' Data Table Sample for NOTEPAD using NotepadMap.txt AppMap ' Some StepDriver Record Types: ' B = Define a Named Block within the file ' C = StepDriver Command ' S = SKIP this Record ' T = Perform a ComponentFunction action or test 'Log this as Version 1.0 of our data table c; Version ; "1.0" c; SetApplicationMap ; "NotepadMap.txt" c; LaunchApplication ; "Notepad" ; Executable ;' Verify we get an error message if we try to save with no text ;t; UntitledNotepad ; UntitledNotepad ; SelectMenuItemContains ; File->Save ;t; NotepadMsg ; MessageLabel ; VerifyProperty ; Text ; "You have not entered any text to be saved. Type some text, and then try again." ;t; NotepadMsg ; OKButton ; Click 'Type some text and save the file t; UntitledNotepad ; UntitledNotepad ; InputKeys ; Some text t; UntitledNotepad ; UntitledNotepad ; SelectMenuItemContains ; "File->Save" t; SaveAsWin ; FilenameEditBox ; SetTextValue ; "c:\Temp\MyNotes.txt" t; SaveAsWin ; SaveButton ; Click 'Verify UntitledNotepad is now MyNotes. c; WaitForGUI ; MyNotes ; MyNotes ; 10 'Exit Notepad t; MyNotes ; MyNotes ; SelectMenuItemContains ; "File->Exit"