SQABasic "TreeViewFunctions" Library


      Routines and utilities to work on SQA Type=TREEVIEW objects in
      Data-Driven Automation with Robot V2001.


      VerifySelectedNode      'verify a Node is selected
      VerifyNodeUnselected    'verify a Node IS NOT SELECTED
      SelectStateIcon           'select a state icon according to its text value
      VerifyStateIcon           'verify a particular state icon is selected
      VerifyStateIconUnselected 'verify a particular state icon is NOT SELECTED

      ExpandTextNode          'Expand a Node at Text Label        (deprecated for Expand)
      CollapseTextNode        'Collapse a Node at Text Label      (deprecated for Collapse)
      SelectTextNode          'Select a Node at Text Label        (deprecated for Select)
      RightClickTextNode      'Right click a Node at Text Label   (deprecated for RightClick)

      Expand                  'Expand a Node (full path specified) at Text Label
      ExpandPartial           'Expand a Node (full path specified) at Text Label based on a partial text match
      Collapse                'Collapse a Node (full path specified) at Text Label
      CollapsePartial         'Collapse a Node (full path specified) at Text Label based on a partial text match
      Select                  'Select a Node (full path specified) at Text Label

      SelectPartial           'Select a Node (full path specified) at Text Label based on a partial text match
      ClickPartial            'Click a Node (full path specified) at Text Label based on a partial text match
      DoubleClickPartial      'DoubleClick a Node (full path specified) at Text Label based on a partial text match
      RightClickPartial       'RightClick a Node (full path specified) at Text Label based on a partial text match

      ClickTextNode           'Click a Node (full path specified) at Text Label
      RightClickTextNode      'RightClick a Node (full path specified) at Text Label
      DoubleClickTextNode     'DoubleClick a Node (full path specified) at Text Label

      ClickUnverifiedTextNode       'Clicks a Node (full path specified) at Text Label -- does not verify the Nodes.count property
      DoubleClickUnverifiedTextNode 'DoubleClicks a Node (full path specified) at Text Label -- does not verify the Nodes.count property
      RightClickUnverifiedTextNode  'RightClicks a Node (full path specified) at Text Label -- does not verify the Nodes.count property

      SelectUnverifiedTextNode        'Clicks a Node (full path specified) at Text Label -- does not verify the Nodes.count property
      ActivateUnverifiedTextNode      'DoubleClicks a Node (full path specified) at Text Label -- does not verify the Nodes.count property

      CaptureTreeDataToFile           'Captures Tree node information (full branch path specified) to a file
      PartialMatchTreeDataToFile      'Captures Tree node information (partial branch path specified) to a file

      VerifyTreeContainsNode          'Verify that a Node (full path specified) is present in a Tree
      VerifyTreeContainsPartialMatch  'Verify that a Node (partial path specified) is present in a Tree

      SetTreeContainsNode             'Set a variable to reflect that a Node (full path specified) is present in a Tree
      SetTreeContainsPartialMatch     'Set a variable to reflect that a Node (partial path specified) is present in a Tree

 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 1999

      AUG 06, 1999    Original Release
      APR 27, 2000    (CANAGL) Enabled optional quoted text
      OCT 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Reroute fallback to GenericObjectFunctions.
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented TF and TW record types.
      DEC 12, 2002    (CANAGL) Added support for XSLComponentActions.MAP
      JAN 06, 2003    (MEVENK) Added RightClickTextNode command.
      JAN 23, 2003    (YWANG)  Added various commands that take advange of
                               the object data functions; deprecated some
                               old commands
      APR 04, 2003    (MEVENK) Added SelectUnverifiedTextNode command
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Added ability to select Nth matching text item.
                               Also added RightClickUnverified and ActivateUnverified
                               commands. Fixed a fullpath selection problem, too.
      MAY 03, 2005    (BOLAWL) Added CaptureTreeDataToFile command(s)
      JUN 10, 2005    (CANAGL) Added branch for .NET controls in ClickFullPathNode
      JUL 27, 2005    (CANAGL) Differentiate .NET for V2003 support
      SEP 02, 2005    (bolawl) Updated TVFCaptureTreeDataToFile() to better handle
                               not including rows without data. RJL
      SEP 08, 2005    (bolawl) Updated TVFCaptureTreeDataToFile() to handle partial
                               matching of the root node. RJL
                               Updated TVFCaptureTreeDataToFile() to improve success
                               and failure messages. RJL
                               Updated TVFCaptureTreeDataToFile() to trim off hidden
                               root node in Java trees before logging success. RJL
      OCT 18, 2005    (CANAGL) Changed Click variants to ClickTextNode variants
      JAN 11, 2006    (bolawl) Updated TVFCaptureTreeDataToFile() to format output file with
                               new optional parameter indentMark (default is tab chr(9)). RJL
      JAN 17, 2006    (bolawl) Added TVFVerifyTreeContainsNode commands. RJL

