SAFS Quick Reference

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DDDriverCommands [How To Read This Reference]
AppMapChaining SAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID Commands Enable and Disable support for App Map chaining.
AppMapResolve SAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID Commands Enable and Disable support for embedded DDVariables in App Map strings.
AssignClipboardVariable Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Copy the clipboard contents to a DDVariable.
CallRemote Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Execute a command on an external system / application.
CaptureMousePositionOnScreen Rational RobotJSAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID CommandsAutomatedQA Test Complete Capture the location of the mouse pointer relative to the screen and save the x and y components into variables.
ClearAllVariables Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJAutomatedQA Test Complete Clear storage of all DDVariables.
ClearAppMapCache Rational RobotJSelenium Clear the internal application map cache.
ClearClipboard Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Clear the contents of the Window's clipboard.
CloseApplication Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Close a named application process launched with LaunchApplication.
CloseApplicationMap SAFS TID Commands Close a previously opened Application Map.
CopyVariableValueEx Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Copy the value of a (dynamic) DDVariable to another.
Delay Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Delay for a specified number of milliseconds.
DisableDomain Rational RobotJ Disable a particular test domain for testing.
EnableDomain Rational RobotJ Enable a particular test domain for testing.
Expressions Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID Commands Enable and Disable enhanced expressions.
GetAppMapValue SAFS Driver Commands Assign a DDVariable a value from an App Map.
GetCompScreenResolution Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJAutomatedQA Test Complete Gets the current computer screen resolution and returns x and y values.
GetDeltaDate Rational Robot ClassicAutomatedQA Test Complete Calculates the delta date positive or negative delta days from the supplied date
GetMillisBetweenRecords SAFS TID Commands Get the pause between two records, and assigns the value to a DDVariable.
GetRegistryKeyValue Rational RobotJSAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID Commands Assign the value of the specified Registry Key to a variable.
GetSecsAfterWindowActive Rational RobotJ Get the delay after window is activated, and assigns the value to a DDVariable.
GetSecsBeforeMouseDown Rational RobotJ Get the delay before mouse down, and assigns the value to a DDVariable.
GetSecsBeforeMouseUp Rational RobotJ Get the delay before mouse up, and assigns the value to a DDVariable.
GetSecsDelayRetryComponent Rational RobotJ Get the delay of re-finding object, and assigns the value to a DDVariable.
GetSecsSeekComponent Rational RobotJ Get the timeout of finding object, and assigns the value to a DDVariable.
GetSystemDate Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Assigns the string value of the system date to a DDVariable.
GetSystemDateTime Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Assigns the string value of the system datetime to a DDVariable.
GetSystemTime Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Assigns the string value of the current system time to a DDVariable.
GetVersion Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Get the engine VERSION
LaunchApplication Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Identify and Launch a specified application
Pause Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Pause for a specified number of seconds.
SaveClipboardToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Save the clipboard contents to a text file.
ScrollWheel Rational RobotJ Move mouse wheel forward (up) or backward (down).
SetApplicationMap Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Provide the Application Map for the DDE to use
SetBenchDirectory Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Set/Change the directory in which the framework will find benchmark files by default.
SetClipboard Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Set the clipboard contents to a string.
SetContext Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Set a Window or Window Component as the current Robot context.
SetDifDirectory Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Set/Change the directory in which the framework will locate file compare differences.
SetFocus Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Give a Window or Window Component input focus.
SetImageDebug SAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable verbose debug log output and high-res failure snapshots.
SetMillisBetweenRecords SAFS TID Commands Set the pause between two records.
SetMultipleThreadSearch SAFS TID Commands Turn on or trun off the multi-thread-search way to search an image.
SetProjectDirectory Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Set/Change the framework project directory.
SetRootVerifyDirectory Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Set/Change the Bench, Test, and Dif directories to be subdirectories off of the provided path.
SetSecsAfterWindowActive Rational RobotJ Set the delay after window is activated.
SetSecsBeforeMouseDown Rational RobotJ Set the delay before mouse down.
SetSecsBeforeMouseUp Rational RobotJ Set the delay before mouse up.
SetSecsDelayRetryComponent Rational RobotJ Set the delay of re-finding object.
SetSecsSeekComponent Rational RobotJ Set the timeout of finding object.
SetTestDirectory Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Set/Change the directory in which the framework will find test files (captured "actuals") by default.
SetVariableValueEx Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Set the value of a DDVariable
SetVariableValues Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Preset the value of one or more DDVariables
StartWebBrowser Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Launch a new web browser and optionally load a document into it.
UseAbbotFunctions SAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" ABBOT Functions over any other engine functions.
UseIOSFunctions SAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" IOS Functions over any other engine functions.
UseQTPFunctions SAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" QTP Functions over any other engine functions.
UseRobotJFunctions Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" RobotJ Hook Component Functions over Robot Classic Component Functions.
UseSAFSFunctions Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" SAFS (SDC) Functions over the current engine functions (like Robot Classic).
UseSeleniumFunctions Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" Selenium Functions over the current engine functions (like Robot Classic).
UseTestCompleteFunctions SAFS TID Commands Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" TestComplete (TCAFS) Functions over any other engine functions.
VerifyClipboardToFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Verify the current contents of the Windows clipboard with a benchmark file.
Version Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Specify the table format VERSION
WaitForGUI Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Wait for a Window or Window Component to become valid.
WaitForGUIGone Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Wait for a Window or Window Component to become invalid.
WaitForPropertyValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Wait for a specific Window or Component property value to match an expected value.
WaitForPropertyValueGone Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Wait for a specific Window or Component property value to change from a known value.
WaitForRegistryKeyExists Rational RobotJSAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID Commands Wait for a Registry Key to become valid.
WaitForRegistryKeyValue Rational RobotJSAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID Commands Wait for a specific Registry KeyValue to match an expected value.
WaitForWebPage Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Wait for a web document to finish loading within a timeout period.

DDDriverCounterCommands [How To Read This Reference]
DeleteCounter Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Delete any existing private counter with the provided counterID.
LogCounterInfo Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Log the specified counter's info in the active log(s) of the current Log Facility.
ResetCounter Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Create a new private counter or reset counts in an existing private counter.
ResumeStatusCounts Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Resume counting on ALL status counters--both public/global and private.
SetCounterMode Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Create a new private counter or modify the mode of an existing private counter.
StartCounter Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Create a new private counter or start an existing stopped private counter.
StartCycle Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Begin tracking status on a user-defined item.
StartProcedure Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Begin tracking status on a user-defined item.
StartRequirement Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Begin tracking status on a user-defined item.
StartSuite Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Begin tracking status on a user-defined item.
StartTestcase Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Begin tracking status on a user-defined TestCase.
StopCounter Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Create a new private counter or suspend counts in an existing private counter.
StopCycle Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Stop tracking status on a user-defined item.
StopProcedure Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Stop tracking status on a user-defined item.
StopRequirement Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Stop tracking status on a user-defined item.
StopSuite Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Stop tracking status on a user-defined item.
StopTestcase Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Stop tracking status on a user-defined TestCase.
StoreCounterInfo Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Store the current values of the named counter into unique DDVariables.
SuspendStatusCounts Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Suspend counting on ALL status counters--both public/global and private.

