SQABasic "SQAPublisher" Library


 SQA Robot Source Code In-Context Documentation Publisher for Robot V2001.

 This standalone application attempts to parse SQARobot source and
 header files that have been properly formatted for publication.  This requires
 that the files maintain fairly strict compliance with the format developed for
 this publication effort.

 Note: A GUI front-end has been developed which is separate from SQAPublisher.
 Consult the documentation for Publish to use SQAPublisher via a GUI interface.

 The primary format is a 3-file system that embodies any one library.  The 3-file
 system is comprised of:

    Library.SBL   - source code.
    Library_X.SBH - header file with constants, globals, and user-defined data types.
    Library.SBH   - header file with public declarations for other modules to INCLUDE.

 This application can also publish library header files where no source code exists.
 This, then is a 2-file format comprised of:

    Library_X.SBH - header file with constants, globals, and user-defined data types.
    Library.SBH   - header file with public declarations for other modules to INCLUDE.

 Such is the case when constructing header files for external libraries (like DLLs).
 However, it might also be beneficial to create a SBL file consisting merely of
 documentation blocks (no source code) for the module (DLL) and its available routines.
 This provides maximum information and benefit for the users of the library.  When you
 do this, note, that you must then conform to the 3-file system mentioned above.

 Templates exist that contain the required structure for each file type.  They are:

    SBLTemplate.sbl   - Library.SBL   template.
    SBH_XTemplate.sbh - Library_X.SBH template.
    SBHTemplate.sbh   - Library.SBH   template.

 The SBL file contains the Functions and Subroutines used by the library.  These also
 require structure and have their own templates:

    FUNCTemplate.sbh  - Function template
    SUBTemplate.sbh   - Sub      template

 Another option is the 1-file script capability. Using this method all information is
 expected in a single file.  This single file has a slightly different structure than
 the alternative SBL source file.  This option was originally intended for coding the
 functionality of various GUI components within a Data-Driven Engine.  Using this
 format, CONSTANTS and USER-DEFINED TYPES will not get processed or published because
 they are not considered public.

 The template for this 1-file format is a modified version of the standard template:

     TBD      - REC script template.


 As you will find in the templates, blocks of public documentation begin and end
 with ('##) at the start of the first and last lines.  Documentation within the
 block must follow the SQARobot convention of starting the line with the single
 quote(').  Optionally, for readability, this utility also can work with lines
 within a doc block that begin with ('#).  The extra character will be removed.

 The first block in the SBL, REC, or SBH (not the _X.SBH) file will doc the intent
 of the library/module.  This first block is required for proper operation of some
 of the other publishing functions.  Additionally, if the MODULE DESCRIPTION
 identifier is NOT present in this first block, then no doc will get published from
 that first block.

      '   Unpublished comments or other stuff here
      '       published documentation in here
      '   This library is defined by:
      '      Unpublished comments or other stuff following

 All remaining public documentation blocks in the file will precede and document
 individual Function or Subroutines.  These doc block formats are less restrictive.
 However, we attempt to provide a link target to each individual section by matching
 header declarations with the <function name> in the corresponding doc block.

      '  Function (or Sub) <function name> <optional parameter documentation>
      '    documentation in here
      '  different types of doc blocks have different internal structure.
      '  For example, a SUB doc block will not have a section for Return values.
      '  (see the templates for the internal structure of each type)

 Critical sections of the files are also denoted by ('#) comment delimiters
 and particular strings like:

 '# MODULE DESCRIPTION:       (in first block of doc for the module)
 '# LIBRARY CONSTANTS         (_X.SBH in 3-file system)
 '# USER-DEFINED TYPES        (_X.SBH in 3-file system)
 '# GLOBAL VARIABLES          (_X.SBH in 3-file system, SBL or REC in 1-file system)
 '# SCRIPT CONSTANTS          (1-file system -- may no longer be processed)

 '# COPYRIGHT  <a file specification>

 This is the way we cycle through the files looking for sections and the values
 that are suppose to be in them:

 We look for constants in the CONSTANTS section(s) of the appropriate _X.SBH header
 file, but we will find them no matter where they are in the header file.
 The difference is, when we find a CONSTANTS section we publish the entire section
 including all comments and blank lines within the section.