 Copyright (1999) SAS Institute
 GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)


Const ComponentType = "TREEVIEW"

Const VERIFY_SELECTED_NODE_COMMAND   = "VerifySelectedNode"

Const EXPAND_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND      = "ExpandTextNode"
Const COLLAPSE_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND    = "CollapseTextNode"
Const SELECT_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND      = "SelectTextNode"

Const RIGHT_CLICK_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND_DEPRECATED = "SelectUnverifiedTextNodeRightClick"

Const SELECT_STATE_ICON_COMMAND           = "SelectStateIcon"
Const CHECK_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND             = "CheckTextNode"
Const UNCHECK_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND           = "UncheckTextNode"
Const VERIFY_TEXT_NODE_CHECKED_COMMAND    = "VerifyTextNodeChecked"

Const EXPAND_COMMAND                = "Expand"
Const EXPAND_PARTIAL_COMMAND        = "ExpandPartial"
Const COLLAPSE_COMMAND              = "Collapse"
Const COLLAPSE_PARTIAL_COMMAND      = "CollapsePartial"
Const SELECT_COMMAND                = "Select"
Const SELECT_PARTIAL_COMMAND        = "SelectPartial"

Const CLICK_COMMAND                 = "ClickTextNode"
Const RIGHT_CLICK_COMMAND           = "RightClickTextNode"
Const DOUBLE_CLICK_COMMAND          = "DoubleClickTextNode"

Const CLICK_PARTIAL_COMMAND         = "ClickPartial"
Const DOUBLE_CLICK_PARTIAL_COMMAND  = "DoubleClickPartial"
Const RIGHT_CLICK_PARTIAL_COMMAND   = "RightClickPartial"

Const CLICK_UNVERIFIED_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND       = "ClickUnverifiedTextNode"

Const SELECT_UNVERIFIED_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND      = "SelectUnverifiedTextNode"
Const ACTIVATE_UNVERIFIED_TEXT_NODE_COMMAND    = "ActivateUnverifiedTextNode"

Const TVF_CAPTURE_TREEDATA_TO_FILE_COMMAND         = "CaptureTreeDataToFile"

Const TVF_VERIFY_TREE_CONTAINS_NODE_COMMAND     = "VerifyTreeContainsNode"
Const TVF_VERIFY_TREE_CONTAINS_PARTIAL_COMMAND  = "VerifyTreeContainsPartialMatch"
Const TVF_SET_TREE_CONTAINS_NODE_COMMAND        = "SetTreeContainsNode"
Const TVF_SET_TREE_CONTAINS_PARTIAL_COMMAND     = "SetTreeContainsPartialMatch"

Const CLICK_ACTION          = 4

Const NODE_DELIMIT = "->"



User-Defined Types


Routine Details

   Sub ExpandTextNode (Optional mode)


      Routine to expand a node according to its text value.
      The routine now supports specifying a matchIndex for matching
      duplicate nodes in the tree (the same full path).


    mode  0 = ExpandTextNode command
          1 = CollapseTextNode command



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 1999

      AUG 06, 1999    Original Release
      MAY 24, 2000    Convert for Robot2000.
      JAN 23, 2002    (YWANG)  Deprecated for Expand
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Added Nth duplicate match capability and mode
                      to integrate CollapseTextNode code.

   Sub CollapseTextNode () Integrated into ExpandTextNode


      Routine to collapse a node according to its text value.
      The routine now supports specifying a matchIndex for matching
      duplicate nodes in the tree (the same full path).



