Author: Carl Nagle
UPDATED: Oct 08, 2015

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
General Public License:
Remember: "RobotJ", "XDE Tester", and "Functional Tester" are names for the same IBM Rational Functional Tester tool. We historically referred to all of these as "RobotJ", or simply "RJ" in much of our documentation and class names.

The tool is now most often referred to as, Functional Tester or simply "RFT".

Configure for Execution ,  Use with TID ,  Configure for Development

  1. STAF and SAFS Required:

    These instructions assume the tester has already installed STAF and SAFS services via the SetupSAFS script (or alternative methods).  If this is not the case, please refer to the SAFS for Windows Release Notes for information on the SAFS setup procedure.

    Users are encouraged to install the *latest* SAFS Snapshot or Overlay available.  Read and follow any additional instructions provided with the Snapshot or Overlay.

    The SAFS/DriverCommands and SAFS/RobotJ engines will not function
    if STAF and associated services are not properly installed.

    We will not attempt to duplicate information on setting up RFT for general testing.  Information for creating a Project and other tool configuration information can be found in RFT's User's Guide and other references available from RFT's Help menu.

    The RFT project in the SAFS 'DatastoreJ' subfolder is just a bare bones project that will NOT work for developing your own custom RFT-based scripts.  It will work for pure SAFS/RFT testing with no custom scripts, however.

    If you intend to have your own RFT scripts, or if you intend to use RFT Object Maps with your SAFS tests, then you must create a valid RFT Project then configure it as descibed below for your production testing.

    With RFT V8 and later, the project setup requirements are significantly simpler than previous versions of RFT.

    Back to Top ,  Use with TID ,  Configure for Development

  2. Configure RFT Project for simple SAFS Execution:

    If all you want to do is run the SAFS/RobotJ engine then preparing a RFT Project requires these steps which are discussed in more detail immediately following:

    Back to Top ,  Configure for Execution ,  Configure for Development

  3. To use with the Tool-Independent Driver (TID):

    Consult the documentation for the TID SAFSDRIVER for a more complete introduction to TID setup.   You can also review sample TID configuration (.INI) and batch (.BAT) files in the C:\SAFS\Project directory.

    The TID configuration file(s) would be a TIDTEST.INI and\or SAFSTID.INI file usually created and located in the root project directory as you can see in the C:\SAFS\Project samples.   Below we show only those settings that may need editing relevant to the use of RFT.   Other settings as required by the TID are not shown but are still necessary.

    The documentation specific to the RFT interface to the TID can be found in

    There is also this SAFS Quick Start Guide for using RFT with SAFS.

    Back to Top ,  Configure for Execution Use with TID

  4. Configure RFT Project for SAFS Debugging and\or Development:

    Any RFT Project can be configured to run the engine, but each Project must be configured separately.  To actually develop new code or keywords for RFT or other Java-based engines, or to debug RFT test execution the user would have to prepare the RFT Project for development. Note: The Eclipse and\or IBM Rational IDE for Java development does not use the System \ CLASSPATH to locate class files and other resources.

    More SAFSDEV-specific developer information:

    Note: The RFT Engine has reserved the RFT script name "TestScript" for its internal use.   This script is already compiled and stored in SAFSRATIONAL_FT.JAR and may have been copied into the RFT Project directory.   The user should not attempt to create a new RFT script by this name as one may override the other.

Back to Top ,  Configure for Execution ,  Use with TID ,  Configure for Development

Carl Nagle, SAS
Project Lead, SAFSDEV
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