Author: Carl Nagle
Update: May 31, 2013
Copyright (C) SAS Institute
General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
Simple Install, Java Requirements, WSH Requirements,
SAFS Install, Verify Install, SAFS Projects, Custom Installs, Manual Setups
SAFS | Software Automation Framework Support |
SAFS Driver | The tool that initializes, opens, parses, and routes SAFS test records to available SAFS Engines. |
SAFS Engine | A keyword-driven automation tool capable of interpreting and executing SAFS test records. |
SAFS/DriverCommands | A SAFS Engine for tool-independent Driver Commands |
SAFS/RobotJ (RFT) | A SAFS Engine for testing using Functional Tester by IBM Rational. |
SAFS/TC (TCAFS) | A SAFS Engine for testing using TestComplete by AutomatedQA. |
SAFS/DROID (DRD) | A SAFS Engine for testing using Robotium Remote Control for Android. |
SAFS/IOS (IOS) | A SAFS Engine for testing using Apple iOS UIAutomation. |
SAFS IBT | A SAFS Engine for Image-Based Testing. |
JSAFS | The Java API for embedding SAFS in custom frameworks using the SAFS Advanced Runtime. |
Now, on to "why you should read the rest of this first..."
The SAFS installation requires that a Java runtime environment (JRE) is already installed on the target machine. For best results and ease of installation, a JRE version of 1.5 or higher is recommended.
See cautions that follow...
We now release SAFS with STAF V3.4.x support.
Support for STAF V2.6.11 is still available for backward
compatibility with existing STAF V2.X infrastructure.
Please refer to the following to choose the Java version for the STAF install you intend to perform:
STAF V2.6.11 | Java 1.5 (can NOT be Java 1.6 or higher) | |
STAF V3.4.x | Java 1.5 or higher |
For installs, the JRE must be in the normal search path for the system. The following command typed at any command prompt should successfully list the version of Java JRE installed:
java -version
You can download and install the appropriate JRE, if necessary, from:
Older Java: | Sun Java Archives |
Latest Java: | Sun Java Downloads |
Don't forget, you may have to install a 32-bit JRE on 64-bit systems if one does not already exist.
You may also be able to use the JRE that is installed as part of Rational Functional Tester, if available.
For Windows: Windows Scripting Host 5.6 or higher must be installed and available via the normal system search path for the install script to run. STAF and the SAFS pieces can be installed manually without the script, but the script can automatically error-correct important values and set environment variables that the separate Java installs cannot.
The following command typed at any command prompt should successfully list the version of Windows Scripting Host installed:
cscript (default) %SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\cscript (32-bit version on 64-bit systems)
While this should rarely be necessary, you can download and install WSH 5.6 or higher from:
SetupSAFS_WIN64.BAT ------ Main Setup Script for 64-bit (and 32-bit) Windows STAF3410-setup-win32-NoJVM.exe ----- STAF InstallShield Installer (STAF V3.3.3)
The install can begin from any directory, but all the extracted assets must exist in that directory.
Environment variables may be modified by this script. Prior to making any modification, the current value of the environment variable is saved in a "*_SAFSBAK" backup environment variable. Note, this backup only occurs once--the first time we detect that no backup has been done previously.
The affected environment variables and their backups are listed below:
VARIABLE BACKUP VARIABLE PURPOSE ============ =============== ================================== STAFDIR <none> Root install directory for STAF SAFSDIR <none> Root install directory for SAFS PATH PATH_SAFSBAK Search path for executables CLASSPATH CLASSPATH_SAFSBAK Search path for Java classes TESTCOMPLETE_HOME <none> TestComplete install directory TESSDATA_PREFIX <none> Tesseract OCR data directory
You can also launch the script from a command prompt. The command prompt must be pointing to the directory where the setup script and associated assets reside.
This should run a simple SAFS Test and generate logs in:
This should run a simple SAFS Test with RFT and generate logs in:
This should run a simple SAFS Test with Test Complete and generate logs in:
This should run a simple SAFS Test with RFT and generate logs in:
C:\SAFS\Project contains a sample SAFS Project. Your own product SAFS test project location requires the same SAFS Project directory structure:
Following an install on Windows, there should be SetupSAFSProject.VBS script in the SAFS\bin directory. This script can be placed in any directory intended as a new SAFS project directory. Execute the script in the intended directory and it will create the default SAFS Project structure for you.
You can also just Drag-N-Drop the files and subdirectory structure from SAFS\Project\*.* to your desired project's root directory. (You don't copy the "SAFS\Project\" folder itself, just all the files and folders in it.) Remember, any BATch executables and INI configuration files copied may need to be edited to account for the new Project directory location.
Both the WSH script and the separate Java installer accept command line options in support of custom installations. The script automatically invokes the Java installer with the provided options when applicable.
Installer Command Line Options: -silent (future) All installs are "silent" (GUI-less) at this time. -safsAllows the user to specify an alternate install destination. Ex: -safs "d:\AltSAFSDir" -staf Allows the user to specify an alternate install destination. Ex: -staf "d:\AltSTAFDir" -nostaf Do not install STAF at this time. NOTE: SAFS STAF services and the SAFS/RobotJ engine will not function without STAF. -nosafs Do not install SAFS at this time. NOTE: SAFS STAF services and the SAFS/RobotJ engine will not function without the SAFS install. -norational Do not process support for IBM Rational tools at this time. This option is only for the WSH script, not the Java installer. NOTE: the SAFS/RobotJ engine will not function without this install. -notcafs Do not process support for Automated QA Test Complete at this time. NOTE: the TCAFS engine may not function without this install. -noocr Do not process support for Image-Based Testing OCR. [C:\SAFS\ocr] -noprompt Proceed with installation without prompting for approval?! (Used by Setup.vbs, which already has prompted for approval.) -installstafversion installstafversion If -nostaf is not present, this indicate the version of STAF to be installed. 2 for version 2.6.11 and 3 for version 3.3.3 Ex: -installstafversion 3 -removestaf installedstafdir stafMajorVersionTobeRemoved If you want to uninstall a previously installed STAF, you can use this option. installedstafdir indicate the installed directory like C:\STAF\ stafMajorVersionTobeRemoved indicate the major version of STAF, 2 for version 2.6.11 and 3 for version 3.3.3 Ex: -removestaf "C:\STAF" 2
Note: Any reference to "cscript" below must take into account that 64-bit Systems have two versions of cscript.exe.
On 64-bit systems, you must invoke the 32-bit version of "cscript" for most operations. The 32-bit version of cscript on 64-bit systems is found at:
Install SAFS and STAF Version 3.4.x (default) to alternate directories: ----------------------------------------------- cscript SetupSAFS.wsf -safs "D:\AltSAFSDir" -staf "D:\AltSTAFDir" cscript SetupSAFS.wsf -safs "D:\AltSAFSDir" -staf "D:\AltSTAFDir" -installstafversion 3 Install SAFS, but do not install (re-install) STAF: --------------------------------------------------- cscript SetupSAFS.wsf -safs "D:\AltSAFSDir" -nostaf
It is possible to launch the Java installer directly and bypass the WSH script. If you do this, you will need to manually modify 'PATH' and 'CLASSPATH' Environment variables which the WSH script normally handles.
Install SAFS and STAF 3.4.x (default) to alternate directories: ----------------------------------------------- java -jar SAFSInstall.jar -safs "D:\AltSAFSDir" -staf "D:\AltSTAFDir" java -jar SAFSInstall.jar -safs "D:\AltSAFSDir" -staf "D:\AltSTAFDir" -installstafversion 3 Install SAFS, but do not install (re-install) STAF: --------------------------------------------------- java -jar SAFSInstall.jar -safs "D:\AltSAFSDir" -nostaf
If you bypass the WSH script to perform the Java install or install STAF directly you will need to make the following changes to environment variables. In some cases, a Setup???Classpath.WSF script may exist in the C:\SAFS directory to handle these for you.
STAFDIR <staf root directory> SAFSDIR <safs root directory> PATH: append ;<staf root dir>\bin PATH: append ;<safs root dir>\bin CLASSPATH: append ;<staf root dir>\bin\JSTAF.jar CLASSPATH: append ;<safs root dir>\lib\SAFS.jar Note: The SAFS JARs are in the SAFS\LIB directory, not the SAFS\BIN directory.
If you bypass the SAFS automated install scripts you likely need to manually place and\or register certain DLLs.
Following a successful custom install to non-default directories, you may need to edit the path information in the following files if you wish to run the simple install sanity test:
[safsroot]\Project\runTIDTest.BAT [safsroot]\Project\SAFSTID.INI [safsroot]\Project\TIDTest.INI [safsroot]\Project\runRFTTest.BAT [safsroot]\Project\RFTTest.INI [safsroot]\Project\runTCAFSTest.BAT [safsroot]\Project\TCAFSTest.INI [safsroot]\samples\Droid\runDroidTest.BAT [safsroot]\samples\Droid\DroidTest.INI
Once these are correct, you should be able to double-click or otherwise execute the program:
This should run a simple SAFS Test and generate logs in: