SQABasic "DDDriverDeprecatedCommands" Script


 The documentation for each function is provided as reference for DDE users
 when developing DDE test tables.  This DDE format and syntax information IS
 intended for public use and does not normally change with the underlying code.

 The routines themselves are not intended for public use.
 Their internal functionality and their declaration prototypes
 are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the drivers
 mentioned above.

 This library is defined by:

 DDDriverDeprecatedCommands.SBL      Sourcecode and Detailed Documentation
 DDDriverDeprecatedCommands.SBX      Compiled executable library

 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 16, 2002

      JUL 16, 2002    Original Release
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented CF and CW record types.

 Copyright (2002) SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
 GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
Action Commands Global Variables Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

DDE Action Commands




Routine Details

  Function DDEDriverDeprecatedCommand(DriverCMD as String, guiInfo As AUGUIInfo, statusInfo As AUStatusInfo) As Integer


      Processes a DDE DRIVER COMMAND from the AUGUIInfo.InputRecord provided.
      Driver commands are not treated as test commands but instructions to
      the Drivers for setting parameters of the test environment, running
      other scripts, or other stuff (whatever gets in here).

      Different driver commands have different parameters as described below.
      For reference, the first fields are defined below:

      Field #1:   The "C" = DRIVER COMMAND.
      Field #2:   The Driver Command to execute. (see definitions below).


          c , SetApplicationMap , "AppMap.map"

      Parameters must be placed in the order specified.
      Parameters numbered in brackets are optional.
      However, to use an optional parameter which follows other optional
      parameters all the preceding parameters must exist or at least have
      field delimited space reserved for them.

         COMMAND         Fld# PARAMETER
      ==============      ====================================================

      SetTestcase         3 - TESTCASE ID
                         [4]- optional additional descriptive string

                              This command is DEPRECATED.
                              Use StartTestCase for all new development.

      EndTestcase        [3]- optional TESTCASE ID (default ends most recent)
                         [4]- optional additional descriptive string

                              This command is DEPRECATED.
                              Use StopTestCase for all new development.

      SetRequirement      3 - REQUIREMENT ID
                         [4]- optional additional descriptive string

                              This command is DEPRECATED.
                              Use StartRequirement for all new development.

      EndRequirement     [3]- optional REQUIREMENT ID (default ends most recent)
                         [4]- optional additional descriptive string

                              This command is DEPRECATED.
                              Use StopRequirement for all new development.

     GetVariableValueEx  Allows the explicit copying of single variable value.
                         Use CopyVariableValueEx instead.

                         3    Name of the variable to retrieve the value of
                         4    Name of the variable to hold the retrieved value

      This DDEDriver Command routine is not intended for public use.
      Internal functionality and declaration prototypes
      are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the core drivers.


      DriverCMD       from the calling DDDriverCommands library.
      AUGUIInfo       from the calling Driver
      AUStatusInfo    from the calling Driver


      Normally DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE unless something unforeseen causes the
      routine to exit prematurely.

      Returns DDU_SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED if no matching driver command was found.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 16, 2002

      JUL 16, 2002    Original Release
      OCT 11, 2002    (CANAGL) Deprecated GetVariableValueEx
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented CF and CW record types.
      APR 26, 2005    (CANAGL) Removed that warning. Duplicate warnings issued.

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 