AppMapChaining |
Enable and Disable support for App Map chaining. |
AppMapResolve |
Enable and Disable support for embedded DDVariables in App Map strings. |
AssignClipboardVariable |
Copy the clipboard contents to a DDVariable. |
CallRemote |
Execute a command on an external system / application. |
CaptureMousePositionOnScreen |
Capture the location of the mouse pointer relative to the screen and save the x and y components into variables. |
ClearAllVariables |
Clear storage of all DDVariables. |
ClearAppMapCache |
Clear the internal application map cache. |
ClearArrayVariables |
Clear storage of all SAFS variables containing a specific prefix. |
ClearClipboard |
Clear the contents of the Window's clipboard. |
CloseApplication |
Close a named application process launched with LaunchApplication. |
CloseApplicationMap |
By map ID, Close a opened Application Map in map chain. |
CopyVariableValueEx |
Copy the value of a (dynamic) DDVariable to another. |
Delay |
Delay for a specified number of milliseconds. |
Expressions |
Enable and Disable enhanced expressions. |
GetAppMapValue |
Assign a DDVariable a value from an App Map. |
GetMillisBetweenRecords |
Get the pause between two records, and assigns the value to a DDVariable. |
GetRegistryKeyValue |
Assign the value of the specified Registry Key to a variable. |
GetSystemDate |
Assigns the string value of the system date to a DDVariable. |
GetSystemDateTime |
Assigns the string value of the system datetime to a DDVariable. |
GetSystemTime |
Assigns the string value of the current system time to a DDVariable. |
GetVersion |
Get the engine VERSION |
HideSoftKeyboard |
Hide the soft keyboard. |
LaunchApplication |
Identify and Launch a specified application |
NotifyAndWait |
Display a user-defined message dialog and wait until dismissed. |
Pause |
Pause for a specified number of seconds. |
SaveClipboardToFile |
Save the clipboard contents to a text file. |
SendEmail |
Send email notification with attachments. |
SetApplicationMap |
Provide the Application Map for the DDE to use |
SetBenchDirectory |
Set/Change the directory in which the framework will find benchmark files by default. |
SetClipboard |
Set the clipboard contents to a string. |
SetDifDirectory |
Set/Change the directory in which the framework will locate file compare differences. |
SetImageDebug |
Enable/Disable verbose debug log output and high-res failure snapshots. |
SetImageFuzzyMatching |
Enable/Disable Image-Based Testing Fuzzy Matching. |
SetMillisBetweenRecords |
Set the pause between two records. |
SetMultipleThreadSearch |
Turn on or trun off the multi-thread-search way to search an image. |
SetProjectDirectory |
Set/Change the framework project directory. |
SetRootVerifyDirectory |
Set/Change the Bench, Test, and Dif directories to be subdirectories off of the provided path. |
SetTestDirectory |
Set/Change the directory in which the framework will find test files (captured "actuals") by default. |
SetVariableValueEx |
Set the value of a DDVariable |
SetVariableValues |
Preset the value of one or more DDVariables |
ShowSoftKeyboard |
Show the soft keyboard. |
StartWebBrowser |
Launch a new web browser and optionally load a document into it. |
TakeScreenShot |
Take screenshot and save it to a file on test machine. |
UseAbbotFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" ABBOT Functions over any other engine functions. |
UseDroidFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" Droid Functions over the current engine functions (like Robot Classic). |
UseIOSFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" IOS Functions over any other engine functions. |
UseQTPFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" QTP Functions over any other engine functions. |
UseRobotJFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" RobotJ Hook Component Functions over Robot Classic Component Functions. |
UseSAFSFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" SAFS (SDC) Functions over the current engine functions (like Robot Classic). |
UseSeleniumFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" Selenium Functions over the current engine functions (like Robot Classic). |
UseTestCompleteFunctions |
Enable/Disable the switch to "prefer" TestComplete (TCAFS) Functions over any other engine functions. |
VerifyClipboardToFile |
Verify the current contents of the Windows clipboard with a benchmark file. |
Version |
Specify the table format VERSION |
WaitForGUI |
Wait for a Window or Window Component to become valid. |
WaitForGUIGone |
Wait for a Window or Window Component to become invalid. |
WaitForRegistryKeyExists |
Wait for a Registry Key to become valid. |
WaitForRegistryKeyValue |
Wait for a specific Registry KeyValue to match an expected value. |
DeleteCounter |