 This allows rich documentation provided you stick it all in the appropriate section.
 A constant found outside an official CONSTANTS section will still get published,
 but only that one line where it is found gets published.
 The same is true for all the special sections and item types they contain.

 Reminder, if the library or script source file does NOT use a header file for
 CONSTANTS and USER-DEFINED TYPES, then these items are not considered Public.
 We will not process nor publish the source SBL or REC file for non-public

 The above critical section delimiters should be left intact for optimum publication
 results.  However the order of the sections within the files can be rearranged or
 even occur more than once as long as two sections of exactly the same type don't
 follow each other.  For example, you would not want a LIBRARY CONSTANTS section
 to be immediately followed by another LIBRARY CONSTANTS section.  There should be
 at least one intervening section (or special delimiter) between similar sections.

Sections are delimited by its starting delimiter as shown above and ends with any other special delimiter ('#) that is found subsequently. The second block start delimiter will be consumed as the end delimiter of the previous one. Since all sections of the same type are published in one pass, the second block will not get recognized and its constants will only be published as out-of-section "one-liners".

The '# COPYRIGHT tag is one simple exception to the rules above. The COPYRIGHT tag is a single line tag that does not use any subsequent lines in its processing. The COPYRIGHT tag expects the file specification to be on the same line as the tag itself and will skip the line if the file specification is missing or invalid. The first COPYRIGHT tag with a valid file specification will be processed, all others will be ignored. Only .SBL, .REC, and .SBH (not _X.SBH) files will be searched for this tag. If an SBL or REC file exists then the .SBH file will NOT be searched even if the .SBL or .REC contains no COPYRIGHT tag. See the AppendCopyrightFile routine for more information on using the COPYRIGHT tag.

For best publication results it should be fairly obvious that other comments within the files, not part of specific public documentation blocks, should NOT start with the ('#) combination.

With the introduction of shared Scripts and Libraries that do not reside in the active repository a new process of publication and executable distribution has been required. In order for routines to be callable from anywhere they must be declared with explicit UNC path naming conventions which point to the public runtime repository. SQAPublisher has been modified to accomodate this by stripping path information out when making links to other docs since they are all expected to be local (same directory). However, there are some issues the developer needs to be aware of. Routines destined for sharing are normally developed, debugged, and documented in the developer's local repository (or some repository that is not a runtime repository). Once everything is ready for public use the headers, documentation, and the compiled executable are pushed to the runtime repository for everyone to use. SQAPublisher expects all the files it needs to publish to be located in the directory provided. That is, if you are attempting to publish doc on a file like StepDriver.SBL and it has two header files (StepDriver.SBH and StepDriver_X.SBH) then SQAPublisher expects to find those two header files in the same directory as the SBL. This only applies to header files for the Library or Script in question. Files for other libraries or scripts referenced by '$INCLUDES or DECLARES (like, say, StringUtilities.SBH) do not have to be present. What this means is, when publishing doc using SQAPublisher you normally do this on your local repository. And while the library or script in question should be referencing its runtime headers in the external runtime repository, local copies of those headers need to be available in the same directory as the file getting published. This is a "feature" that must be evaluated at some other time.
Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

   Sub   SQAPublisher            BasicLib SQAPublisher                  Alias "Main"


Const BlockDelimiter = "'##"
Const lenBlockDelimiter = 3

Const CommentLineDelimiter = "'#"
Const lenCommentLineDelimiter = 2

Const PUBLISHER_TAG_DELIMITER = "'#"       'only if outside a doc block

Const PUBLISHER_XML_DELIMITER = "'#XML:"    'any line anywhere starting with this

