SQABasic "WinRegistryUtilities" Library


      Routines to play with the registry.  We can create keys, get, and set
      the values of keys in the registry.

Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

Function CreateRegistryKey       BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function SetRegistryString       BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function SetRegistryDWord        BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function GetRegistryString       BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function GetRegistryDWordAsString  BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function WSHRegRead              BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function WSHRegWrite             BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function RegObjRead              BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 
Function RegObjWrite             BasicLib WinRegistryUtilities 

Routine Details

  Function CreateRegistryKey ( hKey As Long, lpSubKey As String ) As Long


      Creates a subkey in the specified hKey hive.  This is a subkey and
      not an item with a stored value.
      Works for NT and 95/98.  The subkey is created with ALL_ACCESS access
      and then closed.  If the key already exists, it is merely opened and
      then closed.

      Note: we cannot create keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS.


       hKey       Long value of which Registry Hive to open.
                  The valid values are defined in the WIN32 Library
                  Note: we cannot create keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS.
                  (Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

       lpSubKey   String value of the subkey to create in the hKey hive.
                  This should not have leading or trailing slashes.
                  (Example: "Software\Procurement Vision\Preferences")


       ERROR_SUCCESS (0) on success of creating the subkey item, OR
       error codes from RegCreateKeyEx if unsuccessful.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 05, 2000

      APR 05, 2000    Original Release

  Function SetRegistryString(hKey As Long, lpSubKey As String,
                             sItem As String, sValue As String) As Long


      Sets the string value of the specified registry entry.
      If the key does not exist on entry the routine attempts to create it.
      Works for NT and 95/98.  The key is opened with SET_VALUE access.
      If the key does not exist then it is created with ALL_ACCESS access.
      The value is then set and the key is closed.

      Note that we cannot create keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS.


       hKey       Long value of which Registry Hive to open.
                  The valid values are defined in the WIN32 Library
                  (Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

       lpSubKey   String value of the subkey within the hive to access.
                  This should not have leading or trailing slashes.
                  (Example: "Software\Procurement Vision\Preferences")

       sItem      String value of the key or item to create/set.
                  (Example: "appheight")
                  If "" then the routine sets the value of the
                  Default item in 95/98.  This will be an unnamed item in NT if
                  it exists.

       sValue     String value to assign to sItem in the registry.  Windows
                  reference suggests NOT storing data of length greater than
                  2048 bytes in the registry.  Store large data in files and
                  store the filename in the registry.


       ERROR_SUCCESS (0) on success of creating/setting key item value, OR
       error codes from RegOpenKeyEx/CreateKeyEx or RegSetValueEx if unsuccessful.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 05, 2000

      APR 05, 2000    Original Release

  Function SetRegistryDWord(hKey As Long, lpSubKey As String,
                             sItem As String, lValue As Long) As Long


      Sets the DWORD value of the specified registry entry.
      If the key does not exist on entry the routine attempts to create it.
      Works for NT and 95/98.  The key is opened with SET_VALUE access.
      If the key does not exist then it is created with ALL_ACCESS access.
      The value is then set and the key is closed.

      Note that we cannot create keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS.


       hKey       Long value of which Registry Hive to open.
                  The valid values are defined in the WIN32 Library
                  (Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

       lpSubKey   String value of the subkey within the hive to access.
                  This should not have leading or trailing slashes.
                  (Example: "Software\Procurement Vision\Preferences")

       sItem      String value of the key or item to create/set.
                  (Example: "appheight")
                  If "" then the routine sets the value of the
                  Default item in 95/98.  This will be an unnamed item in NT if
                  it exists.

       lValue     DWORD value to assign to sItem in the registry.


       ERROR_SUCCESS (0) on success of creating/setting key item value, OR
       error codes from RegOpenKeyEx/CreateKeyEx or RegSetValueEx if unsuccessful.



 Orig Author: Mark Butler (Russell.com)
 Orig   Date: JUN 08, 2000

      JUN 08, 2000    Original Release

  Function GetRegistryString (hKey As Long, lpSubKey As String,
                              sItem As String) As String


      Retrieve the string value of the specified registry entry.
      Works for NT and 95/98.  The key is opened with QUERY_VALUE access,
      read, and then closed.


       hKey       Long value of which Registry Hive to open.
                  The valid values are defined in the WIN32 Library
                  (Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

       lpSubKey   String value of the subkey within the hive to access.
                  This should not have leading or trailing slashes.
                  (Example: "Software\Procurement Vision\Preferences")

       sItem      String value of the key or item to retrieve.
                  (Example: "appheight")
                  If "" then the routine returns the value of the
                  Default item in 95/98.  There is normally no Default item in NT,
                  but there may be one unnamed item.


