SQABasic "JavaTableFunctions" Script


      Routines and utilities to work on SQA Type=JavaTable objects in
      Data-Driven Automation.

Action Commands Global Variables Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

DDE Action Commands


      ClickCell               'Click on a specified x,y cell
      DoubleClickCell         'DoubleClick on a specified x,y cell
      RightClickCell          'RightClick on a specified x,y cell

      SelectCell              'Same as ClickCell
      ActivateCell            'Same as DoubleClickCell

      AssignCellTextRow            'Extract row # based on multiple exact column matches
      AssignCellContainsTextRow    'Extract row # based on multiple fuzzy column matches

      AssignVariableCellText       'Extract cell text based on exact parameters
      AssignVariableFuzzyCellText  'Extract cell text based on fuzzy parameters

      VerifyCellText               'Verify cell text based on exact parameters
      VerifyFuzzyCellText          'Verify cell text based on fuzzy parameters
      VerifyCellTextContains       'Verify cell text based on exact parameters
      VerifyFuzzyCellTextContains  'Verify cell text based on fuzzy parameters

      SelectCellText               'Select a cell based on exact parameters
      SelectCellTextFind           'Select a cell based on multiple column matches
      SelectFuzzyCellTextFind      'Select a cell based on multiple column matches
      SelectCellContainsTextFind   'Select a cell based on multiple column matches

      CaptureRangeToFile           'Output a range of cells to a file.
      CaptureFuzzyRangeToFile      'Output a range of cells to a file based on fuzzy parameters



Routine Details

   Sub JavaTableClick (Optional action)


      Tries to perform a standard Click on a cell in a JavaTable.
      The command uses the same format for:

          ClickCell         Single Click (same as "SelectCell")
          DoubleClickCell   Double Click (same as "ActivateCell")
          RightClickCell    Right Click

          SelectCell      Single Click (same as "ClickCell")
          ActivateCell    Double Click (same as "DoubleClickCell")

      Typical Data Table records:

      (1) t, JavaWin, JTable, Click
      (2) t, JavaWin, JTable, Click, 3, 4

      #1 above should merely click in the table at cell 1,1.

      #2 above will click at cell defined by row/col 3,4 in the table.


      action   The SQABasic CONSTANT to use (Click, DblClick, RightClick, etc.)


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      (OPTIONAL) The row of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Rows are 1-based.

       6      (OPTIONAL) The column of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Columns are 1-based.



 Orig Author: Bernd Weber
 Orig   Date: JUN 05, 2002

      JUN 05, 2002    Original Release
      FEB 10, 2003    (CANAGL) Added post-click verification.
      JUL 11, 2004    (CANAGL) mod to use selectCellRowColumn.
      OCT 19, 2004    (bolawl) Mod to build ColumnNames() and send it to
      APR 19, 2004    (CANAGL) If specified Row is not numeric attempt Generic Click command.
      OCT 17, 2005    (CANAGL) Added support for RightClick

   Sub PerformFindCellCommands (mode As Integer)


     Attempts to select a cell and/or assign variable values in the
     identified column based on matching the values in N number of other
     columns.  In addition, the provided variable will receive the row #
     that satisfied the search.  "Assign" commands will also capture the
     value of the cell in the target column into a second variable.

     Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
     caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
     Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
     substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
     of the variable you wish to use.

     "Contains" or "Fuzzy" versions of commands allow for case-insensitive
     comparisons matching substrings of actual table values.

     MODE = 1 signifies to use "fuzzy", substring matching logic.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      The name of the Variable to receive the row#.  GetTrimmedQuotedField
              will be used to extract the name of the variable.  This also
              is the 'root' variable name for any "Assign" commands that extract
              the value of a cell into a variable 'root'.Value

              Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
              caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
              Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
              substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
              of the variable you wish to use.

       6      The target column for the cell selection/value assignment on the
              deduced row.  Defaults to 1.  Columns are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique field header text value.
              "Select/Find" commands will select the target cell.
              "Assign/Row" commands will store the cell value into a variable
              with the root name defined in field #5 and a ".Value" suffix.
              Thus, if field #5 contains "TableRow", the value variable will
              be "TableRow.Value".

       7n     The column to search for the provided 8n value.
              Defaults to 1.  Columns are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique field header text value.

