MODULE DESCRIPTION: Since POPUP menus for ALL component types are handled generically by the operating system they are mostly handled by the GenericMasterFunctions. All of these routines expect a popup menu to be active for the call.Action Commands Global Variables Routine Details
SUPPORTED ACTION COMMANDS: SelectPopupMenuItem 'Select a text popup menuitem SelectUnverifiedPopupMenuItem 'Select a text popup menuitem without verification SelectPopupMenuID 'Select a popup menuitem by menuID VerifyPopupMenuItem 'verify the state of a text popup menuitem VerifyPopupMenuID 'verify the state of a popup menuitem by menuID VerifyPopupMenu 'verify the entire popup menu hierarchy
Sub SelectPopupMenuItem() DESCRIPTION: Attempts to select a particular text string menuitem in the currently active popup menu. The menuitem should be specified in the form "Menu->Menu->MenuItem CTRL+V" with the full text, spaces(if any), and keyboard shortcut text (if any). Ampersands preceding underlined characters are optional. The routine first verifies that the specified menuitem exists and exits with error if it does not. If it does exist then the selection proceeds using the MenuID retrieved from the found menuitem. The routine expects that the popup menu is currently active and can be found by the MenuUtilities.MUGetActivePopupMenu function. The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus. It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information it needs to perform its function. DATA TABLE PARAMETERS: FLD CONTENT --- ------------------------------ 5 Menu->MenuItem hierarchy string to identify which menuitem to select. NOTE:SQA can only handle submenus up to 5 levels deep. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 08, 2000 History: AUG 08, 2000 Original Release OCT 31, 2004 (CANAGL) Try other engines if popup not found for certain commands.
Sub SelectUnverifiedPopupMenuItem() DESCRIPTION: Attempts to select a particular text string menuitem in the currently active popup menu. The menuitem should be specified in the form "Menu->Menu->MenuItem CTRL+V" with the full text, spaces(if any), and keyboard shortcut text (if any). Ampersands preceding underlined characters are optional. The routine does no verification prior to attempting the click or following the click. This may cause a Rational error if the popup menu does not exist or the menu item does not exist The routine expects that the popup menu is currently active and can be found by the MenuUtilities.MUGetActivePopupMenu function. The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus. It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information it needs to perform its function. DATA TABLE PARAMETERS: FLD CONTENT --- ------------------------------ 5 Menu->MenuItem hierarchy string to identify which menuitem to select. NOTE:SQA can only handle submenus up to 5 levels deep. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Robert D'Antoni Orig Date: AUG 23, 2005 History: AUG 23, 2005 Original Release
Sub SelectPopupMenuID() DESCRIPTION: Attempts to select a particular menuitem by menuID in the currently active popup menu. This is generally used when the menuitem is a bitmap or other item that does not have text. This value can be retrieved from the the menu by index or by manual lookup from a menu structure output from MenuUtilities. The routine first verifies that the specified menuitem exists and exits with error if it does not. If it does exist then the selection proceeds. The routine expects that the popup menu is currently active and can be found by the MenuUtilities.MUGetActivePopupMenu function. The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus. It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information it needs to perform its function. DATA TABLE PARAMETERS: FLD CONTENT --- ------------------------------ 5 MenuID to identify which menuitem to select. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 08, 2000 History: AUG 08, 2000 Original Release
Sub VerifyPopupMenuItem() DESCRIPTION: Verify the state of a popup menuItem identified by its text in the active popup menu. The menuitem should be specified in the form "Menu->Menu->MenuItem CTRL+V" with the full text, spaces(if any), and keyboard shortcut text (if any). Ampersands preceding underlined characters are optional. The routine first verifies that the specified menuitem exists and exits with error if it does not. This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type. This command does not support the "TW" record type. The routine uses GenericVerifyMenuItem from GenericMasterFunctions. The routine expects that the popup menu is currently active and can be found by the MenuUtilities.MUGetActivePopupMenu function. The routine expects that the given object already has Context or Focus. It also expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the information it needs to perform its function. DATA TABLE PARAMETERS: FLD CONTENT --- ------------------------------ 5 Menu->MenuItem hierarchy string to identify which menuitem to test. This menu hierarchy IS case-sensitive 6 Expected status string (or part thereof) to verify. Ex: "Enabled Checked" OR "Disabled Grayed" etc. Each item separated by a space will be evaluated separately so the order of the status items does not matter. These status items ARE case-sensitive. NOTE:SQA can only handle submenus up to 5 levels deep. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 08, 2000 History: AUG 08, 2000 Original Release DEC 17, 2002 (CANAGL) Enable TF record type. OCT 31, 2004 (CANAGL) Try other engines if popup not found for certain commands.
Sub VerifyPopupMenuID() DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: Attempts to verify the state information of a particular menuitem identified by MenuID in a popup menu. This is generally used when the menuitem is a bitmap or other item that does not have text. This value can be retrieved from the the menu by index or by manual lookup from a menu structure output from MenuUtilities. This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type. This command does not support the "TW" record type. The routine uses GenericVerifyMenuID from GenericMasterFunctions. The routine expects that the popup menu is currently active and can be found by the MenuUtilities.MUGetActivePopupMenu function. The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the additional information it needs to perform its function . DATA TABLE PARAMETERS: FLD CONTENT --- ------------------------------ 5 MenuID to identify which menuitem to test. This is generally used when the menuitem is a bitmap or other item that does not have text. This value can be retrieved from the the menu by index or by manual lookup from a menu structure output from MenuUtilities. 6 Expected status string (or part thereof) to verify. Ex: "Enabled Checked" OR "Disabled Grayed" etc. Each item separated by a space will be evaluated separately so the order of the status items does not matter. These status items ARE case-sensitive. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 08, 2000 History: AUG 08, 2000 Original Release DEC 17, 2002 (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
Sub VerifyPopupMenu() DESCRIPTION: The routine outputs the full structure of the currently active popup menu with status to a file. It then compares that file with the specified benchmark file and sets pass/fail conditions for the test. This command also supports the "TF"(expected failure) record type. This command does not support the "TW" record type. The routine uses GenericVerifyMenuStructure from GenericMasterFunctions. The routine expects that the popup menu is currently active and can be found by the MenuUtilities.MUGetActivePopupMenu function. The routine expects that Global StepDriverTestInfo contains all the additional information it needs to perform its function . DATA TABLE PARAMETERS: FLD CONTENT --- ------------------------------ 5 name.ext of benchmark file on repositiory's Datapool\Bench directory [6] Optional expected descriptive text at start of file (first line of bench). (If bench has this descriptive text this field is REQUIRED to pass.) [7] optional name.ext to give current structure in repository's Datapool\Test directory for compare with benchmark. If no name is given then the bench name is used. [8] optional name.ext to store difference information in repository's Datapool\Dif. If no name is given then the bench name is used. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 08, 2000 History: AUG 08, 2000 Original Release DEC 17, 2002 (CANAGL) Enable TF record type.
Sub Main () DESCRIPTION: Entry point to process a StepDriver ACTION COMMAND on a POPUP MENU. The routine merely reads the Global StepDriverTestInfo.testcommand and calls the appropriate subroutine to process it. If the testcommand is unrecognized it will log a WARNING_MESSAGE and exit with a WARNING status. DATA TABLE PARAMETERS: none - the called subroutine has the requirements ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 08, 2000 History: AUG 08, 2000 Original Release OCT 22, 2002 (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented TF and TW record types. DEC 12, 2002 (CANAGL) Added support for XSLComponentActions.MAP DEC 20, 2005 (RDANTONI) Added SelectUnverifiedPopupMenuItem Command
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