MODULE DESCRIPTION: Routines to work with Excel files generally through the COM API.Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details
Function ExportXLSToFiles BasicLib ExcelUtilities Function ExportXLSToOneFile BasicLib ExcelUtilities Function ExportXLS2INIFile BasicLib ExcelUtilities Function ExportXLS2TestComposer BasicLib ExcelUtilities
Function ExportXLSToFiles (fileXLS As String, Optional dirXLS As Variant, Optional password As Variant, Optional updateLinks As Variant, Optional dirOUT As Variant, Optional delimiter As Variant, Optional colmax As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Routine outputs each worksheet within an Excel workbook to a delimited file. In general, this is used to export the data in Excel Spreadsheets for processing by other programs (like the Data Driven Engine). The XLS file will be open with the updateLinks provided or it will use the value of 0 or FALSE to forego any link updates. In the latter event, any linked data that needs to be updated in the Excel workbook should be done prior to the call of this routine. The XLS file will be opened in READ-ONLY mode. However, if updateLinks is provided and causes an update to occur we will continue but WILL NOT save these changes to file. The updates will be reflected in our output files but will not be retained in the Excel file. Thus, if the update is to be retained in the Excel file that will need to be done separately. If the workbook requires a password then it should be provided as well. The routine exports only the range of cells identified by the UsedRange Object retrieved from each worksheet. Each field is extracted by the Value returned from the UsedRange.Rows(r).Columns(c).Value function. Fields are delimited by the first character in the provided delimiter string or by a TAB character if delimiter is not provided. Each row is output on a separate line in the output file. Each worksheet is output to a separate file. The name of the file is the value returned from the Worksheet.Name property of the worksheet. Thus, the worksheet should have a name.ext syntax. Otherwise you may get a file with no extension. The file will be written to the directory specified by the dirOUT parameter or to the dirXLS directory if dirOUT is not provided. SPECIAL CASE PROCESSING: Any worksheet name ending in ".MAP" (case-insensitive) will be processed as if it contains Application Map information for the Data Driven Engine. This essentially limits the UsedRange processing and output to Column 1 only. This is provided for workbooks which include one or more worksheets of Application Map data. These worksheets are still output as separate files just like the rest of the worksheets in the workbook. PARAMETERS: fileXLS The Excel XLS workbook file to open in dirXLS. If the .XLS extension is not provided then we will add it. File is open in READ-ONLY mode. dirXLS OPTIONAL directory in which to find the XLS file. If this parameter is not provided then we will attempt to locate the file via FindSQAFile in FileUtilities. password OPTIONAL string password. If the workbook requires a password then this parameter is NOT optional because Excel will prompt for a password (and we don't like that). updateLinks OPTIONAL value to provide when opening the Excel workbook. Normally, Excel prompts the user for Yes or No to update object links if the workbook contains linked objects. We bypass the prompt by providing this parameter. Valid values you can provide this routine: Numeric 0 to bypass link updates. Numeric 1 to update remote but not external references. Numeric 2 to update external but not remote references. Numeric 3 to update all references. NOTE: Updated data will be used, but not saved. dirOUT OPTIONAL directory in which to write the output files. If this is not provided then we will output to the same directory found via the dirXLS parameter. delimiter OPTIONAL string containing the field separator character used between fields in a row. Only the first character is used. If this is not provided then the delimiter will be a TAB character. colmax OPTIONAL Integer containing the maximum number of column has to export. This to prevent that if the Excel file were generated by TESTGENERATOR then the number of column is infinite and the export of the Excel file in textual file is very long. (ADDED By Catherine verbeeck 28/02/2005) RETURNS: 0 Success -1 Missing fileXLS Input Parameter -2 Invalid dirXLS, fileXLS, or dirOUT Input Parameters -3 Invalid updateLinks value provided -4 Unable to Get or Create Excel.Application (but no error was trapped) N Trapped Error returned from Excel Object Scripting or File Handling routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 15, 2000 History: AUG 15, 2000 Original Release MAY 02, 2005 COLMAX by Catherine Verbeeck
Function ExportXLSToOneFile (fileXLS As String, fileOUT As String, Optional dirXLS As Variant, Optional password As Variant, Optional updateLinks As Variant, Optional dirOUT As Variant, Optional delimiter As Variant, Optional colmax As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Routine outputs the worksheets within an Excel workbook to one delimited file. In general, this is used to export the data in Excel Spreadsheets for processing by other programs (like the Data Driven Engine). In this case, this function is ideal for processing an Excel workbook which contains a separate worksheet for separate Sections of an Application Map. However, there may be other uses for this functionality. The XLS file will be open with the UpdateLinks provided or it will use the value of 0 or FALSE to forego any link updates. In the latter event, any linked data that needs to be updated in the Excel workbook should be done prior to the call of this routine. The XLS file will be opened in READ-ONLY mode. However, if updateLinks is provided and causes an update to occur we will continue but WILL NOT save these changes in Excel. The updates will be reflected in our output files but will not be retained in the Excel file. Thus, if the update is to be retained in the Excel file that will need to be done separately. If the workbook requires a password then it should be provided as well. The routine exports only the range of cells identified by the UsedRange Object retrieved from each worksheet. Each field is extracted by the Value returned from the UsedRange.Rows(r).Columns(c).Value function. Fields are delimited by the first character in the provided delimiter string or by a TAB character if delimiter is not provided. Each row is output on a separate line in the output file. fileOUT will be written to the directory specified by the dirOUT parameter or to the dirXLS directory if dirOUT is not provided. SPECIAL