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 1999

      AUG 09, 1999    Original Release
      MAY 24, 2000    Convert for Robot2000.
      JAN 23, 2002    (YWANG)  Deprecated for Collapse
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Integrated into ExpandTextNode as mode=1

   Sub VerifySelectedNode (Optional mode)


      Routine to verify a particular text is selected.


    mode  0 = VerifySelectedNode command
          1 = VerifyNodeUnselected command



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 03, 2000

      APR 03, 2000    Original Release
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Integrate VerifyNodeUnselected code.

   Sub VerifyStateIcon (Optional mode)


      Routine to verify a particular state icon is selected.
      The routine now supports specifying a matchIndex for matching
      duplicate nodes in the tree (the same full path).


    mode  0 = VerifySelectedNode command
          1 = VerifyNodeUnselected command



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: JUNE 13, 2002

      JUN 13, 2002    (Monica Vong) Original Release
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Added Nth duplicate match capability and mode
                      to integrate VerifyStateIconUnselected code.

   Sub VerifyStateIconUnselected () Integrated into VerifyStateIconSelected


      Routine to verify a particular state icon is NOT SELECTED.
      The routine now supports specifying a matchIndex for matching
      duplicate nodes in the tree (the same full path).



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: JUNE 13, 2002

      JUNE 13, 2002   (Monica Vong) Original Release
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Integrated into VerifyStateIconSelected as mode=1

   Sub VerifyNodeUnselected () Integrated into VerifySelectedNode


      Routine to verify a particular text node is NOT SELECTED.
      The routine now supports specifying a matchIndex for matching
      duplicate nodes in the tree (the same full path).



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 03, 2000

      APR 03, 2000    Original Release
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Integrated into VerifySelectedNode as mode=1

   Sub SelectTextNode (Optional location)


      Routine to select a node or state icon according to its text value.
      The routine now supports specifying a matchIndex for matching
      duplicate nodes in the tree (the same full path).



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 1999

      AUG 06, 1999    Original Release
      MAY 24, 2000    Convert for Robot2000.
      JUNE 13, 2002   (Monica Vong) Added the Optional location.
      JAN 23, 2002    (YWANG)  Deprecated for Select
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Added Nth duplicate match capability.

   Sub RightClickUnverifiedTextNode () Integrated into SelectUnverifiedText


      Routine to right click a node according to its text value.



 Orig Author: Meera Venkataramani
 Orig   Date: JAN 06, 2003

      JAN 06, 2003    Original Release
      JAN 23, 2003    (YWANG)  Deprecated for RightClick
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Integrated into SelectUnverifiedText code.

   Sub SelectUnverifiedTextNode ()


      Routine to click a node according to its text value.  Supports:

         ClickUnverified (Click)
         DoubleClickUnverified (DblClick)
         RightClickUnverified (Right_Click)

         SelectUnverified (Click)
         ActivateUnverified (DblClick)

      The routine now supports specifying a matchIndex for matching
      duplicate nodes in the tree (the same full path).

      Note the command needs the full hierarchical path to the node with parent
      child relationships separated by "->", as in "Parent->Branch->Leaf".



 Orig Author: Meera Venkataramani
 Orig   Date: April 04, 2003

    APR 04, 2003  Original Release
    DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Added Nth duplicate match capability and mode
                             to integrate RightClick support.
                             Added ActivateUnverified, too.

   Sub PerformAction (EXPAND_ACTION, Optional mode, Optional location)


      Routine to expand a node according to its text value.
      Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      mode        Optional parameter indicating node text match method.
                  0 for exact match. 1 for partial match. Default is 0.

      location    Location for the mouse click. Ignored for EXPAND_ACTION.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive text of node to expand.
              Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"
              Example: "My New Parent->My Stepchild"

              For "...Partial" commands:
              TextValue is the case-insensitive text of the node to expand.
              For each level, a text comparison is performed. If the node
              contains the requested substring anywhere in its text, then
              that node is considered a match.
              Example: "parent->child"  will successfully identify the node
                       "My New Parent->My Stepchild"



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JAN 22, 2003

      JAN 22, 2003    Original Release
      DEC 03, 2003    (CANAGL) Added ability to select Nth matching text item.

   Sub PerformAction (COLLAPSE_ACTION, Optional mode, Optional location)


      Routine to collapse a node according to its text value.

      Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      mode        Optional parameter indicating node text match method.
                  0 for exact match. 1 for partial match. Default is 0.

      location    Location for the mouse click. Ignored for COLLAPSE_ACTION.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive text of node to collapse
              Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"
              Example: "My New Parent->My Stepchild"

              For "...Partial" commands:
              TextValue is the case-insensitive text of the node.
              For each level, a text comparison is performed. If the node
              contains the requested substring anywhere in its text, then
              that node is considered a match.
              Example: "parent->child"  will successfully identify the node
                       "My New Parent->My Stepchild"



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JAN 22, 2003

      JAN 22, 2003    Original Release

   Sub PerformAction (SELECT_ACTION, Optional mode, Optional location)


      Routine to select a node according to its text value.
      Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      mode        Optional parameter indicating node text match method.
                  0 for exact match. 1 for partial match. Default is 0.

      location    Optional. Location for the mouse click. One of the valid
                  values for SQA TreeView user action command's "Location"
                  parameter. Default is "Location=Text", which is the
                  default for the SQA TreeView user action command.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive text of node to select
              Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"
              Example: "My New Parent->My Stepchild"

              For "...Partial" commands:
              TextValue is the case-insensitive text of the node.
              For each level, a text comparison is performed. If the node
              contains the requested substring anywhere in its text, then
              that node is considered a match.
              Example: "parent->child"  will successfully identify the node
                       "My New Parent->My Stepchild"



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JAN 22, 2003

      JAN 22, 2003    Original Release

   Sub PerformAction (CLICK_ACTION, Optional mode, Optional location)


      Routine to click a node according to its text value.
      Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      mode        Optional parameter indicating node text match method.
                  0 for exact match. 1 for partial match. Default is 0.

      location    Optional. Location for the mouse click. One of the valid
                  values for SQA TreeView user action command's "Location"
                  parameter. Default is "Location=Text", which is the
                  default for the SQA TreeView user action command.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive text of node to click
              Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"
              Example: "My New Parent->My Stepchild"

              For "...Partial" commands:
              TextValue is the case-insensitive text of the node.
              For each level, a text comparison is performed. If the node
              contains the requested substring anywhere in its text, then
              that node is considered a match.
              Example: "parent->child"  will successfully identify the node
                       "My New Parent->My Stepchild"



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JAN 23, 2003

      JAN 23, 2003    Original Release

   Sub PerformAction (RIGHT_CLICK_ACTION, Optional mode, Optional location)


      Routine to right click a node according to its text value.
      Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      mode        Optional parameter indicating node text match method.
                  0 for exact match. 1 for partial match. Default is 0.

      location    Optional. Location for the mouse click. One of the valid
                  values for SQA TreeView user action command's "Location"
                  parameter. Default is "Location=Text", which is the
                  default for the SQA TreeView user action command.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive text of node to right click
              Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"
              Example: "My New Parent->My Stepchild"

              For "...Partial" commands:
              TextValue is the case-insensitive text of the node.
              For each level, a text comparison is performed. If the node
              contains the requested substring anywhere in its text, then
              that node is considered a match.
              Example: "parent->child"  will successfully identify the node
                       "My New Parent->My Stepchild"



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JAN 23, 2003

      JAN 23, 2003    Original Release

   Sub PerformAction (DOUBLE_CLICK_ACTION, Optional mode, Optional location)


      Routine to double click a node according to its text value.
      Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"

      The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus.
      It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information
      it needs to perform its function.


      mode        Optional parameter indicating node text match method.
                  0 for exact match. 1 for partial match. Default is 0.

      location    Optional. Location for the mouse click. One of the valid
                  values for SQA TreeView user action command's "Location"
                  parameter. Default is "Location=Text", which is the
                  default for the SQA TreeView user action command.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      Case-sensitive text of node to double click
              Parent-child relationships are separated with "->"
              Example: "My New Parent->My Stepchild"

              For "...Partial" commands:
              TextValue is the case-insensitive text of the node.
              For each level, a text comparison is performed. If the node
              contains the requested substring anywhere in its text, then
              that node is considered a match.
              Example: "parent->child"  will successfully identify the node
                       "My New Parent->My Stepchild"



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: JAN 23, 2003

      JAN 23, 2003    Original Release

   Sub TVFCaptureTreeDataToFile (mode As Integer)


      Routine to capture tree data (CompareData) to a specified file.