Delete any existing private counter with the provided counterID. |
LogCounterInfo |
Log the specified counter's info in the active log(s) of the current Log Facility. |
ResetCounter |
Create a new private counter or reset counts in an existing private counter. |
ResumeStatusCounts |
Resume counting on ALL status counters--both public/global and private. |
SetCounterMode |
Create a new private counter or modify the mode of an existing private counter. |
StartCounter |
Create a new private counter or start an existing stopped private counter. |
StartCycle |
Begin tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StartProcedure |
Begin tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StartRequirement |
Begin tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StartSuite |
Begin tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StartTestcase |
Begin tracking status on a user-defined TestCase. |
StopCounter |
Create a new private counter or suspend counts in an existing private counter. |
StopCycle |
Stop tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StopProcedure |
Stop tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StopRequirement |
Stop tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StopSuite |
Stop tracking status on a user-defined item. |
StopTestcase |
Stop tracking status on a user-defined TestCase. |
StoreCounterInfo |
Store the current values of the named counter into unique DDVariables. |
SuspendStatusCounts |
Suspend counting on ALL status counters--both public/global and private. |
CloseFile |
Close the open file with the file number provided |
CopyFile |
Copy the specified filename to the target filename. |
CopyMatchingFiles |
Copy multiple files/sub-directories, based on matching the provided pattern, from one directory to another. |
CreateDirectory |
Create the directory for the provided directory pathname |
CreateFile |
Open a new file with the filename, mode and access provided.TID Note: Three ways to create a file: Mode=Input, Access=ReadMode=Output, Access=WriteMode=Append, Access=Write |
DeleteDirectory |
Delete the directory for the provided directory pathname |
DeleteDirectoryContents |
Delete the contents (files and sub-directories) of a provided directory and optionally, the directory itself. |
DeleteFile |
Delete the file for the file name provided |
FilterImage |
Filter out specific parts of an image. |
FilterTextFile |
Filter a text file based on the given parameters. |
FindSqaFile |
Find the file for the SQA relative path and file name provided. If a full file path is provided the file will be located using the full file path and name. |
GetFileDateTime |
Determine the date and time the file created/last changed/last accessed for file name provided and assign it to a DDV variable. |
GetFileProtections |
Save the file attributes for the file name to the variable provided. |
GetFiles |
Search the directory provided for files according to possible attribute and write the list of filenames found into the output file. |
GetFileSize |
Determine the file size for file name provided and assign it to a DDV variable. |
GetINIFileValue |
Get value from INI file. |
GetStringCountInFile |
Count the number of occurrences of a target string in a File. |
GetSubstringsInFile |
Extract dynamic substrings from a file using regular expressions. |
GetTextFromImage |
Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text in an image file and save the text to a variable. |
IfExistDir |
If the specified directory exists, then execute the following driver command. |
IfExistFile |
If the specified file exists, then execute the following driver command. |
IsEndOfFile |
If the specified file is at the end of file, a 'variable' gets true assigned, otherwise it gets false |
OpenFile |
Open an existing file with the filename, mode and access provided.TID Note: Three ways to open a file: Mode=Input, Access=ReadMode=Output, Access=WriteMode=Append, Access=Write |
OpenUTF8File |
Open an existing UTF-8 file with the filename, mode and access provided.TID Note: Three ways to open a file: Mode=Input, Access=ReadMode=Output, Access=WriteMode=Append, Access=Write |
PrintToFile |
Write output to a sequential file already opened for writing. |
ReadFileChars |
Read the number of characters from the file defined by file number and assign a string containing the characters read to a DDV variable. |
ReadFileLine |
Read a line from the file defined by file number and assign a string containing the line read to a DDV variable. |
RenameFile |
Rename the file from the old file name to the new filename |
SaveTextFromImage |
Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text in an image file and save the text to a text file. |
SetFileProtections |
Change the file attribute for the file name provided to the value of the new file protection provided. |
