SQABasic "CustomUtilities" Library


	When the developer is doing custom extensions they will most likely
	need to create or reference custom utility functions. The core DDE
	provides this file and its associated header files for that purpose.

	Note that the static Core DDE has no way of dynamically accessing or
	even recognizing custom utilities implemented by the developer. The
	real benefit to the developer is that they can populate the SBH header
	files with their own variables, constants, user-defined types, and
	function declarations for their custom utility functions.  These would
	then automatically get included by any library that includes the main
	DDE header--DDEngine.SBH. It prevents developers from having to add
	their own custom include(s) for information they stick in these headers.

	In actuality, the core DDE does not have to supply this SBL file since
	the header declarations can point to any SBL file.  But the core DDE
	provides this SBL file as a suitable template and to maintain current
	DDE naming conventions.

	The developer can implement their routines in this file, or any number
	of SBL files.  Note, however, that the namespace for public routines and
	other public items is shared with the Core DDE.  So you cannot
	duplicate the name of any public item or routine in your custom libraries.

Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

   Sub   Custom_SampleSub        BasicLib CustomUtilities 
Function Custom_SampleFunction   BasicLib CustomUtilities 





User-Defined Types


Routine Details

  Sub Custom_SampleSub (parm1 As Integer)


	Describe the purpose of this subroutine.


	parm1	Provide necessary information for any parameters.


	(none)  (List/Describe ERRORS "thrown" by this routine.)

 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 31, 2002

      JAN 31, 2002	Original Release

  Function Custom_SampleFunction (parm1 As Integer) As Integer


	Describe the purpose of this function.


	parm1	Provide necessary information for any parameters.


       0 on pass	(Describe return values)
      -1 on failure


	(none)  (List/Describe ERRORS "thrown" by this routine.)

 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 31, 2002

      JAN 31, 2002	Original Release

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 