Const MAX_DELIMITER_TO_TAG_SPACE = 3       'spaces between '# and the tag












Const quote =""""


Global LibName    As String    'base name of library to process.
Global LibDirIn   As String    'directory where library and assoc. headers are.
Global HTMLDirOut As String    'directory where HTML and XML output should go.
Global RuntimeRepo As String   'optional path to expected runtime repository
Global Copyright  As String    'optional path to copyright text to append to output file
                               'this will be overridden by any Copyright tag found
                               'in the files themselves

'set <> 0 to bypass search for DDE Action Commands section in non-DDE scripts
Global NoActionCommands As Integer  

User-Defined Types


Routine Details

  Sub shutdownIO ()


    Closes any and all input and output buffers flushing the output buffer prior
    to closing it.  It also releases all these buffers by making them null.


      (the following are used but not passed in)

      LibLReader      Module fileref
      LibHReader      Module fileref
      LibXReader      Module fileref
      writer          Module fileref
      XMLwriter       Module fileref



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Function validateParameters () As Integer


     Validates the global parameters provided to the application.
     Checks to make sure the specified library directory is valid and exists.
     Checks for the output directory.  If it doesn't exist it tries to create it.
     Checks for a source files (SBL/REC) that match the short libname provided.
     If it doesn't find any it proceeds with the assumption that the headers are
     documenting a DLL library.
     Checks for a libname.SBH file and a libname_X.SBH file.
     Finally, provided all required files exist and have the correct read or
     write priviledges it allocates the input and output buffers in order for
     the main program function to proceed.


      LibDirIn   Global string identifying dir where libname should be found
      HTMLDirOut  Global string identifying dir where HTML output should go
      LibName Global string of library base name (no extension) to publish.


       0 on pass
      -1 on failure



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Function copyDocBlock (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer, _
                         startLine As String, endLine As String, _
                         link As Integer) As Integer


      Finds the next BlockDelimiter start and copies all subsequent lines until
      the closing delimiter.
      If startLine and/or endLine strings are provided then it only copies
      lines from the block starting with the first line containing the
      startLine string (inclusive) and ending with the line just prior to the
      endLine string (exclusive).  If startLine is not provided(null), it
      copies from the beginning of the block.  If endLine is not
      provided(null), it copies to the end of the block (which may be EOF).
      This allows us to publish the entire doc block or just a specific portion
      of it.  For example, we might just print the MODULE DESCRIPTION portion
      of a source file doc block and not the other information in it that a
      library user doesn't really need to see.


      reader      the input buffer to extract the doc block from.

      outfile     the output buffer to send the doc block to.

      startLine   a string to look for within the lines of the
                  doc block to designate as the first line within the block
                  to start output from.  Lines within the doc block prior to
                  the line containing this string will not be output.
                  If this parameter is null("") then output begins from the
                  first line of the block.

      endLine     a string to look for within the lines of the
                  doc block to designate as the last line within the block
                  to read from.  Lines within the doc block following and
                  including the line containing this string will not be output.
                  If this parameter is null("") then output will continue until the
                  end of the block (which may be EOF).

      link        1= tells the routine to create a named anchor out of the first
                  line starting with the word "function" or "sub".  Normally,
                  this is the first non-blank line of a function or sub
                  documentation block.
                  The anchor is given the name of the next word
                  on the line--the function or sub name.
                  These are the anchors to the Function/Sub
                  detail documentation blocks linked to by the declarations
                  section of the doc.
                  Once a block has a named anchor all subsequent occurrences
                  of "function" and "sub" within the block are ignored.

                  0= ALL occurrences of "function" and "sub" are ignored.


       0 on normal errorless execution.

