MODULE DESCRIPTION: Routines for implementing FileInfo FIFO storage buffers. NOTE: SQABasic does not allow an array to be part of a user-defined data type. Because of this, a FIFO buffer is actually comprised of two things referred to as a buffer pairing: BufferInfo tracks pointers for read and write and size information Buffer array of FileInfos used as the buffer. These buffer pairings actually get modified separately and care must be taken to insure that they remain in sync with each other. If they do not remain in sync then data corruption and unexpected program behavior (or maybe even access violations) could result. The routines in this library are intended to maintain bot items in the buffer pairing. See BufferUtilities for more information and routines used here to maintain this FIFO.Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details
Function IsFileFIFOInit BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function InitFileInfoFIFO BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function GetFileInfoFIFOSize BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function FileInfoFIFOIsEmpty BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function OptimizeFileInfoFIFO BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function ExpandFileInfoFIFO BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function PushFileInfoFIFO BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function PopFileInfoFIFO BasicLib FileInfoFifo Function PeekFileInfoFIFO BasicLib FileInfoFifo
Function IsFileFIFOInit(buffer() As FileInfo, info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Verifies that the FIFO appears to have been initialized. PARAMETERS: buffer reference to the buffer array of the buffer pairing. info the paired BufferInfo RETURNS: BufferUtilities.BUFFER_INITIALIZED If FIFO appears initialized. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED One or more fields has unexpected values (usually 0) ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 29, 1999 History: JUN 29, 1999 Original Release
Function InitFileInfoFIFO (buffer() As FileInfo, info As BufferInfo, size As Integer , inc As Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Creates and returns a FIFO pairing with the initial size and increment value as provided. The pairing is already initialized and ready for use. PARAMETERS: buffer reference to the buffer array of the buffer pairing. info reference to the buffer info of the buffer pairing. size the size to initially allocate for the FIFO buffer. inc the increment value used when increasing the buffer size. RETURNS: N The initialized size of the FIFO buffer on exit. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If a problem occurred. ERRORS: none Note: SQABasic does not allow an array to be part of a user-defined data type. Because of this, a FIFO or STACK or other buffer type is actually comprised of two things referred to as a buffer pairing: BufferInfo tracks pointers for read and write and size information Buffer array of the desired type used as the buffer These buffer pairings actually get modified separately and care must be taken to insure that they remain in sync with each other. If they do not remain in sync then data corruption and unexpected program behavior (or maybe even access violations) could result. The routines in this library are meant to fully implement the buffer pairings for the user. Calls to the routines in the BufferUtilities library are not necessary and should be avoided. Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
Function GetFileInfoFIFOSize (buffer() As FileInfo, info as BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the number of items currently stored in the FIFO buffer. This routine calculates the number of items based on the current values of the reader and writer indices in the provided BufferInfo. You CANNOT simply read the value of the info.size field. PARAMETERS: buffer reference to the FileInfo array of the buffer pairing to optimize. info reference to the BufferInfo part of the buffer pairing to optimize RETURNS: N The current number of items in the FIFO buffer. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If a problem occurred. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
Function FileInfoFIFOIsEmpty (buffer() As FileInfo, info as BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Determines if there are no entries in the FIFO. PARAMETERS: buffer reference to the FileInfo array of the buffer pairing to optimize. info reference to the BufferInfo part of the buffer pairing to optimize RETURNS: BufferUtilities.BUFFER_INITIALIZED If FIFO is NOT empty. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_IS_EMPTY If FIFO is empty. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If FIFO appears uninitialized. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
Function OptimizeFileInfoFIFO (buffer() As FileInfo, info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: If the FIFO is not already optimized then optimize it. This will remove any old entries that have already been read. This is the first step in making a FIFO not "FULL". PARAMETERS: buffer reference to the FileInfo array of the buffer pairing to optimize. info reference to the BufferInfo part of the buffer pairing to optimize RETURNS: N The number of items in the buffer. (This number should not change between entry and exit.) BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If FIFO appears uninitialized. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
Function ExpandFileInfoFIFO (buffer() As FileInfo, info As BufferInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Expand the FIFO by the amount stored as the redimIncrement. First, the FIFO will be optimized although some routines might have already done this for us. Next the FIFO is redimmed PRESERVing the existing contents. PARAMETERS: buffer reference to the FileInfo array of the buffer pairing to optimize. info reference to the BufferInfo part of the buffer pairing to optimize RETURNS: N The number of available (unused) items in the buffer. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If FIFO appears uninitialized. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
Function PushFileInfoFIFO (buffer() As FileInfo, info As BufferInfo, _ entry As FileInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Pushes a value into the FIFO PARAMETERS: buffer() reference to the buffer array of the buffer pairing. info reference to the buffer info of the buffer pairing. entry reference to the FileInfo to add to the FIFO RETURNS: N new calculated count of items in the FIFO. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_IS_FULL error if FIFO is FULL and fails to be expanded (which is attempted). BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If FIFO appears uninitialized. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
Function PopFileInfoFIFO (buffer() As FileInfo, info As BufferInfo, _ entry As FileInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Pops a value off the FIFO. PARAMETERS: buffer() reference to the buffer array of the buffer pairing. info reference to the buffer info of the buffer pairing. entry a FileInfo reference to receive the popped object RETURNS: N new calculated count of items in the FIFO. (0 if empty AFTER the POP.) BufferUtilities.BUFFER_IS_EMPTY If FIFO is empty on entry. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If FIFO appears uninitialized. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
Function PeekFileInfoFIFO (buffer() As FileInfo, info As BufferInfo, _ entry As FileInfo) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the next value from the FIFO without popping it off. PARAMETERS: buffer() reference to the buffer array of the buffer pairing. info reference to the buffer info of the buffer pairing. entry a FileInfo reference to receive the object RETURNS: N the count of items in the FIFO. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_IS_EMPTY If FIFO is empty on entry. BufferUtilities.BUFFER_NOT_INITIALIZED If FIFO appears uninitialized. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 27, 1999 History: AUG 27, 1999 Original Release JUN 29, 2000 (CANAGL) Conversion for new BufferUtilities
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