value in seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. If the timeout value provided is < 1 or is otherwise an invalid number then we exit with error. RETURNS: -2 if input parameters are invalid. -1 the object remains and did not disappear within the timeout period. 0 on successfully finding the object and then seeing it disappear within the timeout period. 1 if the object could not be initially found. This could be caused by a bad recognition method OR the object already disappeared prior to the call. N error code returned from the SQAFindObject routine if other than SQAObjectNotFound. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: APR 13, 2000 History: APR 13, 2000 Original Release APR 23, 2001 (CANAGL) Removed looping delays.
Function DDGWaitForPropertyValueGone (guiID As String, property As String, _ value As String, Optional timeout) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a given SQAObject's Property Value to go away. That is, attempts to locate the object and return success if the specified property value changes (or the object goes away) within the timeout period. An intial test IS performed to see if the property value matched in the first place. The routine attempts 3 variations of the recognition method trying to locate the object. It then waits up to the timeout period for the object or the property to disappear, checking at approx. .025 second intervals. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-senstive name of the property to check. value The case-sensitive String value we are watching to go away. timeout Optional Integer value in seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. If the timeout value provided is < 1 or is otherwise an invalid number then we exit with error. RETURNS: -2 if input parameters are invalid. -1 the property value was found but did not change within the timeout period. 0 on successfully finding the object and the property value and then seeing it disappear/or change within the timeout period. 1 if the object or specified property value was never initially found. This could be caused by a bad recognition method * OR * the object or property value had already disappeared/changed prior to the call. N error code returned from the SQAFindObject routine if other than SQAObjectNotFound. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAR 01, 2001 History: MAR 01, 2001 Original Release APR 23, 2001 (CANAGL) Removed looping delays.
Function DDGWaitForGUI (windowID As String, componentID As String, Optional timeout, Optional appMapPath) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a given component in a given window. It will find this value in the Global AUCurrentAppMap APPLICATION MAP file that should be valid prior to this call. Optionally, a different application map file path can be provided. The routine waits for the given object to become valid within the timeout period. PARAMETERS: windowID String identifying the name of the window in which we will find the componentID. This is identical to a "Section" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. This value must satisfy the DDGGetGUIID windowID parameter. componentID String identifying the name of the component for which we are seeking the recognition method (GUIID). This is identical to a "Key" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. timeout Optional Integer value In seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. appMapPath Optional String specifying the path and name to an alternate appmap to use. If this is not provided then the value found in Global AUCurrentAppMap is used instead. The file path and name can be relative to the current SQA Repository, project, or datapool. We use FindSQAFile to validate the appMapPath provided. RETURNS: -1 if input parameters are invalid 0 on successfully finding the object within the timeout period. N error code returned from the SQAWaitForObject routine. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAR 20, 2000 History: MAR 20, 2000 Original Release MAR 16, 2001 (CANAGL) Allow Application Map lookthru
Function DDGWaitForGUIPropertyValue (windowID As String, componentID As String, property As String, value As String, Optional timeout, Optional appMapPath) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a particular GUI object's property value. It will find this object in the Global AUCurrentAppMap APPLICATION MAP file that should be valid prior to this call. Optionally, a different application map file path can be provided. The routine will wait for the given object to become valid within the timeout period before checking the property value. PARAMETERS: windowID String identifying the name of the window in which we will find the componentID. This is identical to a "Section" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. This must satisfy the DDGGetGUIID windowID parameter. componentID String identifying the name of the component for which we are seeking the recognition method (GUIID). This is identical to a "Key" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. property String which is the case-senstive name of the property to check. value The case-sensitive String value we are watching for. timeout Optional Integer value In seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. appMapPath Optional String specifying the path and name to an alternate appmap to use. If this is not provided then the value found in Global AUCurrentAppMap is used instead. The file path and name can be relative to the current SQA Repository, project, or datapool. We use FindSQAFile to validate the appMapPath provided. RETURNS: -1 if input parameters are invalid 0 on successfully finding the object and property value within the timeout period. N error code returned from the WaitForPropertyValue routine. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAR 01, 2001 History: MAR 01, 2001 Original Release MAR 16, 2001 (CANAGL) Allow Application Map lookthru