       8n     The value to locate in the provided 7n column.

       9n+    (Optional) Additional col/value pairs like 7n/8n.  As many of these
      10n+    field pairs can be supplied as necessary to uniquely match the desired
              row based on cell contents.  If a col/value pair search fails we
              will attempt to use those that have succeeded to find a unique row.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 09, 2004


      JUL 11, 2004    Original Release
      Oct 19, 2004    (bolawl) Mod to include table2DData() and ColumnNames() in calls to
                               getColumnIndices() and selectCellRowColumn().

   Sub AssignVariable (mode As Integer)


                Attempts to extract a particular cell value and assign
                it to the provided variable name.

                Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
                caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
                Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
                substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
                of the variable you wish to use.

                Typical Data Table records:

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, AssignVariableCellText, AVariableName

                Assign the value of cell 1,1 in JTable to DDVariable ^AVariableName.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, AssignVariableCellText, "AVariableName", 1 , 1

                Assign the value of cell 1,1 in JTable to DDVariable ^AVariableName.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, AssignVariableCellText, "^AVariableName", 4, "Field5"

                Assign the value of cell 4, Field5 in JTable to DDVariable ^AVariableName.
                The column is determined by matching the text "Field5" to the field headers
                in the JTable.

                  C, SetVariableValues, ^AVariableName="NextVariableName"
                  T, JavaWin, JTable, AssignVariableCellText, ^AVariableName, "ADatum", 5

                Assign the value of cell ADatum,5 in JTable to DDVariable ^NextVariableName.
                The row is determined by matching the text "ADatum" to the first cell in
                column 1 in the JTable that contains "ADatum".

      The "Assign...Fuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      The name of the Variable to receive the value.  GetTrimmedQuotedField
              will be used to extract the name of the variable.

              Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
              caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
              Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
              substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
              of the variable you wish to use.

       6      (OPTIONAL) The row of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Rows are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique cell value in column 1.

       7      (OPTIONAL) The column of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Columns are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique field header text value.

      The "Assign...Fuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: FEB 05, 2003

      FEB 05, 2003    Original Release
      FEB 08, 2003    (CANAGL) Modified the "Contains" keyword to use "Fuzzy" instead.
      OCT 19, 2004    (bolawl) Mod to include output param ColumnNames() in call to

   Sub VerifyCellText (cellmode as Integer, matchmode as Integer)


                Attempts to verify a particular cell value.

                Typical Data Table records:

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, VerifyCellText, AValue

                Compares the value of cell 1,1 in JTable to "AValue".

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, VerifyCellText, "AValue", 1 , 1

                Compares the value of cell 1,1 in JTable to "AValue".

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, VerifyCellText, ^AVariableName, 4, "Field5"

                Compares the value of cell 4, Field5 in JTable to the value stored in ^AVariableName.
                The column is determined by matching the text "Field5" to the field headers
                in the JTable.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, VerifyCellText, ^AVariableName, "ADatum", 5

                Compares the value of cell ADatum,5 in JTable to the value stored in ^AVariableName.
                The row is determined by matching the text "ADatum" to the first cell in
                column 1 in the JTable that contains "ADatum".

      The "VerifyFuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.

      The "Verify...Contains" version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the comparison of the cell value and the benchmark text.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      The benchmark value for the comparison.

       6      (OPTIONAL) The row of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Rows are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique cell value in column 1.

       7      (OPTIONAL) The column of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Columns are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique field header text value.

      The "VerifyFuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.

      The "Verify...Contains" version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the comparison of the cell value and the benchmark text.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: FEB 07, 2003

      FEB 07, 2003    Original Release
      OCT 19, 2004    (bolawl) Mod to include output param ColumnNames() in call to

   Sub SelectCellText (mode as Integer)


                Attempts to select a particular cell.

                Typical Data Table records:

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, SelectCellText

                Selects cell 1,1 in JTable.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, SelectCellText, 1 , 1

                Selects cell 1,1 in JTable.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, SelectCellText, 4, "Field5"

                Selects 4, Field5 in JTable.
                The column is determined by matching the text "Field5" to the field headers
                in the JTable.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, SelectCellText, "ADatum", 5

                Selects cell ADatum,5 in JTable.
                The row is determined by matching the text "ADatum" to the first cell in
                column 1 in the JTable that contains "ADatum".