CASE PROCESSING: Any worksheet name ending in ".MAP" (case-insensitive) will be processed as if it contains Application Map information for the Data Driven Engine. This essentially limits the UsedRange processing and output to Column 1 only. This is provided for workbooks which include one or more worksheets of Application Map data (which was the original intent of this routine anyway). PARAMETERS: fileXLS The Excel XLS workbook file to open in dirXLS. If the .XLS extension is not provided then we will add it. File is open in READ-ONLY mode. fileOUT The exported file to create in the dirOUT (or dirXLS) directory. dirXLS OPTIONAL directory in which to find the XLS file. If this parameter is not provided then we will attempt to locate the file via FindSQAFile in FileUtilities. password OPTIONAL string password. If the workbook requires a password then this parameter is NOT optional because Excel will prompt for a password (and we don't like that). updateLinks OPTIONAL value to provide when opening the Excel workbook. Normally, Excel prompts the user for Yes or No to update object links if the workbook contains linked objects. We bypass the prompt by providing this parameter. Valid values you can provide this routine: Numeric 0 to bypass link updates. Numeric 1 to update remote but not external references. Numeric 2 to update external but not remote references. Numeric 3 to update all references. NOTE: Updated data will be used, but not saved. dirOUT OPTIONAL directory in which to write the output files. If this is not provided then we will output to the same directory found via the dirXLS parameter. delimiter OPTIONAL string containing the field separator character used between fields in a row. Only the first character is used. If this is not provided then the delimiter will be a TAB character. colmax OPTIONAL Integer containing the maximum number of column has to export. This to prevent that if the Excel file were generated by TESTGENERATOR then the number of column is infinite and the export of the Excel file in textual file is very long RETURNS: 0 Success -1 Missing fileXLS or fileOUT Input Parameters -2 Invalid dirXLS, fileXLS, or dirOUT Input Parameters -3 Invalid updateLinks value provided -4 Unable to Get or Create Excel.Application (but no error was trapped) N Trapped Error returned from Excel Object Scripting or File Handling routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: AUG 15, 2000 History: AUG 15, 2000 Original Release MAY 05, 2005 COLMAX by Catherine Verbeeck JAN 25, 2006 (CANAGL for JRUXLOW) Add blank lines between App Map sections.
Function ExportXLS2INIFile (fileXLS As String, fileOUT As String, Optional dirXLS As Variant, Optional password As Variant, Optional updateLinks As Variant, Optional dirOUT As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Routine outputs all the worksheet(s) within an Excel workbook to one "=" delimited file--but with some special handling. This is used to export the data in Excel Spreadsheets to a text file that is in an INI file format. In this case, this function is ideal for processing an Excel workbook which potentially contains a separate worksheet for separate Sections of an INI file or Application Map. However, there may be other uses for this functionality. The expected format for data in the Worksheet is as follows: COLUMN1 COLUMN2 ================== ================== [SectionName] ItemName ItemValue ItemName ItemValue ItemName ItemValue The output file will then look like: [SectionName] ItemName=ItemValue ItemName=ItemValue ItemName=ItemValue The XLS file will be open with the UpdateLinks provided or it will use the value of 0 or FALSE to forego any link updates. In the latter event, any linked data that needs to be updated in the Excel workbook should be done prior to the call of this routine. The XLS file will be opened in READ-ONLY mode. However, if updateLinks is provided and causes an update to occur we will continue but WILL NOT save these changes in Excel. The updates will be reflected in our output files but will not be retained in the Excel file. Thus, if the update is to be retained in the Excel file that will need to be done separately. If the workbook requires a password then it should be provided as well. The routine exports only cols 1 and 2 of cells identified by the UsedRange Object retrieved from each worksheet. Each field is extracted by the Value returned from the UsedRange.Rows(r).Columns(c).Value function. Cols 1 and 2 are delimited by an "=" character. However, no delimiter is output for blank cols or between col1 and col2 if col2 is empty. Additionally, if col1 is empty but col2 contains a value, then the value is prepended with a ";" comment delimiter to insure the comment is ignored by INI file processing routines. Cols 3-N of UsedRange are not processed. Each row is output on a separate line in the output file. fileOUT will be written to the directory specified by the dirOUT parameter or to the dirXLS directory if dirOUT is not provided. PARAMETERS: fileXLS The Excel XLS workbook file to open in dirXLS. If the .XLS extension is not provided then we will add it. File is open in READ-ONLY mode. fileOUT The exported file to create in the dirOUT (or dirXLS) directory. dirXLS OPTIONAL directory in which to find the XLS file. If this parameter is not provided then we will attempt to locate the file via FindSQAFile in FileUtilities. password OPTIONAL string password. If the workbook requires a password then this parameter is NOT optional because Excel will prompt for a password (and we don't like that). updateLinks OPTIONAL value to provide when opening the Excel workbook. Normally, Excel prompts the user for Yes or No to update object links if the workbook contains linked objects. We bypass the prompt by providing this parameter. Valid values you can provide this routine: Numeric 0 to bypass link updates. Numeric 1 to update remote but not external references. Numeric 2 to update external but not remote references. Numeric 3 to update all references. NOTE: Updated data will be used, but not saved. dirOUT OPTIONAL directory in which to write the output files. If this is not provided then we will output to the same directory found via the dirXLS parameter. RETURNS: 0 Success -1 Missing fileXLS or fileOUT Input Parameters -2 Invalid dirXLS, fileXLS, or dirOUT Input Parameters -3 Invalid updateLinks value provided -4 Unable to Get or Create Excel.Application (but no error was trapped) N Trapped Error returned from Excel Object Scripting or File Handling routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: Feb 22, 2001 History: FEB 22, 2001 Original Release JAN 25, 2006 (CANAGL for JRUXLOW) Add blank lines between App Map sections.