WriteFileChars |
Write the specified number of characters to a file already opened for writing. |
CallCycle |
Invoke a Cycle table (from StepDriver or SuiteDriver) |
CallJUnit |
Invoke one or more JUnit tests using the provided Class name(s). |
CallStep |
Invoke a Step table from within another Step table (from StepDriver). |
CallSuite |
Invoke a Suite table (from StepDriver or SuiteDriver) |
ExitCycle |
Exit the currently running Step, Suite, and/or Cycle table. |
ExitSuite |
Exit the currently running Step and/or Suite table. |
ExitTable |
Exit the currently running Step, Suite, or Cycle table. |
GotoBlockID |
Goto a named block in the current table. |
OnContainsGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if value2 is contained within value1. |
OnDirectoryExistGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if the directory exists. |
OnDirectoryNotExistGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if the Directory does not exist. |
OnEqualGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if two values are equal. |
OnFileExistGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if the file exists. |
OnFileNotExistGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if the file does not exist. |
OnGreaterThanGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if value1 is greater than value2. |
OnGUIExistsGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if a GUI component exists. |
OnGUINotExistGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if a GUI component does not exist. |
OnInRangeGotoBlockID |
Goto named block if value1 is between value2 and value3. |
OnLessThanGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block if value1 is less than value2. |
OnNotContainsGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if value2 is NOT a substring of value1. |
OnNotEqualGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if two values are not equal. |
OnNotGreaterThanGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if value1 is NOT greater than value2. |
OnNotInRangeGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if value1 is not between value2 and value3. |
OnNotLessThanGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block if value1 is NOT less than value2. |
OnRegistryKeyExistGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if the Registry Key exists. |
OnRegistryKeyNotExistGotoBlockID |
Goto the named block in the current table if the Registry Key does not exist. |
SetExitTableBlock |
Set or clear the name of a block to execute when the ExitTable command is encountered. |
SetGeneralScriptFailureBlock |
Set or clear the name of a block to execute when GeneralScriptFailure occurs. |
SetInvalidFileIOBlock |
Set or clear the name of a block to execute when InvalidFileIO occurs. |
SetNoScriptFailureBlock |
Set or clear the name of a block to execute when NoScriptFailure occurs. |
SetScriptNotExecutedBlock |
Set or clear the name of a block to execute when ScriptNotExecuted occurs. |
SetScriptWarningBlock |
Set or clear the name of a block to execute when ScriptWarning occurs. |
UseLocalFlowControl |
When TRUE then flow control block IDs have current table scope only. |
CleanString |
CleanString, for each char in string: if ((char .gt. 31) and (char .lt. 127)) keep it, otherwise turn it into a space |
Compare |
Compares two strings and returns an integer specifying the result of the comparison. The java version uses String.equals() for comparison so the result will be either 'true' or 'false' |
Concatenate |
Concatenate String1 with String2 and returns concatenated string. |
GetField |
GetField, get a field out of a string using specified delimiter(s). Note that any leading or trailing whitespaces are still present. |
GetFieldCount |
GetFieldCount, Finds the count of all fields within the inputRecord found from startindex to the end of the inputRecord. |
GetFixedWidthField |
GetFixedWidthField, Given an Input of fixed-width fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field in the record. |
GetMultiDelimitedField |
Given a sourceString of delimited fields, return the nth(FieldID) Field in the record from startIndex. The startIndex and fieldID are 1 based. |
GetMultiDelimitedFieldCount |
Finds the count of all fields within the inputRecord found from startindex to the end of the inputRecord. The field and index are 1-based. |
GetNextDelimiterIndex |
GetNextDelimiterIndex, Finds the index of the first character matching one of the provided delimiter characters. The search begins at startindex within the inputRecord. |
GetREDelimitedField |
GetREDelimitedField, this command returns the requested field contained in the input string using the passed in regular expression as the delimiter(s). |
GetREDelimitedFieldCount |