      -1 if no block was found and/or end of file was reached.
         This can be used as an indicator that there are no more
         blocks to try to read in the provided buffer.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub startHTML (outfile As Integer)


      Output HTML header information prior to any content.


      outfile     the output buffer for our HTML file



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release

  Sub finishHTML (outfile As Integer)


      Ouput our closing HTML information.


      outfile     the output buffer for our HTML file



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release

  Sub writeLibInfo (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Given a source file or an appropriate header file write out the MODULE
    DESCRIPTION portion of the module level doc block.
    Normally the MODULE DESCRIPTION is only used from the SBL or REC file.
    However, in the case of documenting an external DLL there may be no
    SBL or REC file to process.  In that case, the EXPORT HEADER file is
    used to retrieve the MODULE DESCRIPTION.  To do this, the EXPORT HEADER
    file's "EXPORT HEADER DESCRIPTION" should be relabelled as

 '# Unpublished comments or other stuff here for standard 3-file source
 '#   published documentation in here for SBL source or modified SBH header when
 '#   no source file exists (like DLL headers and doc).
 '# This Library is defined by:
 '# Unpublished comments or other stuff following the Author identifier

    For Utility libraries this is delimited by the next block containing the
    text "This library ".  However, for ComponentFunction files the next
    delimiting block is "SUPPORTED ACTION COMMANDS".

    These ComponentFunction Scripts are .REC files which have no header files
    at all.  Consequently, if libOnly has been set true we will assume a
    ComponentFunctions Script file and doc accordingly.

 '# Unpublished comments or other stuff here for a standard single source file
 '#   published documentation in here for SBL source or modified SBH header when
 '#   no source file exists (like DLL headers and doc).
 '# SUPPORTED ACTION COMMANDS:  (if omitted, the remainder of the block is published.
 '# Unpublished comments or other stuff following the Author identifier


    reader   the source or header buffer to retrieve the doc block from.

    outfile  the html output buffer to write to.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.
      MAR 16, 2001    (CANAGL) Added gated processing.

  Sub writeActionCommandInfo (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Given a ComponentFunctions script file write out the SUPPORTED ACTION
    COMMANDS portion of the module level doc block.

    You can disable the output of an ACTION COMMAND section by setting the
    Global variable NoActionCommands to any non-zero value.  You would do
    this when publishing scripts or other single file libraries that are
    not DDE related and contain no SUPPORTED ACTION COMMANDS section.

 '#   (part of the first documentation block in the source file)
 '#   published Action Command or other comments in here
 '# Orig Author: AnyName here


    reader   the source or header buffer to retrieve the doc block from

    outfile  the html output buffer to write to



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.

  Function linkInclude (linein As String) As String


    Evaluate if the provided line which should be an '$INCLUDE statement
    references a library other than the one currently being processed.
    If it does, then add a relative link to this include statement pointing to
    the doc for that library.
    If it doesn't, then just return the line unchanged.
    No test is made to see if the linked doc exists or not.  It is assumed to
    be (or will be) in the same directory as the html we are currently generating.
    This routine is normally only called by the writeLibDependencies routine.

    NOTE: We do not process multiple filenames on a single line.  Each referenced
    file must be done on a separate line with its own INCLUDE statement.


    linein   a string expected to start with '$INCLUDE which will be
             parsed to look for a different library name than the one
             we are currently processing.


    String   the line with a link embedded if it was a reference to a
             different library, OR, the input line unmodified if it was not.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999

      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      FEB 03, 2000    (CANAGL) Mod for pathed filenames.

  Function linkDeclare (linein As String) As String


    Evaluate if the provided line which should be an DECLARE statement
    references a library other than the one currently being processed.
    If it does, then add a relative link to this include statement pointing to
    the doc for that library.
    If it doesn't, then just return the line unchanged.
    No test is made to see if the linked doc exists or not.  It is assumed to
    be (or will be) in the same directory as the html we are currently generating.
    This routine is normally only called by the writeLibDependencies routine
    as it processes PRIVATE and PUBLIC DEPENDENCIES of external modules and
    may not properly process FORWARD REFERENCES of a modules own routines.


    linein   a string expected to start with DECLARE which will be
             parsed to look for a different library name than the one
             we are currently processing.