Function ExportXLS2TestComposer (fileXLS As String, fileOUT As String, Optional dirXLS As Variant, Optional password As Variant, Optional updateLinks As Variant, Optional dirOUT As Variant) As Integer DESCRIPTION: Routine outputs all the worksheet(s) within an Excel workbook to the file format suitable for SAS TestComposer. This is used to export the data in Excel Spreadsheets to a text file that is in a modified INI file format. In this case, this function is ideal for processing an Excel workbook which potentially contains a separate worksheet for separate Sections/Windows of an Application Map. However, there may be other uses for this functionality. The expected format for data in the Worksheet is as follows: COLUMN1 COLUMN2 COLUMN3 ================== ================== =================== [SectionName] ItemName ItemValue ComponentType ItemName ItemValue ComponentType ItemName ItemValue ComponentType The output file will then look like: [SectionName] ItemName=ItemValue|%|ComponentType ItemName=ItemValue|%|ComponentType ItemName=ItemValue|%|ComponentType The XLS file will be open with the UpdateLinks provided or it will use the value of 0 or FALSE to forego any link updates. In the latter event, any linked data that needs to be updated in the Excel workbook should be done prior to the call of this routine. The XLS file will be opened in READ-ONLY mode. However, if updateLinks is provided and causes an update to occur we will continue but WILL NOT save these changes in Excel. The updates will be reflected in our output files but will not be retained in the Excel file. Thus, if the update is to be retained in the Excel file that will need to be done separately. If the workbook requires a password then it should be provided as well. The routine exports only cols 1, 2 and 3 of cells identified by the UsedRange Object retrieved from each worksheet. Each field is extracted by the Value returned from the UsedRange.Rows(r).Columns(c).Value function. Cols 1 and 2 are delimited by an "=" character. Columns 2 and 3 are delimited by the 3 character string, "|%|". However, no delimiter is output for blank cols or between col1 and col2 if col2 is empty or between columns 2 and 3 if column 3 is empty. Additionally, if col1 is empty then only a column delimiter is output. Cols 4-N of UsedRange are not processed. Each row is output on a separate line in the output file. fileOUT will be written to the directory specified by the dirOUT parameter or to the dirXLS directory if dirOUT is not provided. PARAMETERS: fileXLS The Excel XLS workbook file to open in dirXLS. If the .XLS extension is not provided then we will add it. File is open in READ-ONLY mode. fileOUT The exported file to create in the dirOUT (or dirXLS) directory. dirXLS OPTIONAL directory in which to find the XLS file. If this parameter is not provided then we will attempt to locate the file via FindSQAFile in FileUtilities. password OPTIONAL string password. If the workbook requires a password then this parameter is NOT optional because Excel will prompt for a password (and we don't like that). updateLinks OPTIONAL value to provide when opening the Excel workbook. Normally, Excel prompts the user for Yes or No to update object links if the workbook contains linked objects. We bypass the prompt by providing this parameter. Valid values you can provide this routine: Numeric 0 to bypass link updates. Numeric 1 to update remote but not external references. Numeric 2 to update external but not remote references. Numeric 3 to update all references. NOTE: Updated data will be used, but not saved. dirOUT OPTIONAL directory in which to write the output files. If this is not provided then we will output to the same directory found via the dirXLS parameter. RETURNS: 0 Success -1 Missing fileXLS or fileOUT Input Parameters -2 Invalid dirXLS, fileXLS, or dirOUT Input Parameters -3 Invalid updateLinks value provided -4 Unable to Get or Create Excel.Application (but no error was trapped) N Trapped Error returned from Excel Object Scripting or File Handling routines. ERRORS: none Orig Author: Carl Nagle Orig Date: MAY 07, 2002 History: MAY 07, 2002 Original Release
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