GetREDelimitedFieldCount, this command returns the number of fields contained in the input string using the passed in regular expression as the delimiter(s). |
GetSubstringsInString |
Extract dynamic substring from a string using regular expressions. |
GetSystemEnviron |
GetSystemEnviron, get a system environment variable value |
GetSystemUser |
Get the USERID of the currently logged on user as stored in System Environment variables. |
GetTrimmedField |
GetTrimmedField, get a trimmed field out of a string using specified delimiter(s). |
Index |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another string. -1 if not found at all |
Left |
Returns a string of a specified number of characters copied from the beginning of another string. |
LeftTrim |
A new string trimmed of leading tabs and spaces. |
Length |
Returns the length of a string or variable. |
Replace |
Replace 'find' substring with 'replace' substring |
Right |
Returns a string of a specified number of characters copied from the end of another string. |
RightTrim |
A new string trimmed of trailing tabs and spaces. |
SubString |
Returns a portion of a string based on character index. |
ToLowerCase |
Returns a copy of a string, with all letters converted to lowercase. |
ToUpperCase |
Returns a copy of a string after converting all letters to uppercase. |
Trim |
A new string trimmed of leading and trailing tabs and spaces. |
ResetTimer |
Reset a "stopped" timer for reuse. |
StartTimer |
Will start a unique timer. |
StopTimer |
Will end a unique timer and perform a verify test if a value was supplied at start time. |
StoreTimerInfo |
Well store the timer information in the given variable. Information stored: .elapsed - Amount of seconds that has passed. .startTime - Time that the timer was started. .endTime - Time that the timer was stopped. .failures - Number of failures that happened on the timer (based on verify commands). |
StoreTimerInfoFile |
Well store the timer information in the given file, in csv format. Will use absolute path if given otherwise uses SAFS Project Directory. Information Stored:Name,Start,Stop,Duration,Timeout,Pass? Name - Name of timer Start - Time of start Stop - Time of stop Duration - total elapsed time. Timeout - Pass? - if the timer passed any verfiy commands. Variable TimerStorageVariables can list additional variables to be stored in the file (comma delimited). |
VerifyElapsedTimeInRange |
Well verify that a timer was in the range of the given values. |
VerifyElapsedTimeIsLess |
Well verify that a timer was less then the given value. |
VerifyElapsedTimeIsMore |
Well verify that a timer was greater then the given value. |
VerifyTimer |
Well verify that a timer was less then the given value. |
CapturePropertiesToFile |
Copy all of the value properties a test object to a file. |
GetGUIImage |
Capture the screen shot of a GUI component and save it to a file |
GetTextFromGUI |
Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text on a GUI component and save the text to a variable. |
GUIDoesExist |
Routine to verify the visual existence of a particular window and/or component. |
GUIDoesNotExist |
Routine to verify the visual non-existence of a particular window and/or component. |
HoverMouse |
Hover the mouse over an object. |
HoverScreenLocation |
Hover the mouse over a specified screen location. |
InputCharacters |
Sends literal text to the specified component. |
InputKeys |
Sends keystrokes to the specified component. |
LocateScreenImage |
Store the location and dimensions of a component. |
SaveTextFromGUI |
Incorporate OCR technology to detect the text on a GUI component and save the text to a text file. |
TypeChars |
Sends literal text keystrokes to whatever has keyboard focus. |
TypeEncryption |
Sends secret-text (such as password) to whatever has keyboard focus. |
TypeKeys |
Sends keystrokes to whatever has keyboard focus. |
VerifyBinaryFileToFile |
Verify the current contents of a binary file with a benchmark file. |
VerifyFileToFile |
Verify the current contents of a text file with a benchmark file (same as VerifyTextFileToFile). |
VerifyGUIImageToFile |
Verify the screen shot of a GUI component with a benchmark image file |
VerifyPropertiesToFile |
Compare/Verify ALL of the value properties of a test object with a benchmark file. |
VerifyTextFileToFile |
Verify the current contents of a text file with a benchmark file (same as VerifyFileToFile). |
VerifyValueContains |
Verify that a string value contains a substring |
VerifyValueContainsIgnoreCase |
Verify that a string value contains a substring, ignoring case. |
VerifyValueDoesNotContain |
Verify that a string value does NOT contain a substring |
VerifyValues |
Verify that two string values are identical. Note: RobotJ also uses identical keyword 'VerifyValueEquals' |
VerifyValuesIgnoreCase |