    String   the line with a link embedded if it was a reference to a
             different library, OR, the input line unmodified if it was not.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 30, 1999

      AUG 30, 1999    Original Release
      FEB 03, 2000    (CANAGL) Mod for pathed filenames.
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.

  Function writeLibDependencies (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer,
                                 mode As Integer) As Integer


 Parse the provided file listing for INCLUDE statements.
 If a reference is found to another library then embed a relative link to it.

 NOTE: Our Script and Library system requires that ALL includes reside in
 the SBL file of a 3-file system or the 1-file system REC file.  NO Includes
 can reside in the Libname.SBH or Libname_X.SBH due to Robot circular
 reference problems.

 For this reason, dependencies have been separated out int the SBL and REC
 files into PRIVATE and PUBLIC DEPENDENCIES sections.  Additionally, there
 is a FORWARD DECLARATIONS section for that purpose.  Also note that these
 DEPENDENCIES can be in the form of an INCLUDE statment OR a DECLARE statement
 for individual external routines.


    reader   the file to examine.

    outfile  the output buffer to write to.

    mode     0 =write PRIVATE DEPENDENCIES
             <>0 =write PUBLIC DEPENDENCIES


    Integer   number of dependencies found in provided file



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999

      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      AUG 30, 1999    (CANAGL) Modified for new file system.
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub writeExportedDeclarations (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Parse the provided file for all DECLARES found in it.
    Attempt to isolate only the routine type (FUNCTION/SUB) and its name and
    any 'Alias' if it is an aliased routine from a DLL.
    Exported Declarations are normally only found in the .SBH file of a
    3-file system library.


    reader   normally the libname.SBH

    outfile  the output buffer to write to.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999

      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      AUG 30, 1999    (CANAGL) Modified for new file system.
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub writeLibConstants (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Parse all library constants from the provided file.
    For the 3-file system they should be in libname_X.SBH so that both the
    library and a library user can see them.
    For 1-file system scripts everything is in the libname.REC file.
    However, we may choose NOT to publish CONSTANTS in a 1-file system
    because these are generally never INCLUDED and, thus, are not public.

    The routine looks for the '# LIBRARY CONSTANTS or # SCRIPT CONSTANTS
    section of the file and will copy the entire section including random
    comments to the html.
    In fact, I believe it should be able to handle multiple such sections in
    the same file as long as the second doesn't immediately follow the first.
    It will also pick out any constants that for some reason are not in the
    constant's section but no lines of comments before or after these will be


    reader  the libname_X.SBH (or other) to examine.

    outfile  the output buffer to write to.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Fixed a CONSTANTS bug and Streamlining.
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub writeLibGlobals (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Parse all global variables from the provided file.
    For the 3-file system they should be in libname_X.SBH so that both the
    library and a library user can see them.
    For 1-file system scripts everything is in the libname.REC file.

    The routine looks for the '# GLOBAL VARIABLES
    section of the file and will copy the entire section including random
    comments to the html.
    In fact, I believe it should be able to handle multiple such sections in
    the same file as long as the second doesn't immediately follow the first.
    It will also pick out any globals that for some reason are not in the
    global's section but no lines of comments before or after these will be


    reader  the libname_X.SBH (or other) to examine.

    outfile  the output buffer to write to.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub writeLibUDTypes (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Parse all TYPES from the provided file.
    For the 3-file system they should be in libname_X.SBH so that both the
    library and a library user can see them.
    For 1-file system scripts everything is in the libname.REC file.
    However, we may choose NOT to publish UDTypes in a 1-file system
    because these are generally never INCLUDED and, thus, are not public.

    The routine looks for the '# USER-DEFINED TYPE
    section of the file and will copy the entire section including random
    comments to the html.
    In fact, I believe it should be able to handle multiple such sections in
    the same file as long as the second doesn't immediately follow the first.
    It will also pick out any Types that for some reason are not in the
    Type's section but no lines of comments before or after these will be


    reader  the libname_X.SBH (or other) to examine.

    outfile  the output buffer to write to.