      The string value stored in sItem or "" if unsuccessful.  Limited in
      length to 1024 characters.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 05, 2000

      APR 05, 2000    Original Release

  Function GetRegistryDWordAsString (hKey As Long, lpSubKey As String,
                                     sItem As String) As String


      Retrieve the DWord value of the specified registry entry as a String.
      Works for NT and 95/98.  The key is opened with QUERY_VALUE access,
      read, and then closed.


       hKey       Long value of which Registry Hive to open.
                  The valid values are defined in the WIN32 Library
                  (Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER)

       lpSubKey   String value of the subkey within the hive to access.
                  This should not have leading or trailing slashes.
                  (Example: "Software\Procurement Vision\Preferences")

       sItem      String value of the key or item to retrieve.
                  (Example: "appheight")
                  If "" then the routine returns the value of the
                  Default item in 95/98.  There is normally no Default item in NT,
                  but there may be one unnamed item.


      The DWord value stored in sItem or "" if unsuccessful.



 Orig Author: Mark Butler (Russell.com)
 Orig   Date: JUN 02, 2000

      JUN 02, 2000    Original Release

 Function WSHRegRead (sName As String) as String,


      Retrieve the value of the specified registry entry as a String, using
      Windows Scripting Host. Works for NT and 95/98 where WSH is installed.
      If sName ends with backslash ("\"), this method returns the key instead
      of the value. sName must must begin with one of following root key names:



       sName       String value of which Registry Hive, path and key to open.


      The registry key or value named by sName.


      The RegRead method supports only REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY,
      and REG_MULTI_SZ data types. If the registry has other data types, RegRead returns

 Author : Paul Downes, paul_downes@providian.com
 Date   : MAY 07, 2001

      MAY 07, 2001    Original Release

 Function WSHRegWrite(sName As String, vValue As Variant, _
                   Optional vDataType as Variant) As String


      Sets the registry key or value named by sName, using Windows Scripting
      Host. Works for NT and 95/98 where WSH is installed.  If sName ends
      with backslash ("\"), this method writes the key instead of the value.
      sName must must begin with one of following root key names:



      sName     = Key or value name to write.

      vValue    = The value data to write into the key or registry value.

      vDataType = (Optional) The data type for the value being stored in the registry.

      RegWrite supports REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_DWORD, and REG_BINARY types.
      If another data type is passed, RegWrite returns E_INVALIDARG.

      RegWrite automatically converts vValue to a string when vDataType is
      REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ. If vDataType is REG_DWORD, vValue is converted
      to an integer. If vDataType is REG_BINARY, vValue must be an integer.


      Zero, if successful.


      If an unsupported data type is passed, RegWrite returns E_INVALIDARG.

 Author : Paul Downes, paul_downes@providian.com
 Date   : MAY 07, 2001

      MAY 07, 2001    Original Release

 Function RegObjRead(sRegPath_IN as String, sKeyName_IN as String, _
           vValue_OUT as Variant, Optional vType_OUT as Variant) as Integer


      Retrieve the value of the specified registry entry as a String, using
      Microsoft Registry Object. The Registry Object (regobj.dll) must be
      present and registered; (should) work for NT and 95/98 where installed.


      sRegPath_IN = hive\path for the key/value, e.g.
      "\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rational Test\8\Robot\Robot"

      sKeyName_IN = name of the key/value, e.g. "LastScript"

      vValue_OUT  = return the value data for the key/value

      vType_OUT   = (Optional) return the data type for vValue_OUT
                    May be one of: REG_NONE, REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ,
                                   REG_BINARY, REG_DWORD, REG_MULTI_SZ


      sqaPass if successful, sqaFail if error, 440 if the name is not in use
      for a subkey or named value


 Author : Paul Downes, paul_downes@providian.com
 Date   : MAY 08, 2001

      MAY 08, 2001    Original Release

 Function RegObjWrite(sRegPath_IN as String, sKeyName_IN as String, _
        vValueData_IN as Variant, Optional vType_IN as Variant) as Integer


      Set value data of the specified registry entry, using the Microsoft
      Registry Object. The Registry Object (regobj.dll) must be present
      and registered; (should) work for NT and 95/98 where installed.


      sRegPath_IN = hive\path for the key/value, e.g.
      "\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rational Test\8\Robot\Robot"

      sKeyName_IN = name of the key/value, e.g. "LastScript"

      vValueData_IN = value to store for the named key/value

      vType_IN = (Optional) data type for key/value


      sqaPass if successful, sqaFail if error, 440 if regisry path specified
      is invalid


 Author : Paul Downes, paul_downes@providian.com
 Date   : MAY 08, 2001

      MAY 08, 2001    Original Release

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 