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Actions for working with Sheridan Class=SSTree objects

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Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference.
Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference.
Routine to select a node according to its AppMap reference.
Routine to verify the state of the Expanded property--True or False-- for the node with the provided text.
Routine to verify the text of the currently selected node.


Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference.

Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference. Because the SSTree is unsupported, this reference is the x,y coordinate of a GenericObject DblClick command in the form x,y (i.e. "25,10"). Because of the nature of the reference, we cannot check whether or not the node is collapsed/expanded before or after this routine or even if we clicked on the right node. Verify the selection and expanded state of the node before and/or after to check.

Fields: [ ]=Optional with Default Value
  1. AppMapSubkey
    The named reference of the coordinates to expand/collapse

    The named reference of the coordinates to expand/collapse

  • T, WINDOW, DirectoryTree, COLLAPSENODE, MyNode
    A double-click will be performed to collapse the Node at x,y coordinate indicated by the MyNode reference in the Application Map.

    Field 5 : TQ String. A reference identified in the Application Map identifying coordinates on which to double-click A double-click will be performed to collapse the Node at x,y coordinate indicated by the MyNode reference in the Application Map.

[How To Read This Reference]


Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference.

Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference. Because the SSTree is unsupported, this reference is the x,y coordinate of a GenericObject DblClick command in the form x,y (i.e. "25,10"). Because of the nature of the reference, we cannot check whether or not the node is collapsed/expanded before or after this routine or even if we clicked on the right node. Verify the selection and expanded state of the node before and/or after to check.

Fields: [ ]=Optional with Default Value
  1. AppMapSubkey
    The named reference of the coordinates to expand/collapse

    The named reference of the coordinates to expand/collapse

  • T, WINDOW, DirectoryTree, EXPANDNODE, MyNode
    A double-click will be performed to expand the Node at x,y coordinate indicated by the MyNode reference in the Application Map.

    Field 5 : TQ String. A reference identified in the Application Map identifying coordinates on which to double-click A double-click will be performed to expand the Node at x,y coordinate indicated by the MyNode reference in the Application Map.

[How To Read This Reference]


Routine to select a node according to its AppMap reference.

Routine to select a node according to its AppMap reference. Because the SSTree is unsupported this reference is the x,y coordinate of a GenericObject Click command in the form x,y (i.e. "25,10"). Because of the nature of the reference, we cannot check whether or not the node is collapsed/expanded before or after this routine or even if we clicked on the right node. Verify the selection and expanded state of the node before and/or after to check.

Fields: [ ]=Optional with Default Value
  1. AppMapSubkey
    The named reference of the coordinates to click

    The named reference of the coordinates to click

  • T, WINDOW, DirectoryTree, SELECTNODE, MyNode
    A single click will be performed to select the Node at x,y coordinate indicated by the MyNode reference in the Application Map.

    Field 5 : TQ String. A reference identified in the Application Map identifying coordinates on which to click A single click will be performed to select the Node at x,y coordinate indicated by the MyNode reference in the Application Map.

[How To Read This Reference]


Routine to verify the state of the Expanded property--True or False-- for the node with the provided text.

Routine to verify the state of the Expanded property--True or False-- for the node with the provided text.

Fields: [ ]=Optional with Default Value
  1. TextValue
    Case-sensitive text of the node to check.

    Case-sensitive text of the node to check.

  2. ExpectedState
    Expected State: "True" or "False" (not case-sensitive)

    Expected State: "True" or "False" (not case-sensitive)

  • T, WINDOW, DirectoryTree, VERIFYEXPANDEDSTATE, "My Node", "True"
    This action verifies "My Node" expanded property is True

    Field 5 : TQ String. The case-sensitive text of the node to check. Field 6 : Expected State: "True" or "False" (not case-sensitive)

[How To Read This Reference]


Routine to verify the text of the currently selected node.

Routine to verify the text of the currently selected node.

Fields: [ ]=Optional with Default Value
  1. TextValue
    Case-sensitive text expected in the selected node.

    Case-sensitive text expected in the selected node.

  • T, WINDOW, DirectoryTree, SELECTTEXTNODE, "My Node"
    This action verifies "My Node" is already selected in the DirectoryTree.

    Field 5 : TQ String. The case-sensitive text of the node we expect is already selected.

[How To Read This Reference]