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub writeLibDetails (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Parse and output the library source file for the doc comments of each routine.
    Each routine is given an anchor which is linked from the declarations
    section of the html.


    reader   the source file to retrieve doc from

    outfile  the html output file to copy doc to



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999
      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Streamlining.

  Sub writePreformattedData (filename As String, outfile As Integer)


    Attempts to append the given filename to the current outfile.
    The routine will delimit the first and last lines with 
HTML tags. The file will be read and output unmodified line by line. PARAMETERS: filename the source file to append to the current outfile outfile the current html output file to copy doc to ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: SEP 08, 2000 History: SEP 08, 2000 Original Release JUN 15, 2001 (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub appendCopyrightFile (reader As Integer, outfile As Integer)


    Search the reader source file for a Copyright tag specification or use
    the Copyright Global variable.  If one is available, append the
    preformatted text to the outfile.  A Copyright Tag specification within
    the file overrides any existing Global variable setting.

    The Copyright Tag specification should exist anywhere after the first
    module description doc block and outside any other doc blocks.
    It contains the following syntax:



 '# COPYRIGHT  Copyright.txt

 We first try to use the spec explicitly as if it contained all path information.
 If the file is not found, we will look for it in the SQABas32 Source directory,
 the DDE_RUNTIME directory, then the SQABas32 directory off of RTHOME.


    reader   the source file to retrieve doc from

    outfile  the html output file to copy doc to



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: Feb 07, 2001
      FEB 07, 2001    Original Release
      JUN 15, 2001    (CANAGL) Modified for XML Handling.

  Sub SQAPublisher () Alias "Main"


    This is the main entry point for SQAPublisher.
    Here we call all the routines to validate the parameters, parse any source
    and header files, and write out our HTML documentation.

    See the individual routines within this class to determine how we perform each
    of the various parts of the process.


      Have a Shell script (some other script) set SQAPublisher's Global
      variables and then call the script.

      Publish is a GUI front-end already developed and ready to run:

      '$Include: "DDEngine.SBH"
      Sub Main

          NoActionCommands = 0   'set to 1 when processing non-DDE scripts

      End Sub

      (The do-it-yourself approach)

      '$INCLUDE: "DDEngine.SBH"

      Sub Main()

          Dim source As String

          HTMLDirOut = SQAGetDir(SQA_DIR_SQABASIC_SRC) &"Doc\"

          'path to runtime repo for headers
          RuntimeRepo = ""                  'for local DDE runtimes
          'RuntimeRepo = GetDDERuntimeRepo  'for non-local DDE runtimes

          'path to Copyright text to append
          Copyright = GetDDERuntimeRepo() &"Copyright.txt"

          'do libraries first
          LibDirIn   = SQAGetDir(SQA_DIR_SQABASIC_SRC)

          source = Dir$(LibDirIn &"*.SBL", 0)

          While (Len(source) > 0)
              LibName    = GetField$(source, 1, ".")
              source = Dir$

          Reset   'just for good measure

      End Sub


      none    (expects Global strings LibDirIn, HTMLDirOut, Libname,
               and option Global string RuntimeRepo)



 Orig Author:
 Orig   Date: AUG 20, 1999

      AUG 20, 1999    Original Release
      FEB 03, 2000    (CANAGL) Mod for pathed filenames.
      APR 26, 2000    (CANAGL) Mod for library use.
      SEP 08, 2000    (CANAGL) Modified for adding Copyrights.
      JAN 25, 2001    (CANAGL) Fixed Script2Library mode reset problem.
      FEB 07, 2001    (CANAGL) Added overriding Copyright Tag.
      MAR 14, 2001    (CANAGL) Non-Public Constants and UDTypes no longer published.

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 