MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module is used to implement project specific, or site specific, logging that is intended to either enhance or replace the built-in logging provided by the Core framework. The built-in logging is primarily handled by the LogUtilities library. Note that the static Core framework has no way of dynamically accessing or even recognizing custom log utilities implemented by the developer except by calling the predefined hook functions in this library. An added benefit to the developer is that they can populate the SBH header files with their own variables, constants, user-defined types, and function declarations for their custom logging functions. These would then automatically get included by any library that includes the main DDE header--DDEngine.SBH. It prevents developers from having to add their own custom include(s) for information they stick in these headers. The developer can implement their routines in this file, or they can call into any number of other files. Note, however, that the namespace for public routines and other public items is shared with the Core framework. So you cannot duplicate the name of any public item or routine in your custom libraries.Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details
Function CustomDDELogInitialization BasicLib CustomLogUtilities Function CustomDDELogMessage BasicLib CustomLogUtilities Function CustomDDELogFinalization BasicLib CustomLogUtilities
Function CustomDDELogInitialization (fac as LogFacility) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Used to enhance existing InitLogFacility functionality. The framework will call this "hook" after completing default initialization. This function can add initialization information sent to the logs and/or initialize or write to custom logs maintained by the user. PARAMETERS: fac LogFacility sent with the message. RETURNS: 0 (normal) -1 This is the standard DDE error code for Log Initialization errors. The DDE also reserves codes -99 thru +99. Any other code may be returned from CustomDDELogInitialization. ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 22, 2002 History: JUN 22, 2002 Original Release
Function CustomDDELogMessage (fac as LogFacility, msgType as Integer, msgText as String, msgDescription as String ) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Used to enhance or replace existing DDE LogMessage functionality. The DDE will call this "hook" prior to logging each message. This function can intercept and enhance existing logging, write to additional custom logs maintained by the user, or completely bypass DDE logging to use a custom logging solution. Upon exit, this routine must return an appropriate value to instruct the DDE to continue or bypass normal logging. By default, this routine allows normal logging to continue. PARAMETERS: fac LogFacility sent with the message. msgType integer of type of message we are logging. (see LogUtilities CONSTANTS MessageType identifiers) The DDE will have already converted this to GENERIC_MESSAGE if no msgType was passed to LogUtilities. Custom message types are not prevented and will be ignored by the core DDE implementation. Your custom logging must handle any custom message types or no log output will be produced for that message. Consult the LogUtilities documentation for the msgType values already reserved for the core DDE. These should be Integer values 0 thru 5000. msgText string text of message sent with the LogFacility. msgDescription additional descriptive text for the message. This parameter is optional for the core DDE and will have already been converted to an empty string if it was not provided. RETURNS: LU_NORMAL_DDE_LOGGING (default) allow normal DDE logging to continue LU_BYPASS_DDE_LOGGING bypass normall DDE logging ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 22, 2002 History: JUN 22, 2002 Original Release
Function CustomDDELogFinalization (fac as LogFacility, finalize as Integer) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Used to enhance or replace existing DDE CloseAllLogs functionality. The DDE will call this "hook" prior to closing all file-based logs associated with the LogFacility passed in. This function can intercept and enhance existing finalization, write to additional custom logs maintained by the user, or completely bypass DDE finalization to use a custom solution. Upon exit, this routine must return an appropriate value to instruct the DDE to continue or bypass normal finalization. By default, this routine allows normal finalization to continue. PARAMETERS: fac LogFacility sent with the message. finalize 1 instructs routine to write extra finalization text to the log. 0 instructs the routine to only write the closing date/time stamp. These finalize values are used by the default DDE routines. Your custom routines may choose to ignore these values or react to different values. RETURNS: LU_NORMAL_DDE_LOGGING (default) allow normal Log Close operations. LU_BYPASS_DDE_LOGGING bypass normal Log Close operations. ERRORS: (none) Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: JUN 22, 2002 History: JUN 22, 2002 Original Release
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