Function DDGWaitForGUIGone (windowID As String, componentID As String, Optional timeout, Optional appMapPath) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a given component in a given window to disappear. It will find this component in the Global AUCurrentAppMap APPLICATION MAP file that should be valid prior to this call. Optionally, a different application map file path can be provided. The routine waits for the given object to disappear within the timeout period. PARAMETERS: windowID String identifying the name of the window in which we will find the componentID. This is identical to a "Section" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. componentID String identifying the name of the component for which we are seeking the recognition method (GUIID). This is identical to a "Key" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. timeout Optional Integer value In seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. appMapPath Optional String specifying the path and name to an alternate appmap to use. If this is not provided then the value found in Global AUCurrentAppMap is used instead. The file path and name can be relative to the current SQA Repository, project, or datapool. We use FindSQAFile to validate the appMapPath provided. RETURNS: -2 if input parameters are invalid. -1 the object remains and did not disappear within the timeout period. 0 on successfully finding the object and then seeing it disappear within the timeout period. 1 if the object could not be initially found. This could be caused by a bad recognition method OR the object already disappeared prior to the call. N error code returned from the SQAFindObject routine if other than SQAObjectNotFound. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: APR 13, 2000 History: APR 13, 2000 Original Release MAR 16, 2001 (CANAGL) Allow Application Map lookthru
Function DDGWaitForGUIPropertyValueGone (windowID As String, componentID As String, property As String, value As String, Optional timeout, Optional appMapPath) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Generates a wait state for a given SQAObject's Property Value to go away. That is, attempts to locate the object and return success if the specified property value changes (or the object goes away) within the timeout period. An intial test IS performed to see if the property value matched in the first place. It will find this component in the Global AUCurrentAppMap APPLICATION MAP file that should be valid prior to this call. Optionally, a different application map file path can be provided. PARAMETERS: windowID String identifying the name of the window in which we will find the componentID. This is identical to a "Section" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. The provided value must satisfy the DDGGetGUIID windowID parameter. componentID String identifying the name of the component for which we are seeking the recognition method (GUIID). This is identical to a "Key" of an INI file which our application map files mimic. property String which is the case-senstive name of the property to check. value The case-sensitive String value we are watching to go away. timeout Optional Integer value In seconds to set as the timeout for the operation. 15 seconds is the default timeout value. appMapPath Optional String specifying the path and name to an alternate appmap to use. If this is not provided then the value found in Global AUCurrentAppMap is used instead. The file path and name can be relative to the current SQA Repository, project, or datapool. We use FindSQAFile to validate the appMapPath provided. RETURNS: -2 if input parameters are invalid. -1 the property value remains and did not change within the timeout period. 0 on successfully finding the object's property value and then seeing it change or the object disappear within the timeout period. 1 if the property value was not initially as expected or the object was not found. This could be caused by a bad recognition method OR the object disappeared or property value already changed prior to the call. N error code returned from the WaitForPropertyValueGone routine if other than SQAObjectNotFound. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAR 01, 2001 History: MAR 01, 2001 Original Release MAR 16, 2001 (CANAGL) Allow Application Map lookthru
Function DDGSetGUIProperty (guiID As String, property As String, value As String) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Sets an object property value for a GUI object. However, the routine checks for unmodified, local (.\;), and desktop (\;) contexts for the object before returning a sqaObjectNotFound status (which SQA does not). This routine is only for single value properties. If a property value is actually a list or array this function will not support it. PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. property String which is the case-sensitive name of the property to set the value to. value String to set the property value RETURNS: 0 Success. N Failure status codes as describes by SQA's Object scripting routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Dawn Coen Orig Date: NOV 3, 2004 History: NOV 3, 2004 Original Release
Function DDGGetGUIEnvironment (guiID As String) As String DESCRIPTION: Attempts to retrieve or deduce the object's Environment. Normally this is provided from the object's Environment property, however some configurations do not properly return a value for that property. In that case, we must attempt to deduce it through other avenues. Typical Environment values are: Java, .NET, Visual Basic, Html, Win (The 'Win' environment is defined by us from SHELL32.DLL and other MS DLLs.) PARAMETERS: guiID String which is the recognition method of the GUI object. Normally this is retrieved through lookup or use from the Application Map prior to this call. RETURNS: The String environment value or an empty string. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: FEB 28, 2006 History: FEB 28, 2006 Original Release
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