SAFS TestLink Integration

Updated: 2013.03.20
by Carl Nagle

Current Public Development/TestBed: SAFSWorks TestLink
Current TestLink Version: 1.9.5
Current Database: MySQL

Top, Local Install, Public Testbed

Key SAFS Assets

Note the screenshots are intended to provide an idea of which assets make up which part of the SAFS TestLink Modifications.  As this editor is currently in-development, the actual content of the GUI may differ significantly from what is shown below.

  1. Main SAFS TestSuite Viewer.
    SAFS TestLink TestSuite Viewer

  2. Main TestCase Viewer with no Editor active.
    TestLink TestCase Viewer

  3. tcSAFSStepEditor.tpl Template for custom SAFS Step Editor.
    SAFS TestLink StepEditor

  4. safsstepeditor.class.php code for custom SAFS Step Editor.
    SAFS TestLink StepEditor

  5. stepeditor.html and resulteditor.html code for custom SAFS Step Editor.
    SAFS TestLink StepEditor

Top, Key Assets, Public Testbed

Local Server Installation and Configuration

Local development on local web servers is possible.  To do so, the developer must have access to a web server meeting TestLink requirements for the web server, PHP, and Database.

  1. Download and Install OpenSource TestLink per its installation instructions.
  2. Create the TestLink Database according to TestLink install instructions.
    (We recommend using MySQL for easier cross-project support from all developers.)
  3. Change default admin password and hide TestLink install directories as recommended by TestLink install instructions.

  4. Configure\Merge '' where appropriate with entries like below:

  5. Copy\Merge SAFS source/common/testlink/ source files into appropriate server directories.

  6. Create one or more TestLink users with 'TEST DESIGNER' roles for testing\developing editor functionality.

Top, Key Assets, Local Install

Public TestBed Development

Development on the public testbed requires a safsworks userid with FTP write permissions.