SQABasic "DDDriverFileCommands" Script


 The documentation for each function is provided as reference for DDE users
 when developing DDE test tables.  This DDE format and syntax information IS
 intended for public use and does not normally change with the underlying code.

 The routines themselves are not intended for public use.
 Their internal functionality and their declaration prototypes
 are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the drivers
 mentioned above.

 This library is defined by:

 DDDriverFileCommands.SBL      Sourcecode and Detailed Documentation
 DDDriverFileCommands.SBX      Compiled executable library

 Orig Author: Robert D'Antoni
 Orig   Date: Apr 4, 2003

      Apr 04, 2003    Original Release
      Jun 02, 2003
      Dec 16, 2004    (BLAWLER) Added\Updated log messages (RJL).
      Jan 24, 2005    (BLAWLER) Updated log messages from PASSED to GENERIC (RJL).
      APR 21, 2005    (CANAGL) Updated/added error trapping.
      JUN 07, 2005    (CANAGL) Track open files and issue errors accordingly.
      OCT 14, 2005    (CANAGL) Diverted library to use DDELocateBlockID in Flow commands
                               to properly handle file caching.
      OCT 28, 2005    (DCOEN) Added field name in message for PrintToFile
      DEC 19, 2005    (CANAGL for RDANTONI) Updated GetFiles command to add optional file attributes parameter
      JAN 20, 2006    (CANAGL) Fixed bug in ReadFileString implementation.
      MAR 15, 2006    (DCOEN)  Fixed bug in ReadFileLine implementation.
      OCT 25, 2006    (BOLAWL) Updated DDU_Copy_File to log provided filename and error since Error(53)
                               is limited to 40 chars.  Might not see whole filename. (RJL)

 Copyright (C) MSA
 GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
Action Commands Global Variables Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

DDE Action Commands




Routine Details

  Function DDEOpenFile (guiInfo As AUGUIInfo, statusInfo As AUStatusInfo,file_name as String, _
           file_mode as String, file_access as String, file_number as long ) As Integer


      Using the FileName, Mode, Access and FileNumber provided this routine
      opens a file.  The paramater combination of Mode and Access are
      verified for compatability prior to opening the file.  If provided
      parameters are incompatable a DDU_SCRIPT_WARNING is provided and
      the file is not opened.  The FileName provided must provide the
      complete file path information for the file.  This routine does
      not use relative path information.

      This routine is not intended for public use.
      Internal functionality and declaration prototypes
      are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the core drivers.


      AUGUIInfo       from the calling Driver
      AUStatusInfo    from the calling Driver
      file_name       full path name of the file to be opened
      file_mode       Mode Input, Output or Append to be used when file opened
      file_access     File Access Read, Write or Read Write to be used when file opened
      file_number     File Number to be used when opening the file


      Normally DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE unless something unforeseen causes the
      routine to exit prematurely.
      Returns DDU__SCRIPT_WARNING if parameters are missing or parameters
      contain an invalid combination to be used to open the file



 Orig Author: Robert D'Antoni
 Orig   Date: APR 7, 2003

      APR 7, 2003    Original Release

  Function DDEDriverFileCommand(DriverCMD As String, guiInfo As AUGUIInfo,
                statusInfo As AUStatusInfo) As Integer


      Processes a DDE DRIVER FILE COMMAND from the AUGUIInfo.InputRecord provided.
      Driver commands are not treated as test commands but instructions to
      the Drivers for setting parameters of the test environment, running
      other scripts, or other stuff (whatever gets in here).

      Different driver commands have different parameters as described below.
      For reference, the first fields are defined below:

      Field #1:   The "C" = DRIVER COMMAND.
      Field #2:   The Driver Command to execute. (see definitions below).


          c , SetApplicationMap , "AppMap.map"

      Parameters must be placed in the order specified.
      Parameters numbered in brackets are optional.
      However, to use an optional parameter which follows other optional
      parameters all the preceding parameters must exist or at least have
      field delimited space reserved for them.


Note that the full availablility of all Driver Commands is now spread across several files. Together, all of these files provide all the Driver Commands available to the core framework.

Miscellaneous and often used Commands.
Commands focused on logging test execution.
Commands focused on Error Recovery and Flow Control.
Commands focused on status tracking.
Commands that are still provided for backward compatibility, but are no longer supported.
Commands focused on debugging test execution.
Commands focused on file operations and manipulation.
COMMAND Fld# PARAMETER ============== ==================================================== OnFileEOFGotoBlockID 3 - The BlockID within the current table to find and transfer control to IF the file in field 4 does not exist. 4 - filenumber of the file to be checked for end of file (EOF) OpenFile 3 - The complete file path and file name of the existing file to be opened 4 - Mode to be used to open the file - Input, Output and Append Random and Binary are not supported 5 - File Access to be used to open the file - Read, Write or Read Write 6 - DDE Variable Name to be used to store file number for opened file 7 - Optional File NUmber to be used to open the file CreateFile 3 - The complete file path and file name of the new file to be opened 4 - Mode to be used to open the file - Input, Output and Append Random and Binary are not supported 5 - File Access to be used to open the file - Read, Write or Read Write 6 - DDE Variable Name to be used to store file number for opened file 7 - Optional File Number to be used to open the file CloseFile 3 - File Number to be used to close the file DeleteFile 3 - Name of the file to be deleted The file is assumed to be in Datapool\Test unless the user specifies a full or relative path to some other location. If a relative path is specified, it is relative to the project directory. 4 - No Verification Parameter CopyFile 3 - Full file path and Name of the file to be copied from 4 - Full file path and Name of the file to be copied to RenameFile 3 - Full file path and old file name of the file 4 - Full file path and new file name for the file 5 - Optioinal No Verify Paramater FindSQAFile 3 - SQA Relative path and file name of the file to be found If a full file path is provided the file will be found using the full file path 4 - DDV Variable name of the variable to be used to store the full file path of the file found. If the file is not found an empty string is assigned to this variable GetFileSize 3 - File path and file name of the file for which file size is requested 4 - DDV Variable name of the variable to be used to store the file size GetFileDateTime 3 - File path and file name of the file for which date time is requested 4 - DDV Variable name of the variable to be used to store the file date/time SetFileProtections 3 - File path and file name of the file to change file protections 4 - Value of new file protection for the file 0 - Normal File, 1 - Read-Only file, 2 - Hidden file, 4 - System file 32 - Archive file has changed since last backup ReadFileChars 3 - File number for the open sequential file to be read 4 - Number of characters to be read from the file 5 - Name of DDV variable to be used to store the characters read ReadFileLine 3 - File number for the open sequential file to be read 4 - Name of DDV variable to be used to store the characters read ReadFileString 3 - File number for the open sequential file to be read 4 - Name of DDV variable to be used to store the characters read PrinttoFile 3 - File number of the file to be written to using the print command 4 - DDV varible name of the variable that contains the "Expression List" to be used for the print command 5 - (Optional) Print Output Placement Parameter determines where the next output to the same file should begin ; will place the output immediately following this print output , will start output at the next print zone on the same line Absence of this parameter (Default) will place the next output at the beginning of a new line following a carriage return line feed GetFiles 3 - Directory name to search for files 4 - File Path and name of file in which to put the names of the files found in the directory 5 - (Optional) File Attributes parameter to define file attributes to select by Dir command. Defaults to 0. 0 - return normal files 2 - add hidden files 4 - add system files 8 - return volume label 16 - add directories Note: Values can be added together to select multiple attributes. For example, to list hidden and system files in addition to normal files set File Attributes to 6 (6=2+4). If file attribute is set to 8 the volume label is returned. If volume label attribute is set, all other attributes are ignored. CreateDirectory 3 - Full directory name and path of the sub directory to be made DeleteDirectory 3 - Full directory name and path of the sub directory to be deleted This DDEDriver File Command routine is not intended for public use. Internal functionality and declaration prototypes are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the core drivers. PARAMETERS: DriverCMD from the calling DDDriverCommands library. AUGUIInfo from the calling Driver AUStatusInfo from the calling Driver RETURNS: Normally DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE unless something unforeseen causes the routine to exit prematurely. Returns DDU_SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED if no matching driver command was found. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Robert D'Antoni Orig Date: Mar 20, 2003 History: Mar 20, 2003 Original Release Jun 02, 2003 (Rdant) Added No Verify (Optional) Parameter to Delete and Rename File Commands Jun 02, 2003 (Rdant) Added DDU_Create_Directory and DDU_Delete_Directory commands Dec 15, 2004 (bolawl) Added success msgs to the log for Open/CreateFile, DeleteFile, PrintToFile, CloseFile, Copy, Rename, SetFileProtections, GetFiles, CreateDirectory, and DeleteDirectory (RJL). (bolawl) Added driver command success msgs to the log for FindSQAFiles, GetFileSize, GetFileDateTime, ReadFileChars, and ReadFileLine/String (RJL). (bolawl) Updated success and failure msgs to not include .testcommand and .compname as these are empty variables. Use DriverCMD instead (RJL). Jan 24, 2005 (bolawl) Updated log messages from PASSED to GENERIC (RJL). JUN 07, 2005 (CANAGL) Track open files and issue errors accordingly. OCT 14, 2005 (CANAGL) Diverted library to use DDELocateBlockID in Flow commands to properly handle file caching. OCT 28, 2005 (DCOEN) Added field name in message for PrintToFile DEC 19, 2005 (CANAGL for RDANTONI) Updated GetFiles command to add optional file attributes parameter JAN 20, 2006 (CANAGL) Fixed bug in ReadFileString implementation. MAR 15, 2006 (DCOEN) Fixed bug in ReadFileLine implementation. OCT 25, 2006 (BOLAWL) Updated DDU_Copy_File to log provided filename and error since Error(53) is limited to 40 chars. Might not see whole filename. (RJL)

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 