DDDriverDatabaseCommands [How To Read This Reference]
CopyDBTableColumnToFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands This routine will copy the contents of one or more DBTable column(s) to a file.
CopyDBTableToFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands This routine will copy the contents of a DBTable to a file.
DeleteDBTableRecords Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Deletes records in a database table
ExecSQLQuery Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Executes the query provided in a queryStr on the database table.
GetDBTableColumnCount Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Executes the query in a specified database table and returns the total column count.
GetDBTableRowCount Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Executes the query in a database table.
GetDBValue Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Executes the query and returns the case-sensitive value as result of the execution.
SetJdbcDriver Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands set Jdbc Driver
VerifyDatabaseNullValue Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Verifies the value of a field in a database table is NULL
VerifyDatabaseValue Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Verifies the case-sensitive value of a field in a database table
VerifyDBNullValue Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Verifies the value of a field in a database table is NULL
VerifyDBValue Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Verifies the case-sensitive value of a field in a database table

DDDriverDebugCommands [How To Read This Reference]
Breakpoints Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Enable and Disable Breakpoint Debugging.
CommandDebug Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Enable and Disable (C)Command Debugging.
RecordsDebug Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Enable and Disable debugging of ALL record types.
TestDebug Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Enable and Disable (T)Test Record Debugging.

DDDriverFileCommands [How To Read This Reference]
CloseFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Close the open file with the file number provided
CopyFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Copy the specified filename to the target filename.
CopyMatchingFiles Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Copy multiple files/sub-directories, based on matching the provided pattern, from one directory to another.
CreateDirectory Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Create the directory for the provided directory pathname
CreateFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Open a new file with the filename, mode and access provided.
DeleteDirectory Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Delete the directory for the provided directory pathname
DeleteDirectoryContents Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Delete the contents (files and sub-directories) of a provided directory and optionally, the directory itself.
DeleteFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Delete the file for the file name provided
FilterImage Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Filter out specific parts of an image.
FilterTextFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Filter a text file based on the given parameters.
FindSqaFile Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Find the file for the SQA relative path and file name provided. If a full file path is provided the file will be located using the full file path and name.
GetFileDateTime Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Determine the date and time the file last changed for file name provided and assign it to a DDV variable.
GetFileProtections Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Get the file attributes for the file name provided to the variable provided.
GetFiles Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Search the directory provided for files and write the list of filenames found in the output file name provided.
GetFileSize Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Determine the file size for file name provided and assign it to a DDV variable.
GetINIFileValue Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Get value from INI file.
GetStringCountInFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Count the number of occurrences of a target string in a File.
GetSubstringsInFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Extract dynamic substrings from a file using regular expressions.
GetTextFromImage Rational RobotJSAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID Commands Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text in an image file and save the text to a variable.
IfExistDir Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands If the specified directory exists, then execute the following driver command.
IfExistFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands If the specified file exists, then execute the following driver command.
IsEndOfFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands If the specified file is at the end of file, a 'variable' gets true assigned, otherwise it gets false
OpenFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Open an existing file with the filename, mode and access provided.RJ Note: Three ways to open a file: Input, ReadOutput, WriteAppend, Write
OpenUTF8File Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Open an existing UTF-8 file with the filename, mode and access provided.RJ Note: Three ways to open a file: Input, ReadOutput, WriteAppend, Write
PrintToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Write output to a sequential file already opened for writing.
ReadFileChars Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Read the number of characters from the file defined by file number and assign a string containing the characters read to a DDV variable.
ReadFileLine Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Read a line from the file defined by file number and assign a string containing the line read to a DDV variable.
ReadFileString Rational Robot Classic Read a comma-separated value from a file and store it in a DDVariable.
RenameFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Rename the file from the old file name to the new filename
SaveTextFromImage Rational RobotJSAFS Driver CommandsSAFS TID Commands Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text in an image file and save the text to a text file.
SetFileProtections Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Change the file attribute for the file name provided to the value of the new file protection provided.
WriteFileChars Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Write the specified number of characters to a file already opened for writing.

DDDriverFlowCommands [How To Read This Reference]
CallCycle Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Invoke a Cycle table (from StepDriver or SuiteDriver)
CallScript Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Invoke a custom script with passed parameters/variables, if desired.
CallStep Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Invoke a Step table from within another Step table (from StepDriver).
CallSuite Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Invoke a Suite table (from StepDriver or SuiteDriver)
ExitCycle Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Exit the currently running Step, Suite, and/or Cycle table.
ExitSuite Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Exit the currently running Step and/or Suite table.
ExitTable Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Exit the currently running Step, Suite, or Cycle table.
GotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto a named block in the current table.
OnContainsGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto the named block in the current table if value2 is contained within value1.
OnDirectoryExistGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Goto the named block in the current table if the directory exists.
OnDirectoryNotExistGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Goto the named block in the current table if the Directory does not exist.
OnEqualGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto the named block in the current table if two values are equal.
OnFileEOFGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Goto the named block in the current table if the file is at EOF.
OnFileExistGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Goto the named block in the current table if the file exists.
OnFileNotExistGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Goto the named block in the current table if the file does not exist.
OnGreaterThanGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto the named block in the current table if value1 is greater than value2.
OnGUIExistsGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Goto the named block in the current table if a GUI component exists.
OnGUINotExistGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Goto the named block in the current table if a GUI component does not exist.
OnInRangeGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto named block if value1 is between value2 and value3.
OnLessThanGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto the named block if value1 is less than value2.
OnMenuItemContainsStateGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Goto the named block in the current table if state is part of the state information of the menuitem.
OnNotContainsGotoBlockID SAFS TID CommandsRational Robot Classic Goto the named block in the current table if value2 is NOT a substring of value1.
OnNotEqualGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto the named block in the current table if two values are not equal.
OnNotGreaterThanGotoBlockID SAFS TID Commands Goto the named block in the current table if value1 is NOT greater than value2.
OnNotInRangeGotoBlockID Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Goto the named block in the current table if value1 is not between value2 and value3.
OnNotLessThanGotoBlockID SAFS TID Commands Goto the named block if value1 is NOT less than value2.
OnPartialMenuItemContainsStateGotoBlockID Rational Robot Classic Goto the named block in the current table if state is part of the state information of the menuitem. This command allows for a partial match of the menu item.
OnRegistryKeyExistGotoBlockID SAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Goto the named block in the current table if the Registry Key exists.
OnRegistryKeyNotExistGotoBlockID SAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Goto the named block in the current table if the Registry Key does not exist.
SetExitTableBlock Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Set or clear the name of a block to execute when the ExitTable command is encountered.
SetGeneralScriptFailureBlock Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Set or clear the name of a block to execute when GeneralScriptFailure occurs.
SetInvalidFileIOBlock Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Set or clear the name of a block to execute when InvalidFileIO occurs.
SetNoScriptFailureBlock Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Set or clear the name of a block to execute when NoScriptFailure occurs.
SetScriptNotExecutedBlock Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Set or clear the name of a block to execute when ScriptNotExecuted occurs.
SetScriptWarningBlock Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Set or clear the name of a block to execute when ScriptWarning occurs.
UseLocalFlowControl SAFS TID Commands When TRUE then flow control block IDs have current table scope only.