Verify that two string values are identical, ignoring case. |
VerifyValuesNotEqual |
Verify that two string values are NOT identical. |
Click |
A single click on an object. |
ClickScreenImage |
Same as Click. |
ClickScreenLocation |
Click a specified screen location. |
ClickScreenPoint |
(Deprecated) Click a specified screen location. |
CtrlClick |
A CTRL-click on an object. |
CtrlClickScreenImage |
Same as CtrlClick. |
CtrlRightClick |
A CTRL-Right click on an object. |
CtrlRightClickScreenImage |
Same as CtrlRightClick. |
DoubleClick |
A double click on an object. |
DoubleClickScreenImage |
Same as DoubleClick. |
DoubleClickScreenLocation |
DoubleClick a specified screen location. |
DoubleClickScreenPoint |
(Deprecated) DoubleClick a specified screen location. |
LeftDrag |
A left mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates. |
MultiClick |
Multiple clicks on an object. |
MultiClickScreenImage |
Press |
Press a touchscreen object for a number of seconds--0 seconds by default. |
RightClick |
A right click on an object. |
RightClickScreenImage |
Same as RightClick. |
RightClickScreenLocation |
RightClick a specified screen location. |
RightClickScreenPoint |
(Deprecated) RightClick a specified screen location. |
RightDrag |
A right mouse drag is performed on the object based on the stored coordinates. |
ShiftClick |
A SHIFT click on an object. |
ShiftClickScreenImage |
Same as ShiftClick. |
Tap |
A single Tap on a touchscreen object. Use keyword "Click" syntax and parameters. |
ActivateIndex |
Activate (double-click) an item based on it's index in the list |
ActivateIndexItem |
Routine to double click an item according to its index in the list. |
ActivatePartialMatch |
Routine to double click an item according to a partial text match. |
ActivateTextItem |
Routine to double click an item according to its text value. |
ActivateUnverifiedTextItem |
Routine to double click an unverifiable item according to its text value. |
CaptureItemsToFile |
Capture Items To a File specified (if not abs, then to test dir) |
ClickIndex |
Same as (Alias for) ListView ActivateIndexItem |
ClickIndexItem |
Same as (Alias for) ListView ActivateIndexItem |
SelectIndex |
Same as (Alias for) ListView SelectIndexItem |
SelectIndexItem |
Routine to single click an item according to its Index value. |
SelectPartialMatch |
Routine to select (single click) an item according to a partial text match. |
SelectTextItem |
Routine to select (single click) an item according to its text value. |
SelectUnverifiedTextItem |
Routine to select (single click) an unverifiable item according to its text value. |
ClearHighlightedDialog |
Clean the highlight rectangle. |
ClearReferenceCache |
Clear the Object reference cache used in a remote engine. |
GetAccessibleName |
Get the AccessibleName of the component, if any. |
GetCaption |
Get the Caption of a component, if any. |
GetChildCount |
Get the number of children, if any, for the provided container component. |
GetChildren |
Get references to the children, if any, for the provided container component. |
GetClassIndex |
Get the ClassIndex of the component, if any. |
GetClassname |
Get the Classname of a component. |
GetCurrentWindow |
Return a reference to the top-most active (Window) with focus. |
GetId |
Get the ID of a component, if any. |
GetMatchingChildKeysAtPoint |
According to screen location, find the test object at that point and return all matching keys in cache. |
GetMatchingChildObjects |
Retrieve an array of child objects that match a recognition string. |
GetMatchingParentObject |
Get a reference to the toplevel Window\Parent that matches the recognition string provided. |
GetName |
Get the Name (AccessibleName or Name) of the component, if any. The AccessibleName shall be found first and returned, if any. |
GetNonAccessibleName |
Get the non-AccessibleName (Name except for AccessibleName) of the component, if any. |
GetProperty |
Get the value of a specific property from a component. |
GetPropertyNames |
Get the names of all available properties for a component. |
GetSuperClassnames |
Get the hierarchy of superclasses for the component. |
GetText |
Get the (text) value of a component, if any. |
GetTopLevelCount |
Get the number of visible top-level items (Windows?) for the engine. |
GetTopLevelWindows |
Return references to all known top-level items (Windows). |
HighlightMatchingChildObjectByKey |
Find the component according to Window/Component Test Object's key and highlight it. |
IsEnabled |
Is the component Enabled (vs. disabled)? |
IsShowing |
Is the component visible? |
IsTopLevelPopupContainer |
Is the component a top-level Popup Container? |
IsValid |
Does the component still exist as a valid object? |
SetActiveWindow |
Make the component the active (topmost?) Window or Component. |