      Since the ObjectData array format is very predictable for Trees, we can
      exploit this feature and properly format our output as well.  This function
      also allows for an optional Branch to be provided so that all of the Tree's
      data isn't captured.  Furthermore, an optional IndentMark can be used to
      alter the separation of the tree nodes from the parent tree branches.

      The tree data contents are stored to a file in the active "Test" directory
      unless the user specifies a full or relative path to some other location.
      If a relative path is specified, it is relative to the project
      directory.  The directory for a full or relative path must already exist.
      This command will only work on GUI tree components that Robot can
      successfully perform an ObjectData VP on.  The user does not have to
      create an ObjectData VP for the script for this command to work.
      This will be done automatically at runtime.

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the
      information it needs to perform its function (like logging).

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      mode    0 = exact match of each node required
              1 = case-insensitive partial match allowed


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      Output text filename.  Relative paths from the project directory
              can be used.

      [6]     (Optional) Full Tree Branch to capture.  If ommitted, it will default to header
              and all Branches/Nodes are captured.

      [7]     (Optional) IndentMark to be used to format the output file.  IndentMark is used to separate
              the tree nodes and the tree parent branches. The default value is the tab char (chr(9)).

      [8]     (Optional) Filter MODE to be used on the retrieved property value.
              This is for future implementations that will allow us to
              filter out dynamic text that we don't want to include in
              comparisons.  This is NOT currently implemented.

      [9]     (Optional) Filter OPTIONS to be used in conjunction with any
              supplied Filter MODE.  This is not currently implemented.



 Orig Author: Bob Lawler (RJL)
 Orig   Date: MAY 03, 2005
         09.02.2005 (bolawl) Updated to better handle not including rows without data. RJL
         09.08.2005 (bolawl) Updated to handle partial matching of the root node. RJL
                             Improved success and failure messages. RJL
                             Updated to trim off hidden root node in Java trees before logging success. RJL
         01.11.2006 (bolawl) Updated to format output file with new optional parameter indentMark (default
                              is tab chr(9)). RJL

   Sub TVFVerifyTreeContainsNode (mode As Integer)


      Routine to verify that a provided node is found in a tree.

      This command will only work on GUI tree components that Robot can
      successfully perform an ObjectData VP on.  The user does not have to
      create an ObjectData VP for the script for this command to work.
      This will be done automatically at runtime.

      Since the basic functionality is the same, this routine can be used
      to both verify that a node is found in a tree (VerifyTreeContainsNode)
      and set a user-defined variable with those results (SetTreeContainsNode).

      The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the
      information it needs to perform its function (like logging).

      The routine will set the StepDriverTestInfo.statuscode and
      log any pass/fail info using the StepDriverTestInfo.fac LogFacility.


      mode    0 = exact match of each node required
              1 = case-insensitive partial match allowed


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------

       5      The name of the node to verify.

       6     (For SetTreeContainsNode/PartialMatch command only) The name of the
              variable which gets assigned the result.  This varible will be set
              to the string 'TRUE' if the node is found, or the string 'FALSE'
              if the node is not found.


 Orig Author: Bob Lawler (RJL)
 Orig   Date: Jan 17, 2006


   Sub Main ()


      Entry point to process a StepDriver ACTION COMMAND on a TREEVIEW.
      The routine merely reads the Global StepDriverTestInfo.testcommand and
      calls the appropriate subroutine to process it.

      If the testcommand is unrecognized it will log a WARNING_MESSAGE and
      exit with a WARNING status.


      none    -   the called subroutine has the requirements



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 06, 1999

      AUG 06, 1999    Original Release
      JUNE 13, 2002   (Monica Vong) Added VerifyStateIcon, VerifyStateIconUnselected, and SelectStateIcon
      OCT 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Reroute fallback to GenericObjectFunctions.
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented TF and TW record types.
      DEC 12, 2002    (CANAGL) Added support for XSLComponentActions.MAP
      JAN 06, 2003    (MEVENK) Added RightClickTextNode command.
      JAN 22, 2003    (YWANG)  Added various commands
      APR 04, 2003    (MEVENK) Added SelectUnverifiedTextNode command
      MAY 03, 2005    (BOLAWL) Added CaptureTreeDataToFile command(s)
      JUL 27, 2005    (CANAGL) Differentiate .NET for V2003 support
      JAN 17, 2006    (bolawl) Added TVFVerifyTreeContainsNode commands.

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 