      The "SelectFuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      (OPTIONAL) The row of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Rows are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique cell value in column 1.

       6      (OPTIONAL) The column of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Columns are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique field header text value.

      The "SelectFuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: FEB 10, 2003

      FEB 10, 2003    Original Release
      JUL 11, 2004    (CANAGL) mod to use selectCellRowColumn.
      Oct 19, 2004    (bolawl) Mod to include table2DData() and ColumnNames() in calls to getRowColCellIndices()
                               and selectCellRowColumn()

   Sub RangeToFile (mode As Integer)


                Captures a range of cell values into the specified file.

                Typical Data Table records:

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, CaptureRangeToFile, AFileName.txt

                Save the values of the entire table to <project>\Datapool\Test\AFileName.txt
                This is because no range beginning or end parameters were provided.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, CaptureRangeToFile, AFileName.txt, 1 , 1

                Save the values of the entire table to <project>\Datapool\Test\AFileName.txt
                This is because we were told to start at the first cell and no parameters
                were provided specifying how many rows or columns to capture.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, CaptureRangeToFile, AFileName.txt, 4, "Field5", 2, 5

                Save the values starting from cell 4, Field5 in JTable to
                The column is determined by matching the text "Field5" to the field headers
                in the JTable.  2 rows and 5 columns will be copied starting from the
                specified cell.

                  T, JavaWin, JTable, CaptureRangeToFile, AFileName.txt, "ADatum", 5, , 2

                Save the values starting from cell ADatum,5 in JTable to
                The row is determined by matching the text "ADatum" to the first cell in
                column 1 in the JTable that contains "ADatum".  All subsequent rows for the
                specified 2 columns will be captured.

      The "CaptureFuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.


      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       5      The filename to receive the values.

       6      (OPTIONAL) The row of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Rows are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique cell value in column 1.

       7      (OPTIONAL) The column of the cell in the row/col specification.
              Defaults to 1.  Columns are 1-based.
              Alternatively, this can be a unique field header text value.

       8      (OPTIONAL) The number of rows to capture.  If not provided,
              capture up to the last row.

       9      (OPTIONAL) The number of columns to capture.  If not provided,
              capture up to the last column.

      10      (* FUTURE *) Optional File Filter to use during processing.

      11      (* FUTURE *) Optional Filter options for the File Filter.

      The "CaptureFuzzy..." version of this function will allow case-insensitive
      substring matches during the evaluation of column 1 row text and header fields.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: FEB 12, 2003

      FEB 12, 2003    Original Release
      OCT 19, 2004    (bolawl) Mod to include output param ColumnNames() in call to

   Sub Main ()


      Entry point to process a StepDriver ACTION COMMAND on a JavaTable.
      The routine merely reads the Global StepDriverTestInfo.testcommand and
      calls the appropriate subroutine to process it.

      If the testcommand is unrecognized it will be processed by the
      GenericMasterFunctions.GenericUnimplementedCommand routine.


      none    -   the called subroutine has the requirements



 Orig Author: Bernd Weber
 Orig   Date: Jun 05, 2002

      JUN 05, 2002    Original Release
      OCT 17, 2002    (CANAGL) Reroute fallback to GenericObjectFunctions.
      OCT 22, 2002    (CANAGL) Warn of unimplemented TF and TW record types.
      DEC 12, 2002    (CANAGL) Added support for XSLComponentActions.MAP
      FEB 04, 2003    (CANAGL) Removed remnants of moved VP support.
      FEB 05, 2003    (CANAGL) Added AssignVariable commands.
      FEB 07, 2003    (CANAGL) Added Verify... ande SelectCellText... commands.
      FEB 10, 2003    (CANAGL) Added SelectCellText and SelectFuzzyCellText commands.
      FEB 12, 2003    (CANAGL) Added CaptureRangeToFile commands.
      JUL 11, 2004    (CANAGL) Added Assign/Row and Select/Find commands.
      OCT 17, 2005    (CANAGL) Added RightClickCell support.

Copyright (2001,2002,2003) Bernd Weber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free 
Software Foundation. This license version can be viewed in its entirety at:


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
this program; if not, write to:
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
59 Temple Place, Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA