MODULE DESCRIPTION: This tool provides a GUI front-end to the SQAPublisher tool. It allows us to publish HTML documentation from properly formatted in-context source code comments.Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine DetailsFILE TYPE: This lets us know whether the file to publish is a Script or a Library. Robot stores these different file types in different directories. The source directory field will update appropriately with this selection. SOURCE BASENAME: The short name of the file to publish. This must not contain the path or file extension because the publisher needs to be able to apply different extensions for headers, scripts, and library files during the course of its operation. SOURCE DIRECTORY: The location where the publisher can expect to find the source files to publish. Normally this is set properly based upon the FILE TYPE selection. You should not have to change this value unless you are trying to publish files located in a different Robot project or outside of the current repository. OUTPUT DIRECTORY: The location where the output HTML should be placed. By default, a Doc subdirectory in the Library folder of the current repository is used. RUNTIME DIRECTORY: Publication normally occurs locally. It generally expects all files needed for publishing to be local (the headers and source for the file to be published). However, the tool was originally meant to publish doc for scripts and libraries that were shared in a public non-local repository. Thus, the documentation needs to specify where it is that the headers and executables will actually be located at production runtime. Specify this location in this field. IF THE RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT IS LOCAL TO THE PROJECT OR THE ROBOT INSTALLATION THEN NO PATH INFORMATION SHOULD BE SPECIFIED. THE FIELD CAN BE BLANK. The public repository runtime directory is specified in the DDE_RUNTIME environment variable. <\\Machine\RuntimeRepo> COPYRIGHT FILE: The full path and name to an optional file that contains complete copyright text to append to the output HTML. This text will be appended to the output file unmodified. PUBLISHING: Shows the path and filename of the output that will be created based on the current settings of the Dialog Box. OK BUTTON: Once all settings are acceptable, press OK to publish the doc. SQAPublisher will be invoked with these settings. Once completed (and if successful) the default web browser will be launched showing the newly created file. After a short pause, the dialog will reappear allowing you to publish another doc. CANCEL BUTTON: Exits the dialog box and returns to normal Robot activities. HELP BUTTON: Launches the default web browser with this documentation. The documentation is expected to be found in the location specified by the DDE_RUNTIME environment variable. By default the doc is Publish.htm
Sub Publish BasicLib Publish Alias "Main"
CONST LIBRARY_FILE = 0 CONST SCRIPT_FILE = 1 CONST FileType = "FileType" CONST LibraryType = "Library" Const ScriptType = "Script" CONST BaseName = "BaseName" CONST SourceDirectory = "SourceDirectory" CONST OutputDirectory = "OutputDirectory" CONST CopyrightPath = "CopyrightPath" CONST RuntimeDirectory = "RuntimeDirectory" CONST FullFilename = "FullFilename" CONST Help = "Help" Const HELPFILE = "Publish.htm" 'in DDE_RUNTIME location Const COPYRIGHTFILE = "Copyright.txt" ''
Sub Publish () Alias "Main" DESCRIPTION: This routine is the main entry point which launches the Dialog Box, invokes SQAPublisher, and loops to do it any number of times until the user Cancels the Dialog Box. PARAMETERS: (none) ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: APR 26, 2000 History: APR 26, 2000 Original Release
Copyright (C) SAS Institute GNU General Public License: ==============================================================================