DDDriverLogCommands [How To Read This Reference]
LogFailureOK Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Log an EXPECTED failure message.
LogMessage Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Log a generic message
LogTestFailure Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Log a FAILURE message. Also increments appropriate counters.
LogTestSuccess Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Log a SUCCESS/OK message. Also increments appropriate counters.
LogTestWarning Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Log a WARNING message. Also increments appropriate counters.
LogWarningOK Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID Commands Log an EXPECTED WARNING message.
ResumeLogging Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID Commands Resume suspended logging.
SuspendLogging Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID Commands Suspend all logging.

DDDriverStringCommands [How To Read This Reference]
CleanString Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic CleanString, for each char in string: if ((char .gt. 31) and (char .lt. 127)) keep it, otherwise turn it into a space
Compare Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Compares two strings and returns an integer specifying the result of the comparison. The java version uses String.equals() for comparison so the result will be either 'true' or 'false'
Concatenate Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Concatenate String1 with String2 and returns concatenated string.
GetField Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands GetField, get a field out of a string using specified delimiter(s). Note that any leading or trailing whitespaces are still present.
GetFieldCount Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic GetFieldCount, Finds the count of all fields within the inputRecord found from startindex to the end of the inputRecord.
GetFixedWidthField Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic GetFixedWidthField, Given an Input of fixed-width fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field in the record.
GetMultiDelimitedField Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Given a sourceString of delimited fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field in the record from startIndex. The startIndex and fieldID are 1 based.
GetMultiDelimitedFieldCount Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Finds the count of all fields within the inputRecord found from startindex to the end of the inputRecord. The field and index are 1-based.
GetNextDelimiterIndex Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic GetNextDelimiterIndex, Finds the index of the first character matching one of the provided delimiter characters. The search begins at startindex within the inputRecord.
GetREDelimitedField Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands GetREDelimitedField, this command returns the requested field contained in the input string using the passed in regular expression as the delimiter(s).
GetREDelimitedFieldCount Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands GetREDelimitedFieldCount, this command returns the number of fields contained in the input string using the passed in regular expression as the delimiter(s).
GetSubstringsInString Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Extract dynamic substring from a string using regular expressions.
GetSystemEnviron Rational RobotJRational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands GetSystemEnviron, get a system environment variable value
GetSystemUser Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Get the USERID of the currently logged on user as stored in System Environment variables.
GetTrimmedField Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic GetTrimmedField, get a trimmed field out of a string using specified delimiter(s).
Index Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another string. -1 if not found at all
Left Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Returns a string of a specified number of characters copied from the beginning of another string.
LeftTrim Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic A new string trimmed of leading tabs and spaces.
Length Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Returns the length of a string or variable.
Replace Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Replace 'find' substring with 'replace' substring
Right Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Returns a string of a specified number of characters copied from the end of another string.
RightTrim Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic A new string trimmed of trailing tabs and spaces.
SubString Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Returns a portion of a string based on character index.
ToLowerCase Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Returns a copy of a string, with all letters converted to lowercase.
ToUpperCase Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic Returns a copy of a string after converting all letters to uppercase.
Trim Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver CommandsRational Robot Classic A new string trimmed of leading and trailing tabs and spaces.

DDDriverTimerCommands [How To Read This Reference]
StartTimer Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Will start a unique timer.
StopTimer Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Will end a unique timer and perform a verify test if a value was supplied at start time.
StoreTimerInfo Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Well store the timer information in the given variable. Information stored: .elapsed - Amount of seconds that has passed. .startTime - Time that the timer was started. .endTime - Time that the timer was stopped. .failures - Number of failures that happened on the timer (based on verify commands).
StoreTimerInfoFile Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Well store the timer information in the given file, in csv format. Will use absolute path if given otherwise uses SAFS Project Directory. Information Stored:Name,Start,Stop,Duration,Timeout,Pass? Name - Name of timer Start - Time of start Stop - Time of stop Duration - total elapsed time. Timeout - Pass? - if the timer passed any verfiy commands. Variable TimerStorageVariables can list additional variables to be stored in the file (comma delimited).
VerifyElapsedTimeInRange Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Well verify that a timer was in the range of the given values.
VerifyElapsedTimeIsLess Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Well verify that a timer was less then the given value.
VerifyElapsedTimeIsMore Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Well verify that a timer was greater then the given value.
VerifyTimer Rational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSAFS Driver Commands Well verify that a timer was less then the given value.

DDDriverDeprecatedCommands [How To Read This Reference]
EndRequirement Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner DEPRECATED. Use StopRequirement instead.
EndTestcase Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner DEPRECATED. Use StopTestCase instead.
GetVariableValueEx Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Replaced by CopyVariableValueEx
SetRequirement Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner DEPRECATED. Use StartRequirement instead.
SetTestcase Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner DEPRECATED. Use StartTestCase instead.

(back to top)

CheckBoxFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Check Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Tries to perform a Check on the Checkbox.
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Use Generic Object Click
UnCheck Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Tries to perform a UnCheck on the Checkbox.

ComboBoxFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
CaptureItemsToFile Rational RobotJ Capture Items To a File specified (if not abs, then to test dir)
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Attempts to perform a standard Click on the ComboBox
HideList Rational RobotJ Hide the combo box list (equivalent to an ESC or two ESCs).
Select Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item by its text value from a combobox.
SelectIndex Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item by its index from a combobox.
SelectPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item via a partial text match in a combobox.
SelectUnverified Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item by its text value from a combobox without verifying the selection.
SetTextValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Set the text of the combobox
SetUnverifiedTextValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJAutomatedQA Test Complete Set the text of the combobox without verification
ShowList Rational RobotJ Show the combo box list (expose it).
VerifySelected Rational RobotJ Verify Selected item is equal to specified parameter

ComboEditBoxFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Defaults to Generic CLICK where applicable.
Select Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item by its text value from a ComboEditBox.
SelectIndex Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item by its index from a ComboEditBox (ComboBox).
SelectPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item via a partial text match.
SetTextValue Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Set the text of the ComboEditBox
SetUnverifiedTextValue Rational Robot ClassicAutomatedQA Test Complete Set the text of the ComboEditBox without verification

ComboListBoxFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Select Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item by its text value from an exposed combobox dropdown list.
SelectIndex Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Select an item by its index from a combolistbox.

DatabaseFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
CopyDBTableColumnToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ This routine will copy the contents of one or more DBTable column(s) to a file.
CopyDBTableToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ This routine will copy the contents of a DBTable to a file.
DeleteDBTableRecords Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Deletes records in a database table
ExecSQLCommit Rational RobotJ This routine will commit the pending queries on the database.
ExecSQLQuery Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Executes the query provided in a ^queryStr on the database table.
GetDBTableColumnCount Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Executes the query in a specified database table and returns the total column count.
GetDBTableRowCount Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Executes the query in a database table.
GetDBValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Executes the query and returns the case-sensitive value as result of the execution.
VerifyDatabaseNullValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verifies the value of a field in a database table is NULL
VerifyDatabaseValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verifies the case-sensitive value of a field in a database table
VerifyDBNullValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verifies the value of a field in a database table is NULL
VerifyDBValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verifies the case-sensitive value of a field in a database table

EditBoxFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SetTextCharacters Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test CompleteSelenium Set the text of the editbox
SetTextValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test CompleteSelenium Set the text of the editbox
SetUnverifiedTextCharacters Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test CompleteSelenium Set the text of the editbox
SetUnverifiedTextValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test CompleteSelenium Set the text of the editbox without verification

FlexColorFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SetColor Rational RobotJ Action to set a color according to its color value. Currently, this component function is for Flex ColorPicker only.

FlexDateFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SetDate Rational RobotJ Action to set date for a date component according to its DateValue. Currently, this component function is for Flex Date components only.

FlexNumericStepperFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SetValue Rational RobotJ Action to set the value of the stepper according to its StepperValue. Currently, this component function is for Flex NumericStepper only.

FlexSliderFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SetValue Rational RobotJ Action to set the value of the slider according to its SliderValue. Currently, this component function is for Flex Slider only.

GenericMasterFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
AssignPropertyVariable Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Assign the string value of an object property to a specific DDVariable
CaptureObjectDataToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Copy the current contents of an object's data to a file.
CapturePropertiesToFile Rational RobotJSelenium Copy all of the value properties a test object to a file.
CapturePropertyToFile Rational RobotJSelenium Copy a propertie's value of a test object to to a file.
ClearAppMapCache Rational RobotJ Clear the internal application map cache.
GetGUIImage Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Capture the screen shot of a GUI component and save it to a file
GetTextFromGUI Rational RobotJSAFS TID Commands Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text on a GUI component and save the text to a variable.
GUIDoesExist Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Routine to verify the visual existence of a particular window and/or component.
GUIDoesNotExist Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Routine to verify the visual non-existence of a particular window and/or component.
HoverMouse Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsRational RobotJ Hover the mouse over an object.
HoverScreenLocation SAFS TID Commands Hover the mouse over a specified screen location.
InputCharacters Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerAbbot CommandsSelenium Sends literal text to the specified component.
InputKeys Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerAbbot CommandsSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Sends keystrokes to the specified component.
IsPropertyExist Rational RobotJ Verify if object's property exists or not.
LocateScreenImage Rational RobotJSAFS TID Commands Store the location and dimensions of a SAFS IBT component or area. Store the location and dimensions of a GUI component (RJ).
SaveTextFromGUI Rational RobotJSAFS TID Commands Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text on a GUI component and save the text to a text file.
SendEvent Rational RobotJ Send or trigger an "event" with 0 or more arguments.
SetPropertyValue Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Sets a value to the property of an object.
TypeChars SAFS TID Commands Sends literal text keystrokes to whatever has keyboard focus.
TypeKeys SAFS TID Commands Sends keystrokes to whatever has keyboard focus.
VerifyArrayPropertyToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify the value of an array property with a benchmark file
VerifyBinaryFileToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID Commands Verify the current contents of a binary file with a benchmark file.
VerifyClipboardToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify the current contents of the Windows clipboard with a benchmark file.
VerifyClipboardVP Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify the current contents of the Windows clipboard using a Robot ClipboardVP.
VerifyFileToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID Commands Verify the current contents of a text file with a benchmark file (same as VerifyTextFileToFile).
VerifyGUIImageToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Verify the screen shot of a GUI component with a benchmark image file
VerifyObjectDataToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verify the current contents of an object's data with a benchmark file.
VerifyProperty Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSeleniumAutomatedQA Test Complete Verify the value of a single object property
VerifyPropertyContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Verify that the value of an object property contains a string
VerifyPropertyToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify the value of a single object property with a benchmark file
VerifyTabOrder Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to verify the tab order of the specified object--usually a Window.
VerifyTextFileToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID Commands Verify the current contents of a text file with a benchmark file (same as VerifyFileToFile).
VerifyValueContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify that a string value contains a substring
VerifyValues Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify that two string values are identical. Note: RobotJ also uses identical keyword 'VerifyValueEquals'
VerifyValuesIgnoreCase Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify that two string values are identical, ignoring case.

GenericObjectFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
AltLeftDrag Rational RobotJ An ALT left mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates.
Click Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test CompleteAbbot CommandsSelenium A single click on an object.
ClickScreenImage SAFS TID Commands Same as Click.
ClickScreenLocation SAFS TID Commands Click a specified screen location.
ClickScreenPoint SAFS TID Commands (Deprecated) Click a specified screen location.
CompareStoredData Rational Robot Classic Performs a GenericObjectVP CompareData on an object.
CompareStoredProperties Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a GenericObjectVP CompareProperties on an object.
CtrlAltLeftDrag Rational RobotJ CTRL ALT left mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates.
CtrlClick Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSAFS TID CommandsAutomatedQA Test CompleteAbbot CommandsSelenium A CTRL-click on an object.
CtrlClickScreenImage SAFS TID Commands Same as CtrlClick.
CtrlLeftDrag Rational RobotJ A CTRL left mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates.
CtrlRightClick Rational Robot ClassicSAFS TID CommandsRational RobotJSelenium A CTRL-Right click on an object.
CtrlRightClickScreenImage SAFS TID Commands Same as CtrlRightClick.
CtrlShiftLeftDrag Rational RobotJ A CTRL SHIFT left mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates.
DoubleClick Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsAutomatedQA Test CompleteMercury Interactive WinRunnerAbbot CommandsSelenium A double click on an object.
DoubleClickScreenImage SAFS TID Commands Same as DoubleClick.
DoubleClickScreenLocation SAFS TID Commands DoubleClick a specified screen location.
DoubleClickScreenPoint SAFS TID Commands (Deprecated) DoubleClick a specified screen location.
HScrollTo Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to perform an HScrollTo on an object.
JavaMenuSelect Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Select a JAVA Menu Item according to a stored text value.
LeftDrag Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner A left mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates.
MouseClick Rational RobotJ A single click on an object by mouse event. It uses low level mouse event to click on an object.
MultiClick SAFS TID Commands Multiple clicks on an object.
MultiClickScreenImage SAFS TID Commands Same as MULTICLICK.
RightClick Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsAutomatedQA Test CompleteMercury Interactive WinRunnerAbbot CommandsSelenium A right click on an object.
RightClickScreenImage SAFS TID Commands Same as RightClick.
RightClickScreenLocation SAFS TID Commands RightClick a specified screen location.
RightClickScreenPoint SAFS TID Commands (Deprecated) RightClick a specified screen location.
RightDrag Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsMercury Interactive WinRunner A right mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates.
ShiftClick Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSAFS TID CommandsAutomatedQA Test CompleteMercury Interactive WinRunnerAbbot CommandsSelenium A SHIFT click on an object.
ShiftClickScreenImage SAFS TID Commands Same as ShiftClick.
ShiftLeftDrag Rational RobotJ A SHIFT left mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates.
VerifyImage Rational Robot Classic Performs a GenericObjectVP CompareImage OR a RegionImageVP on an object.
VScrollTo Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to perform a VScrollTo on an object.

GraphicControlFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a standard Click on the GraphicControl object
ClickButton Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a standard Click on the GraphicControl object

HTMLFunctions [How To Read This Reference]

HTMLDocumentFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
CaptureBodySourceToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Captures the HTML source of the BODY tag into a file.
CaptureBodyTextToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Captures the visible document text into a file.
ClickLink Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Performs an HTMLLink Click based on a complete match of text found on Links within this HTMLDOCUMENT object.
ClickLinkBeginning Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Performs an HTMLLink Click based on a partial match of text found on Links within this HTMLDOCUMENT object.
ClickLinkContaining Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Performs an HTMLLink Click based on a partial match of text found on Links within this HTMLDOCUMENT object.
ClickLinkMatching Rational Robot ClassicSelenium DEPARECATED. This command is identical to ClickLink.
VerifyBodySource Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Compares the HTML source of the BODY tag with that of a benchmark file.
VerifyBodyText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Compares the visible doc text with that of a benchmark file.

HTMLImageFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Command deprecated in favor of ClickArea.
ClickArea Rational RobotJ Attempts to perform a Click on a mapped region of an Image (on a webpage).
CompareStoredData Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a HTMLImageVP CompareData on an HTMLImage object.
CompareStoredProperties Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a HTMLImageVP CompareProperties on an HTMLImage object.
SaveHTMLImage Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to Save an HTMLImage on a webpage.
VerifyHTMLImage Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to verify an HTMLImage on a webpage to a benchmark file.

HTMLLinkFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Use Generic CLICK where possible.
CompareStoredData Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a HTMLLinkVP CompareData on an HTMLLink object.
CompareStoredProperties Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a HTMLLinkVP CompareProperties on an HTMLLink object.

HTMLTableFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ActivateCell Rational RobotJSelenium Attempts to perform a double click on a Table cell.
AssignCellContainsTextRow Rational RobotJSelenium Assigns a user-defined variable a row # based on partial matching cell values.
AssignCellTextRow Rational RobotJSelenium Assigns a user-defined variable a row # based on matching cell values.
AssignVariableCellText Rational RobotJSelenium Attempts to extract a particular cell value and assign it to the provided variable name.
CaptureFuzzyRangeToFile Rational RobotJSelenium Saves a range of values to the specified file.
CaptureRangeToFile Rational RobotJSelenium Saves a range of values to the specified file.
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a standard Click on an HTMLTable on a webpage.
ClickCell Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Click on a cell specified by row and column.
CompareStoredData Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a HTMLTableVP CompareData on an HTMLTable object.
CompareStoredProperties Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a HTMLTableVP CompareProperties on an HTMLTable object.
DoubleClickCell Rational RobotJSelenium Attempts to perform a double click on a cell in a Table.
RightClickCell Rational RobotJ Attempts to perform a right click on a cell in a Table.
SelectCell Rational RobotJSelenium Same as ClickCell.
SelectCellContainsTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
SelectCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell.
SelectCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
SelectCellTextSpecial Rational RobotJ Holds down either key Control or Shift while making a cell selection with emulating either a Left or Right mouse click.
SelectFuzzyCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell.
SelectFuzzyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on fuzzy cell values.
VerifyCellEditable Rational RobotJSelenium Verifies whether the specified cell is editable.
VerifyCellText Rational RobotJSelenium Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyCellTextContains Rational RobotJSelenium Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
VerifyCellValue Rational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Verify the value of a specific Cell.
VerifyColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular column's label when given a column number.
VerifyFuzzyCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyFuzzyCellTextContains Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyFuzzyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell by finding the row based on fuzzy cell values.

JavaMenuFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SelectMenuItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a menuItem according to its text value.
SelectMenuItemContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a menuItem according to a partial match of its text value.
SelectUnverifiedMenuItem Rational RobotJ Action to select a menuItem according to its text value without verification of it's existance.
VerifyMenuItem Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify the a particular menuitem exists in a menu.
VerifyMenuItemContains Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify the existence of a menuitem found by partial text match.

JavaTableFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ActivateCell Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to perform a double click on a JavaTable cell.
ActivateColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Double clicks on the label of the specified column.
AssignCellContainsTextRow Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Assigns a user-defined variable a row # based on partial matching cell values.
AssignCellTextRow Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Assigns a user-defined variable a row # based on matching cell values.
AssignVariableCellText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to extract a particular cell value and assign it to the provided variable name.
AssignVariableFuzzyCellText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to extract a particular cell value and assign it to the provided variable name.
CaptureFuzzyRangeToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Saves a range of values to the specified file.
CaptureRangeToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Saves a range of values to the specified file.
ClickCell Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to perform a Click on a cell in a JavaTable.
ClickColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Clicks on the label of the specified column.
DoubleClickCell Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to perform a double click on a cell in a JavaTable.
DoubleClickColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Double clicks on the label of the specified column.
RightClickCell Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to perform a right click on a cell in a JavaTable.
RightClickColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Right clicks on the label of the specified column.
SelectCell Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Same as ClickCell.
SelectCellContainsTextFind Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
SelectCellText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell.
SelectCellTextFind Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
SelectCellTextSpecial Rational RobotJ Holds down either Ctrl or Shift while making a cell selection with emulating either a Left or Right mouse click.
SelectFuzzyCellText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell.
SelectFuzzyCellTextFind Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on fuzzy cell values.
VerifyCellEditable Rational RobotJ Verifies whether the specified cell is editable.
VerifyCellText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyCellTextContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
VerifyColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular column's label when given a column number.
VerifyFuzzyCellText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyFuzzyCellTextContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyFuzzyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell by finding the row based on fuzzy cell values.

JavaTreeFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
CaptureTreeDataToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Copy the current contents of a tree[branch] to a file.
ClickTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees and works differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions (though that functionality may be added in the near future).
ClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees and may work differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions.
Collapse Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Use CollapseTextNode instead.
CollapsePartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to collapse a node according to a partial match of its text value.
CollapseTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to collapse a node according to its text value.
CollapseUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly collapse a node according to its text value.
CtrlClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly CTRL-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees only.
DoubleClickTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to double-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees and works differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions (though that functionality may be added in the near future).
DoubleClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly double-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees and may work differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions.
Expand Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Use ExpandTextNode instead.
ExpandPartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to expand a node according to a partial match of text value.
ExpandTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to expand a node according to its text value.
ExpandUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly expand a node according to its text value.
MakeSelection Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Use SelectTextNode instead.
PartialMatchTreeDataToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Copy the current contents of a tree[branch] to a file according to a partial match of its text value.
RightClickTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to right-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees and works differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions (though that functionality may be added in the near future).
RightClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly right-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees and may work differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions.
SelectAnotherPartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to a partial match of its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected. Performs selection as if CTRL key were held down during selection.
SelectAnotherTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected.
SelectAnotherUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly select a node according to its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected.
SelectPartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to a partial match of its text value. Performs selection as if CTRL key were held down during selection.
SelectTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to its text value.
SelectUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly select a node according to its text value.
SetTreeContainsNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Sets a user-defined variable with the result of whether a tree contains the provided node.
SetTreeContainsPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Sets a user-defined variable with the result of whether a tree contains the provided node according to a partial match of the node's text value.
ShiftClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly SHIFT-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees only.
VerifyTreeContainsNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verify that a tree contains the provided node.
VerifyTreeContainsPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verify that a tree contains the provided node according to a partial match of the node's text value.

DotNetTableFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ActivateCell Rational RobotJ Attempts to perform a double click on a DotNetTable cell.
ActivateColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Double clicks on the label of the specified column.
AssignCellContainsTextRow Rational RobotJ Assigns a user-defined variable a row # based on partial matching cell values.
AssignCellTextRow Rational RobotJ Assigns a user-defined variable a row # based on matching cell values.
AssignVariableCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to extract a particular cell value and assign it to the provided variable name.
AssignVariableFuzzyCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to extract a particular cell value and assign it to the provided variable name.
CaptureFuzzyRangeToFile Rational RobotJ Saves a range of values to the specified file.
CaptureRangeToFile Rational RobotJ Saves a range of values to the specified file.
ClickCell Rational RobotJ Attempts to perform a Click on a cell in a DotNetTable.
ClickColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Clicks on the label of the specified column.
DoubleClickCell Rational RobotJ Attempts to perform a double click on a cell in a DotNetTable.
DoubleClickColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Double clicks on the label of the specified column.
RightClickCell Rational RobotJ Attempts to perform a right click on a cell in a DotNetTable.
SelectCell Rational RobotJ Same as ClickCell.
SelectCellContainsTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
SelectCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell.
SelectCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
SelectCellTextSpecial Rational RobotJ Holds down either Ctrl or Shift while making a cell selection with emulating either a Left or Right mouse click.
SelectFuzzyCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell.
SelectFuzzyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular cell by finding the row based on fuzzy cell values.
VerifyCellEditable Rational RobotJ Verifies whether the specified cell is editable.
VerifyCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyCellTextContains Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell by finding the row based on cell values.
VerifyColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular column's label when given a column number.
VerifyFuzzyCellText Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyFuzzyCellTextContains Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell value.
VerifyFuzzyCellTextFind Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify a particular cell by finding the row based on fuzzy cell values.

DotNetMenuFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SelectMenuItem Rational RobotJ Action to select a menuItem according to its text value.
SelectMenuItemContains Rational RobotJ Action to select a menuItem according to a partial match of its text value.
VerifyMenuItem Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify the a particular menuitem exists in a menu.
VerifyMenuItemContains Rational RobotJ Attempts to verify the existence of a menuitem found by partial text match.

DotNetTreeFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
CaptureTreeDataToFile Rational RobotJ Copy the current contents of a tree[branch] to a file.
ClickTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees and works differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions (though that functionality may be added in the near future).
ClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees and may work differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions.
Collapse Rational RobotJ Use CollapseTextNode instead.
CollapsePartialTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to collapse a node according to a partial match of its text value.
CollapseTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to collapse a node according to its text value.
CollapseUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly collapse a node according to its text value.
CtrlClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly CTRL-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees only.
DoubleClickTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to double-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees and works differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions (though that functionality may be added in the near future).
DoubleClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly double-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees and may work differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions.
Expand Rational RobotJ Use ExpandTextNode instead.
ExpandPartialTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to expand a node according to a partial match of text value.
ExpandTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to expand a node according to its text value.
ExpandUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly expand a node according to its text value.
MakeSelection Rational RobotJ Use SelectTextNode instead.
PartialMatchTreeDataToFile Rational RobotJ Copy the current contents of a tree[branch] to a file according to a partial match of its text value.
RightClickTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to right-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees and works differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions (though that functionality may be added in the near future).
RightClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly right-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees and may work differently than documented in TreeViewFunctions.
SelectAnotherPartialTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to select a node according to a partial match of its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected. Performs selection as if CTRL key were held down during selection.
SelectAnotherTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to select a node according to its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected.
SelectAnotherUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly select a node according to its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected.
SelectPartialTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to select a node according to a partial match of its text value. Performs selection as if CTRL key were held down during selection.
SelectTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to select a node according to its text value.
SelectUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly select a node according to its text value.
SetTreeContainsNode Rational RobotJ Sets a user-defined variable with the result of whether a tree contains the provided node.
SetTreeContainsPartialMatch Rational RobotJ Sets a user-defined variable with the result of whether a tree contains the provided node according to a partial match of the node's text value.
ShiftClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly SHIFT-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for Trees only.
VerifyTreeContainsNode Rational RobotJ Verify that a tree contains the provided node.
VerifyTreeContainsPartialMatch Rational RobotJ Verify that a tree contains the provided node according to a partial match of the node's text value.

LabelFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a standard Click on the Label

ListBoxFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ActivatePartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Routine to DblClick and Verify an item according to a partial text match.
ActivateTextItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Routine to DblClick and Verify an item according to its text value.
ActivateUnverifiedPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium DblClicks an item according to a partial text match.
ActivateUnverifiedTextItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Routine to DblClick an item according to its text value.
CaptureItemsToFile Rational RobotJ Capture Items To a File specified (if not abs, then to test dir)
ClickColumnIndex Rational RobotJ Click a column header based on it's index of list, starting from 1
ClickColumnLabel Rational RobotJ Click a column header based on it's label
ClickTextItem Rational RobotJ Routine to Click a selection according to its text value. Note: This keyword triggers the click event
ExtendSelectionToTextItem Rational RobotJ Routine to Shift+Click and Verify a selection according to its text value.
RightClickTextItem Rational RobotJ Routine to Right-Click a selection according to its text value. Note: This keyword triggers the right-click event.
SelectAnotherTextItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Routine to Control+Click and Verify a selection according to its text value.
SelectAnotherUnverifiedTextItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Routine to Control+Click an item according to its text value. No post-select verification of the selection is performed.
SelectIndex Rational RobotJSelenium Select an item based on it's index in the list, starting from 1
SelectPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Routine to Click and Verify an item according to a partial text match.
SelectTextItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Routine to Click and Verify a selection according to its text value.
SelectUnverifiedAnotherTextItem Rational Robot Classic Use the identical "SelectAnotherUnverifiedTextItem" instead.
SelectUnverifiedPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Routine to Click an item according to a partial text match.
SelectUnverifiedTextItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Routine to Click a selection according to its text value.
SetListContains Rational RobotJ Set a variable with the result of checking that a listview contains the provided item.
VerifyItem Rational RobotJ Verifies a particular case-sensitive item based on index is equal to a particular value.
VerifyItemUnselected Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Verifies a particular case-sensitive text item is NOT selected.
VerifyListContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Verifies a particular list-item exists in the list (somewhere)
VerifyListContainsPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Verifies a particular list-item substring exists in the list (somewhere)
VerifyListDoesNotContain Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Verifies a particular list-item does NOT exists in the list (somewhere)
VerifyListDoesNotContainPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJSelenium Verifies a particular list-item substring does NOT exists in the list (somewhere)
VerifyMenuItem Rational RobotJ Verifies a particular case-sensitive menu-item exists in the list (somewhere)
VerifyMenuPartialMatch Rational RobotJ Verifies a particular case-insensitive menu-item substring exists in the list (somewhere)
VerifyPartialMatch Rational RobotJ Verifies a particular case-insensitive item based on index is has as substring a particular value.
VerifySelectedItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Verifies a particular case-sensitive text item is selected
VerifySelectedPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Verifies a particular case-sensitive item is selected based on a substring match.

ListViewFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ActivateTextItem Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Routine to double click an item according to its text value.
ActivateTextItemCoords Rational Robot Classic Double click a text item at specific Coords.
ActivateUnverifiedTextItem Rational Robot ClassicAutomatedQA Test Complete Routine to double click an unverifiable item according to its text value.
ActivateUnverifiedTextItemCoords Rational Robot Classic Double click an unverifiable text item at specific Coords.
AssignCellValue Rational Robot Classic Assigns the value of a cell in a listview to a variable.
RightClickTextItem Rational Robot Classic Routine to RightClick (single click) an item according to its text value.
RightClickTextItemCoords Rational Robot Classic Right click a text item at specific Coords.
RightClickUnverifiedTextItem Rational Robot Classic Routine to RightClick (single click) an unverifiable item according to its text value.
RightClickUnverifiedTextItemCoords Rational Robot Classic Right Click an unverifiable text item at specific Coords.
SelectIndexItem Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Routine to single click an item according to its Index value.
SelectIndexItemCoords Rational Robot Classic Routine to single click an item by Index at specific coordinates.
SelectRandomItems Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Routine to randomly select multiple items in the ListView object.
SelectTextItem Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Routine to select (single click) an item according to its text value.
SelectTextItemCoords Rational Robot Classic Single click a text item at specific Coords.
SelectUnverifiedTextItem Rational Robot ClassicAutomatedQA Test Complete Routine to select (single click) an unverifiable item according to its text value.
SelectUnverifiedTextItemCoords Rational Robot Classic Single click an unverifiable text item at specific Coords.
SetListContains Rational Robot Classic Set a variable with the result of checking that a listview contains the provided item.
VerifyItemUnselected Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Verifies a particular case-sensitive text item is NOT selected.
VerifyListContains Rational Robot Classic Verify that a list view contains the provided item.
VerifySelectedItem Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Verifies a particular case-sensitive text item is selected

PopupMenuFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
SelectPopupMenuID Rational Robot Classic Select a menuItem via its menuID in the currently active popup menu.
SelectPopupMenuItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJAutomatedQA Test Complete Select a menuItem via its text in the currently active popup menu.
SelectUnverifiedPopupMenuItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJAutomatedQA Test Complete Select a menuItem via its text in the currently active popup menu without verification.
VerifyPopupMenu Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verify the complete status of the current popup menu with a benchmark file.
VerifyPopupMenuID Rational Robot Classic Verify the state of a menuItem via its menuID in the currently active popup menu.
VerifyPopupMenuItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verify the state of a menuItem found via its text in the currently active popup menu.
VerifyPopupMenuPartialMatch Rational RobotJ Verify if a menuItem contains a substring

PushButtonFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Attempts to perform a standard Click on the PushButton
ClickButton Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Attempts to perform a standard Click on the PushButton

RadioButtonFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunnerAutomatedQA Test Complete Attempts to perform a standard Click on the RadioButton

ScrollBarFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
OneDown Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollLineDown on a scrollbar.
OneLeft Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollLeft on a scrollbar.
OneRight Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollRight on a scrollbar.
OneUp Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollLineUp on a scrollbar.
PageDown Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollPageDown on a scrollbar.
PageLeft Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollPageLeft on a scrollbar.
PageRight Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollPageRight on a scrollbar.
PageUp Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a ScrollPageUp on a scrollbar.

SSTreeFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
CollapseNode Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference.
ExpandNode Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Routine to DblClick a node according to its AppMap reference.
SelectNode Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Routine to select a node according to its AppMap reference.
VerifyExpandedState Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Routine to verify the state of the Expanded property--True or False-- for the node with the provided text.
VerifySelectedText Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Routine to verify the text of the currently selected node.

FPSpreadFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
CaptureRangeToFile Rational Robot Classic Capture the grid data to the specified file. For now, it can only be used to capture all of the grid data.
ClickCell Rational Robot Classic Attempts to perform a single click on a table cell.
CtrlClickCell Rational Robot Classic Attempts to perform a single Ctrl+Click on a table cell.
DoubleClickCell Rational Robot Classic Attempts to perform a double click on a table cell.
FindRowNumber Rational Robot Classic Search specified columns for the specified text. Assign the matching row number to the given variable.
RightClickCell Rational Robot Classic Attempts to perform a single right click on a table cell.
ShiftClickCell Rational Robot Classic Attempts to perform a single SHIFT+Click on a table cell.
VerifyCellText Rational Robot Classic Verify a specific cell's text.

TabControlFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Use ClickTab instead (where available).
ClickTab Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a standard Click on a particular Tab on the TabControl
ClickTabContains Rational RobotJ Attempts to perform a Click on a Tab according to a partial match of its text value.
MakeSelection Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a standard Click on a particular Tab on the TabControl
SelectTab Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to perform a standard SelectTab on a particular Tab on the TabControl
SelectTabIndex Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to select a particular Tab by Index.
UnverifiedClick Mercury Interactive WinRunner Use UnverifiedClickTab instead (where available).
UnverifiedClickTab Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Attempts to perform an unverified Click on a particular Tab on the TabControl

TableViewFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ActivateTableRow Mercury Interactive WinRunner Activate the specified row in the table.
GetCellValue Mercury Interactive WinRunner Get the value of a cell at a certain row and column
GetRowCount Mercury Interactive WinRunner Get a count of how many rows are in the table
SetSelectedColumn Mercury Interactive WinRunner Set the current column of to the one specified.
SetSelectedRow Mercury Interactive WinRunner Set the current row of to the one specified.
SetTableCellData Mercury Interactive WinRunner Set a specific cell to the specified value.
VerifyCellValue Mercury Interactive WinRunner Verify the contents of a particular cell at position row, column.

ToolBarFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ClickButton Rational Robot Classic Deprecated. Use ClickButtonText instead.
ClickButtonIndex Rational RobotJ Click on the icon at a certain position on the ToolBar object, it is 1-based.
ClickButtonText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Routine to Click on the specified Button.Key (Text) value.
ClickButtonTooltip Rational RobotJ Click on the icon whose tooltip equals to the provided parameter
ClickUnverifiedButtonID Rational Robot Classic Routine to select a toolbar button using it's ID.
ClickUnverifiedButtonText Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Routine to Click on the specified Button.Key (Text) value.
VerifyButtonClicked Rational Robot Classic Verifies a particular case-sensitive button text item is selected
VerifyButtonCount Rational Robot Classic Verifies a total button presents in the Toolbar.
VerifyButtonText Rational Robot Classic Verifies a particular case-sensitive text (button.key) item exists
VerifyButtonUnClicked Rational Robot Classic Verifies a particular case-sensitive button text item is unselected

TreeViewFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ActivateUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to (almost) blindly activate (double-click) a text node.
CaptureTreeDataToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Copy the current contents of a tree[branch] to a file.
CheckTextNode Rational Robot Classic Checks a node's state icon (checkbox) according to its associated text value.
ClickPartial Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to click a node according to a partial match of its text value.
ClickTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to click a node according to its text value.
ClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to (almost) blindly click a text node.
Collapse Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to collapse a node according to its text value.
CollapsePartial Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to collapse a node according to a partial match of its text value.
CollapsePartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to collapse a node according to a partial match of its text value.
CollapseTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Action to collapse a node according to its text value. Use Collapse instead.
CollapseUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly collapse a node according to its text value.
CtrlClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly CTRL-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees only.
DoubleClickPartial Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to double click a node according to a partial match of its text value.
DoubleClickTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to double click a node according to its text value.
DoubleClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to (almost) blindly activate (double-click) a text node.
Expand Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to expand a node according to its text value.
ExpandPartial Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to expand a node according to a partial match of text value.
ExpandPartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to expand a node according to a partial match of text value.
ExpandTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Action to expand a node according to its text value. Use Expand instead.
ExpandUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly expand a node according to its text value.
PartialMatchTreeDataToFile Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Copy the current contents of a tree[branch] to a file according to a partial match of itss text value.
RightClickPartial Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to right click a node according to a partial match of its text value.
RightClickTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to right click a node according to its text value.
RightClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to (almost) blindly right-click a text node.
Select Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to its text value.
SelectAnotherPartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to a partial match of its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected. Performs selection as if CTRL key were held down during selection.
SelectAnotherTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected.
SelectAnotherUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to blindly select a node according to its text value, in addition to any nodes already selected.
SelectPartial Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to a partial match of its text value.
SelectPartialTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to select a node according to a partial match of its text value. Performs selection as if CTRL key were held down during selection.
SelectStateIcon Rational Robot Classic Select/check a node's state icon (checkbox) according to its associated text value.
SelectTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Action to select a node according to its text value.
SelectUnverifiedTextNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Action to (almost) blindly click a text node.
SelectUnverifiedTextNodeRightClick Rational Robot Classic Skips many pre- and post-verification checks for right-clicks. Deprecated. Use RightClick instead.
SetTreeContainsNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Sets a user-defined variable with the result of whether a tree contains the provided node.
SetTreeContainsPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Sets a user-defined variable with the result of whether a tree contains the provided node according to a partial match of the node's text value.
ShiftClickUnverifiedTextNode Rational RobotJ Action to blindly SHIFT-click a node according to its text value. Currently, this component function is for JavaTrees only.
UnCheckTextNode Rational Robot Classic UnChecks a node's state icon (checkbox) according to its associated text value.
VerifyNodeUnselected Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Action to verify a particular text node is NOT selected.
VerifySelectedNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Action to verify a particular text node is selected.
VerifyStateIcon Rational Robot Classic Action to verify a particular state icon is selected/Checked.
VerifyStateIconUnselected Rational Robot Classic Action to verify a particular state icon is NOT selected.
VerifyTextNodeChecked Rational Robot Classic Action to verify a particular state icon is selected.
VerifyTextNodeUnChecked Rational Robot Classic Action to verify a particular state icon is NOT checked.
VerifyTreeContainsNode Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verify that a tree contains the provided node.
VerifyTreeContainsPartialMatch Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJ Verify that a tree contains the provided node according to a partial match of the node's text value.

VSFlexGridFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
ClickCell Rational Robot Classic Attempts to perform a single Click on a table cell.
SelectCell Rational Robot Classic Attempts to perform a Select on a table cell.
VerifyValuesToFile Rational Robot Classic Verify the string values of a grid block to a file benchmark.

WindowFunctions [How To Read This Reference]
Click Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a click on any part of a Window based on a stored x,y coordinate.
CloseWindow Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Sends a Close command to the active window.
CompareStoredProperties Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a WindowVP CompareProperties on an object.
DoubleClick Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a double-click on any part of a Window based on a stored x,y coordinate.
GetWinInfo Mercury Interactive WinRunner Gets the value of any property in a window.
InputCharacters Mercury Interactive WinRunner Sends literal text to the active window via an InputChars command.
InputKeys Mercury Interactive WinRunner Sends keystrokes to the active window via an InputKeys command.
Maximize Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Sends a WMaximize command to the active window.
Minimize Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Sends a WMinimize command to the active window.
Restore Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Sends a RestorePos command to the active window.
RightClick Mercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a right-click on any part of a Window based on a stored x,y coordinate.
SelectMenuID Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to select a particular menuitem by menuID.
SelectMenuItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to select a particular text string menuitem.
SelectMenuItemContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to select a menuitem based on a partial text match.
SetPosition Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunnerSelenium Sends a SetPosition command to the window to set the position, size, and status of the window.
VerifyImage Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Performs a WindowVP CompareImage OR a RegionImageVP on an object.
VerifyMainMenu Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Compares the active windows menu system with a benchmark
VerifyMenuID Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to verify the state information of a particular menuitem identified by MenuID.
VerifyMenuItem Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to verify the state information of a particular text string menuitem.
VerifyMenuItemContains Rational Robot ClassicRational RobotJMercury Interactive WinRunner Attempts to verify the state information of a menuitem found by partial text match.
VerifyOCRValue Rational Robot ClassicMercury Interactive WinRunner Performs an UNLOGGED WindowVP CompareImage OR a RegionImageVP on an object then attempts to retrieve and compare OCR text to the expected value provided.


EngineComponentCommands [How To Read This Reference]
EnableDomains Rational RobotJ Enable searching domains.
GetAccessibleName Rational RobotJ Get the AccessibleName of the component, if any.
GetCaption Rational RobotJ Get the Caption of a component, if any.
GetChildCount Rational RobotJ Get the number of children, if any, for the provided container component.
GetChildren Rational RobotJ Get references to the children, if any, for the provided container component.
GetClassname Rational RobotJ Get the Classname of a component.
GetId Rational RobotJ Get the ID of a component, if any.
GetLevel Rational RobotJ Get the Z-order of a component--usually a Window.
GetMatchingChildObjects Rational RobotJ Retrieve an array of child objects that match a recognition string.
GetMatchingParentObject Rational RobotJ Get a reference to the toplevel Window\Parent that matches the recognition string provided.
GetMatchingPathObject Rational RobotJ Get the subitem object\node matching the provided Path.
GetName Rational RobotJ Get the Name (AccessibleName or Name) of the component, if any. The AccessibleName shall be found first and returned, if any.
getNonAccessibleName Rational RobotJ Get the non-AccessibleName (Name except for AccessibleName) of the component, if any.
GetProperty Rational RobotJ Get the value of a specific property from a component.
GetPropertyNames Rational RobotJ Get the names of all available properties for a component.
GetStringData Get the values, text, or data associated with the component.
GetSuperClassnames Rational RobotJ Get the hierarchy of superclasses for the component.
GetText Rational RobotJ Get the (text) value of a component, if any.
GetTopLevelCount Rational RobotJ Get the number of visible top-level items (Windows?) for the engine.
GetTopLevelWindows Rational RobotJ Return references to all known top-level items (Windows).
IsMatchingPath Rational RobotJ Determine if there is a matching Path object.
IsShowing Rational RobotJ Is the component visible?
IsValid Rational RobotJ Does the component still exist as a valid object?
SetActiveWindow Rational RobotJ Make the component the active (topmost?) Window or Component.

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